Wide boy Ryan was left off with a caution from the police for his cocaine possession and was offered a job by Steve - though Steve had an ulterior motive as he thought it might be a way of getting into his old flame, Ryan's mum Michelle's romantic good books. When Steve asked her out, she realised his sneaky game and blew him out - but the pair ended up as chums, with Michelle admitting she didn't trust her son and told Steve he had to wait for her to ask him out, not the other way round. Watch this space.
Sneaky Ryan meanwhile lied to his mum that he'd got the cocaine off Kylie - his lie was later exposed and he was forced to apologise. Michelle cut up his credit cards in order to stop him buying any more drugs and later said "I think I've got my boy back" - cue however to shot of Ryan in her absenceback at the house with a packet of cocaine.
Karl refused to sign over his share of the pub to Stella, while Stella warned Sunita, who has finally got her claws into him, that "he isn't worth it."
Norris was getting fed up of Tracy and her daughter Amy sharing his cosy set up with Emily. Tracy offered to clean the house in lieu of rent - but Norris (probably rightly) was suspicious that she'd be snooping among his possessions and put a padlock on his bedroom door. Though as Emily noted:" Why should Tracy be remotely interested in anything you've got your drawers." (ooh missus)
Norris's decision backfired when Tracy locked him in his room when he was asleep, and Norris was forced to call out for help from his window from Ryan who was passing in the street and demanded £20 for his time - which he promptly pocketed and scarpered, laughing. Boo! (I must say for a supposed druggie Ryan looks extremely healthy and buff).
Roy's mother was upset when she found out that her American squeeze Milton was in hospital after having a nasty accident by his swimming pool breaking his leg. Thoughtful Roy secretly bought her a ticket so she could visit him. He's a super son, really, Sylvia.
Roy's mother was upset when she found out that her American squeeze Milton was in hospital after having a nasty accident by his swimming pool breaking his leg. Thoughtful Roy secretly bought her a ticket so she could visit him. He's a super son, really, Sylvia.
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The padlock on the door was a bit contrived but fortunately didn't last long. Norris is only the lodger and it's not up to him to engage a builder. Would have been more believable if he'd bought a huge lockable chest. Cue innuendos about Norris's untouchable chest, perhaps? But then we wouldn't have had the pleasure of the smirk, one of the only two expressions that character/actress can manage.
Wasn't Norris locked in the loo at Roy's not too long ago? It's nice to see more of Emily.
Druggies come in all weight, size, and fitness level.
Norris is a TENANT and pays rent and is entitled to comment on free loader Tracy. The way Emily treats him is nothing short of disgusting sometimes. The silly pensioner probably depends financially on his rent as well.
As obnoxious as Norris is, I had to side with him on Tracy being a freeloader. He seems to be the only person who knows or cares to remember what a conniving sneaky bitch she is.
Putting a lock on his door made sense, although a padlock was dumb. If I were his landlady, I'd be pissed that he defaced my property. He could've had Jason install a deadbolt. But then that would've ruined the implausible story about Tracy locking him in.
The Kirsty domestic violence story has me reallllly livid at my TV, so the acting is superb! LOL!
~JB in Canada
Can I just say how lovely it was to see Sylvia again? She has been missed just lately.
The domestic violence story with Tyrone and Kirsty is spot on. It is even harder for a man to admit he is the victim of domestic violence than it is for a woman, due to the extra stigma, men are meant to be able to take care of themselves. It is seen as weakness if they are being beaten up by a woman. The victims of DV often blame themselves and make excuses for the violence, but they have no need to. No-one has the right to lay hands on another person and if that person claims to love you; that is even worse. 15% of all victims of domestic violence are men, and they all feel a variety of emotions, ashamed, afraid, inadequate, as if they are to blame, that no-one will believe them, they will be laughed at, and so on. This issue needs to be given more attention and good on Corrie for attempting to do just that.
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