Daniel's descent into the depths of grief-stricken despair has been a credible slow burner; a credit to Corrie's writing team. Grabbing a chance of happiness with Bethany, the relationship has always been painfully awkward with Sinead's ghost ever-present. After the slurred best man speech at the wedding, it's now painfully obvious to all concerned that he's using her as a replacement for his dead wife, and tonight the truth is painfully revealed. Seeking solace in alcohol, and finding Sinead's wedding ring, Daniel's misguided proposal is a disaster, and the end is nigh.Sad but inevitable.
Those scenes in N0.1 as Daniel and Bethany ended the relationship were stunning though and a testament to two great actors. Agree?
Also reaching the end of her journey, jaded Jade caused trouble for Ty before leaving the street for good? Fresh from Kevin selling the garage, troubled Tyrone had to buy the nefarious nanny a nice birthday gift from Hope. Predictably, Jade misconstrues the gift as some sort of mark of affection, and makes a pass at Ty, telling Fiz that they kissed! Jade's veiled threat to Fiz fails to hit the mark and with Hope finally realising her half-sister is a psycho, she tells her it's time to leave the house. Is this the last we will see of Jade? I can't say I'm convinced.
What I am convinced of though, is that Geoff is a git! Continuing his coercive campaign, Yasmeen's cash now seems to be his driver for evil. Squirrelling away at her secret stash, he tells Tim he will pay for the wedding, but will Ray's terrible one-star reviews of 'Speed Daal' hit the restaurants profit margins? Will Alya be Geoff's next victim? I have a theory about what's to come next...
If Ray now owns Gary's furniture shop (archway), this puts him in direct contact with the ginger gangster and grumpy Geoff. So I propose this; maybe Ray could kill off Geoff, Gary could kill off Ray, and then hey ho, problem solved?
Whilst we are it, do we think Gary may see fit to sort out Dr Ali, too? The GP seems hellbent on keeping hold of Maria (no, me neither) and now that Adam knows what's been going on, will his secret stay safe in The Rovers do we think or will the ginger gangster finish him off first? Let us know your thoughts!
I'll be back next week, once I've written complaint letters to 350 people telling them to eff (Geoff) off!
TARA until next week!
I'm @rybazoxo your corrie cobbles connoisseur

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Ali’s hair looks like a ‘70’s wig!
And how convenient that Nick suddenly has friends in London who are willing to put up Bethany, whom they've never met. Presumably for free, as interns aren't paid?
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