So, Weatherfield Golden Heart Award is different from Pride of Weatherfield Award right? It looks a lot better than the Freshco Launch with the quads of a few weeks ago. Tommy O is there for a start! Aggie doesn't want to attend, as she was just doing her job, but accepts the award anyway. That's not the main story at the ceremony though as a journalist approaches James to discuss rumours on social media about his sexuality: Danny has failed to understand twitter and sent James a public, rather than private, message. Senior Gay, Billy the Vic, approaches James to tell him that he can talk to him any time, but James denies that he is gay. After, he's called in to talk to County's manager and press officer, James accuses Danny of outing him deliberately.
Meanwhile, Shazza turns up for Gary's client list in return for her putting the frighteners on Ali; unforch she goes too far and poions his drink and he collapses in the medical centre. Toyah, who, lest we forget, is not a medical practitioner, immediately diagnoses it as Diazepam overdose and then tells Ryan her theory. Ali awakens and denies having taken any benzos.
This puts the dampeners on Gary and Maria's discussing wedding plans (not sure anyone can get married now Michelle has gone - will they have to plan their own weddings?! Coincidental that the first Weatherfield wedding that took place after Chelle's departure (the Barlow-Platt nuptials) went off without a, um, hitch). Maria feels responsible, thinking Ali deliberately overdosed because she has rejected him, and ends up telling Gary about the Valentine's Day tryst. Gary uses the info to attack Ali, saying that he's weak to have taken an overdose, even though he knows that's not the case.
In bat news, Nina quizzes Roy as to whether he's ever carried out civil disobedience in defence of bats. He tells of the anti-Victoria Court campaign and subsequent smoke attack by Tony Gordon. Roy fails to mention that Tony went on to kill Carla's lover and then romance his widow, but you know, bygones. Herman, Dave and Farooq from Bat Club (First rule of Bat Club: You have to be a middle aged man. Second rule of Bat Club: You have to be a middle aged man) turn up to talk pipistrelles and so forth, and are shocked by Nina's appearance (which as an aside, I have to say is proper '80s goth (1880s) rather than cybergoth or emo). I do hope that a) Nina isn't de-gothed at some point and b) the writers don't go down some kind of Black Roses route. She shows them her home-made bat boxes, but the Bat Men don't want her to come bat-watching with them, and call her the Bride of Chucky. Roy and a Che Guevara-quoting B-Pac resign from the gang in protest.
In OAP news, Claudia puts pressure on Ken to move to Still Waters and he tells the rest of the family. Tracy "kindly" says that Peter and Si can stay in Blanche's front room until they find somewhere new to live.
Tonight's comedy storyline is provided by Imran and Craig setting off on their run. Two men start, only one man finishes as Imran quits after a couple of yards and goes off to watch a film about intergalactic space battles (Toyah only likes "the arty stuff"). I hate to break it to you Craig, but running round the block a few times isn't going to make you look like Imran.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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