I like the sound of these two together, a lot. But what do you reckon?
Kev and Abi - Yay or Nay?
Glenda Young
Glenda Young
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Yay! I think Kev could use a little fun in his life, and Abi needs a capable man in her life. I love the idea of them double dating with Sally and Tim...exes and best friends.....fantastic. :-)
If Kev can lighten up, then they'll be good. Sally has transformed since she teamed up with Tim. Abi's a great character and she works well with Sally. It would be fun to see double dates with the four of them. (Just seen Newfy Pearl's comment. Heartily agree!)
I also think that Kevin and Abi would make a great couple[I bet Sally plays matchmaker?].
If their relationship becomes serious,Seb would be a great older brother to Jack.
i like the idea...could be fun. i just wish that Kevin would clean up a bit - he looks really scruffy and dirty with the facial hair
When it starts to creep down the neck and connect with his chest hair, its time to trim the bushy beast
Yay, except for that recording hobby. It took Abi a long time to get into Kev’s good books after punching him. Why is she suddenly acting like a 10 year old for cheap laughs? She’s street smart and should know better. Kev will go thru the roof.
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