Wednesday 13th February
SEB ROCKS THE BOAT FOR ABI AND PETER Simon is furious that Peter is taking Abi sailing, causing Peter to say he can come instead as Abi means nothing to him. Seb overhears this, will he tell Abi?
SHONA FACES THE CONSEQUENCES OF HER ACTIONS Shona gets a call to say Clayton has been beaten up in prison and rushes to the hospital. Meanwhile David starts smashing mirrors then corners Nick in the barber shop and demands to know exactly what is going on.
ROY HAS A WAKING NIGHTMARE Roy admits he’s having trouble sleeping. Carla’s concerned for him. Realising that Roy is too tired to concentrate, Carla manhandles him up to the flat. As Carla tidies away Sylvia’s belongings, she notices that Roy’s fallen asleep on the sofa.
ELSEWHERE Kevin finds an activity holiday for Jack. Mary tells Tyrone she doesn’t want paying for helping him she just likes to feel needed. Gemma’s idea of making tea for Chesney and Joseph doesn’t go quite to plan when she burns her hand and swears in front of Joseph.
Wednesday 13th February
PETER RECKONS THERE’S NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE A furious Abi lashes out at Peter for his treatment of her and heads off to get drunk, Peter tries to reason with her that alcohol isn’t the answer but she gives him short shrift. Meanwhile in the boat Simon is showing Aadi and Asha round using a hurricane lamp he has lit. Leaving Simon on the boat Aadi and Asha extinguish the lamp and go home. But in the darkness someone knocks over the lamp and the smouldering wick ignites. A crowd gathers round the burning boat as Aadi and Asha tell Peter that Simon is still on board. Will he rescue him in time? Furious Peter goes in search of Abi certain she started the fire as a drunken act of revenge.
SHONA CAN’T GIVE UP ON HER SON When Clayton tells her that he wishes she’d died rather than his Dad, Shona’s crushed. Having forced the information from Nick, David confronts Shona wanting to know why Clayton was beaten up. Shona plays it down and keeps schtum about the drugs.
MOTHER MARY COMES TO TYRONE Adamant that she’s happy to babysit, Mary insists Tyrone and Kevin head out for a few beers. When she offers to pop a hot water bottle in Tyrone’s bed for his return, Tyrone’s touched whilst Kevin reckons Mary fancies him. Having thanked Mary and bid her goodnight, Tyrone’s horrified to discover a Valentine’s card on the mat.
ELSEWHERE When Joseph refuses to go to bed, Chesney threatens to ban any telly for a week. Joseph fires Gemma’s swear word at him and runs upstairs. Chesney’s shocked. Chesney berates Gemma for teaching Joseph a swear word. The evening ruined, Gemma heads off in a strop.

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Peter really is a nasty piece of work.
Peter is an appalling actor, but he can paint a boat without getting a drop on his overalls. Loving the man with the tattooed the heck does he make a living? And as for the whole boat saga....beyond ludicrous.
And Abi was "painting" with no pain to on the brush!
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