A language lesson. In this part of the country you dine at midday and consume a dinner - none of this "lunch" nonsense. So if you are like a hobbit (copyright JRR Tolkien) or a grease monkey as Mary calls Tyrone and need a couple of breakfasts plus a small snack between your earlier repasts and that dinner it is inevitable the snack will be "brinner" - well so Mary thinks. They don't do dinner at (southern) dinner time either because that is tea time.
Note for our North American readers. The UK has an age of consent of 16. Europe has a range from 14 (Italy and Germany) upwards to 17. I believe Canada has increased from 14 to 16 but would not see a relationship between Amy and Tyler as a problem. Amy seems to know her own mind - but I still find it odd that she claims that at the time she wanted to do it.
As usual the words falling from the mouths of the babes are entertaining. Ruby is clearly unhappy with Fiz's absence and thinks that Mary is a good substitute. It just adds to Ty's paranoia which bubbles over and a little later we are reminded that Mary is not always a soft and cuddly person (do we all remember when she and Norris re-enacted "Misery"?).
Peter has just suggested to Abi that they kiss and make up. Abi asks resident walking encyclopedia Roy for some synonyms of arrogant and he responds as we see above with "conceited, vain, egotistical". Peter gets the point that Abi is not forgiving him! Hard luck Peter.
The label should say "Sex Bomb" but as modelled by Kirk (above) there has clearly been a bit of a boob. No-one had noticed and then entire production so far is scrapped. It must have been a typing error on the order reckons Paul who appears to be wandering around the factory rather than packing in the packing area!
Some months ago the newspapers were full of reports that Alan Halsall had lost some weight. Now I can only assume that the script writing team are seeking to put this right as for the second time this week Tyrone gets an extra meal. Kev tells him he can eat the second batch of sandwiches as he and Jack are off on a digital detox with the money found on the mat in an envelope addressed to Sophie. Neither Fiz nor Evelyn will recognise Tyrone when they return.
Extra at Work
Tea break time in the factory and is it just me or is Beth not looking at all well? Never mind at least one regular extra not only appeared in the background but also gave an appreciative nod as Izzy actually gets a few lines this week as we see above. The same extra was also doing some Madonna head nodding on Friday.
Writers: David Isaac (Monday); John Kerr (Wednesday); Julie Jones and Carmel Morgan (Friday)
Directors: David Moor (Monday); Audrey Cooke (Wednesday & Friday)

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
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