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Sunday 24 February 2019

Coronation Street - the Bermuda Triangle of Weatherfield

Guest blog post by Flo Hough

Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  

On Friday’s episode of Coronation Street, Tyrone joked about Roy’s coat and the Bermuda Triangle.  Roy replied: “I hardly think the Bermuda Triangle has anything to do with my coat going missing.”  

Or does it?

A friend of mine found this comment particularly amusing as we have had several conversations over the past few weeks about characters going “missing” and then suddenly reappearing, even likening it to the Bermuda Triangle.  

Ryan was gone for ages and suddenly popped up, arranging a date night with Bethany.  Someone recently posted on Twitter about baby Bertie and how he’ll probably be ready for nursery school by the time we see him again.  This happens far too often.  I realise that with the increase in episodes, it becomes more and more difficult to keep actors around for every single one.  But there needs to be a bit more balance.  Corrie is really on track at the moment with the writing, I’m hoping that this is an area that could be improved upon as well.  

At the moment, we currently have Ali and Toyah both missing.  I’m sure they will suddenly turn up again with no real explanation. And Ken - I’m sure if he was around, he’d be weighing in on the whole Amy and the baby situation.  He’d be exasperated with the whole idea that Steve and Tracy have come up with.  And whatever happened to Kayla, the daughter of Nasty Neil who put poor Craigy through the wringer?  Maybe she will still turn up again, with one heck of a suntan?! 

Who else is missing that I’ve maybe missed?

Guest blog post by Flo Hough

Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  

Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  

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Sara said...

What about Alya?, you see her so rarely there is no point in having her as a character.

Humpty Dumpty said...

What would make more sense would be a cheery wave from across the road from characters not featuring in major storylines. But then you would have to pay them and I think many salaries are calculated on the number of appearances by an actor. It only really matters when you would expect a character, say Ken, to have something to say about his great grandchild but perhaps he doesn't know. It then requires the writers to give Tracy a line like 'Don't tell my dad yet' or perhaps she's already said it. On another topic, I don't know what the opposite of a 'Bermuda Triangle' is but a writer's pet expressions can bubble up several times in an episode. You notice it with the subtitles which I often use. I don't mean local expressions but an odd saying that fits one character but not another.

Sharon Boothroyd said...

Fay pops up, then disappears for a while.And Fiz goes AWOl at the drop of hat. Why haven't Tyrone and Ruby visited her and Hope? I'm totally puzzled by that.

Anonymous said...

I'm also wondering what happened to Ken?
With Peter's boat on fire right on his doorstep,I was surprised that Ken wasn't outside to see what was going on and to ensure that Peter and Simon were safe.
I'm also surprised that there's been no mention of Fiz and Hope since they left.Not even a Valentine from Fiz to Tyrone?
Maybe the writers need to stop focusing on having either Gemma or members of the Platt family in every episode and some of the other characters.


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