Jenny Bradley has some interesting friends. She casually gossiped to Rita over her copy of Slacks magazine about a woman she knew who was a peripatetic clubacising slumbertone instructress who somehow got a key fob inside her that meant every time she touched her toes her hatchback unlocked. Move HER into the Street; she sounds a lot more fun than, say, Robert. (And yes, I know she's actually Jenny Connor now, but I will call her Jenny Bradley until the DAY I DIE).
Rosie Webster is the new Mata Hari. Everyone's favourite barely sentient secretary put her ample charms to good use by working undercover to con Vic Reeves out of his keys. Well, I say undercover; there wasn't actually much covering her at all.
Weatherfield's designer shopping options are somewhat... limited. Sally thought she'd found the perfect jacket to befit a mayor ("a horse?") in the boutique the other side of the Red Rec. Sadly, Moira shopped there as well. Moira vs. Sally is a grudge match I could really get behind, a collision of outrageous snobbery and a complete lack of self-awareness; I hope this climaxes with a series of catty remarks spat over the baba ganoush at one of Mary's Super Supper Soirees. And that the whole thing is written by Jonathan Harvey - Monday's episodes proved he is a comic genius.
Chesney doesn't have much luck with washing machines. First his washer/dryer is irreparably damaged by a five year old lightly kicking it while wearing slippers, raising the possibility that it was actually made out of papier mache. Then Fiz, for unknown reasons, refuses to let Sinead do any more loads in her machine, forcing her to use a launderette and cosy up to Daniel. And finally, when Ches does locate a replacement, it's quite clearly missing the big concrete block in the base, which means it'll tear itself apart on the first spin. Maybe stick to a hand wash.
Mary's nose itches when someone lies. I feel she is wasting her time in the florists' if she's blessed with such a skill; she should be assisting the police, standing at the back of interrogations and waiting for her nostrils to do the work, like a cross between Bewitched and The Mentalist. She should also probably give Adam Barlow a wide berth, as he lies on a minute-by-minute basis. The resultant cacophony of irritation might cause her to claw her own nose off, turning her into a backstreet Voldemort.
If you know where I can get a jacket that's based on one Kate Middleton wore, let me know on Twitter @merseytart.

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Love these, Scott. Genuinely laughing out loud here.
Great post, Scott. It's Jenny Flaming Bradley until the day I die!
Re: Jenny. I have never understood why every woman on Corrie who marries changes her name. It is not at all uncommon for English women to keep their maiden name after marriage. Perhaps Alya will if she ever marries. Corrie needs some more women who have a definite sense of themselves as individuals, like Angie Freeman used to be.
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