So Joseph's lack of dialogue is down to the fact he has been speaking Portuguese. What about all the other Corrie kids who never speak? Never mind, Academic Daniel to the rescue, as he speaks a bit of the lingo but our Chez is not happy!
Aidan continues to sleep rough so dodgy law firm double act Adam and Todd revel in his misery. Do we feel for Aidan? Or has he been punished enough? Yasmeen must have a place as big as Eileen's as she puts him up.
Mary has gone all Annie Wilkes from the film Misery. She tells the police that her daughter-in-law was drink driving. In true 'secrets and lies' style we know Angie has post-natal depression. And I am glad this is being covered, but the story needs addressing, and the secret needs outing, to avoid further confusion from Mary. "She is definitely hiding something", says Mary. I think someone like Mary would have guessed by now.
Dev is the voice of reason for a change and he does not shout. What's good is that Mary hears him. So, let's hope she softens and helps as opposed to attack. Cue Toyah who has trained in the area of conflict resolution, dontcha know? Really? Has she never mentioned it before?
The lies continue in the Tyrone and Fiz household. This does feel like a merry-go-round considering he has been in debt before. Please bring this story to a close, I cannot face a debt-ridden Crimbo plotline.
Aidan and his dad reconcile over a black eye, or do they? Dad trys but Aidan shouts and rants and he's in no position to do so, having punched his dad and is newly homeless. Dad defends Jenny and Aidan leaves for Hotel Yasmeen.
Tracy has been getting brilliant lines of late. "You are way too soft on everybody", she says to Chez, as he defends Sinead yet again. He has got the wrong end of the stick, but he clings to her like a puppy. No wonder her head is turned. Tracy loses profits, as Chez leaves without his flowers.
Jude gets angry with Mary and she gets a taste of her own medicine. Angie is going through hell and she reported her to the police. But is she a "freak that should never be allowed near children?" Mary has gone too far, but so has Jude.
Chez comes home and Joseph has turned down Macaroni cheese, because he probably wants something a tad more Portuguese. After Beth gets stressed out and shouts about Joseph, Ches wants them out. Everything seems to be extreme tonight.
Misery seems to be piled on from on high, as Mary breaks down, after Jude's attack. And we then cut to Todd who has gone all Jack Reacher with a black baseball cap, face covered, and as a rookie firestarter up goes Aidan's new van, in smoke.
I don't agree entirely with Michael Parkinson, but I do prefer Corrie when there is some comedy or even some killer lines. So, hoping that Jonathan Harvey has written some clever comic moments between now and Christmas, as the street needs some more lol scenes to keep me from thinking I'm in Walford, not Weatherfield.
Glenn Meads
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