With so much drama packed into episode one, it was brilliant to hear and see Rita looking as relieved as us Corrie fans, about her brilliant news. The tumour is benign, but something tells me this is not the end of this rollercoaster storyline.
But gloomyville drama continues to take its place. Gary is the daddy and David has seen him cosying up to Nicola and Seb is still in hospital and Faye is anxious. Gary comes clean, well kind of... he describes his dalliance as "just a kiss." Then he finds out David is playing him.
Seb is adamant that he does not want to get tested. The Windass two fret and shout at him and the story is feeling too extreme. But, because of this plot development, hits to the Terrence Higgins website have rocketed. The power of soaps!
Gail receives the news that Shona is moving in. It's David's house but he is still defensive, no need though, as Gail now has a power walking pal! Is she really mellowing? I hope so!
Chesney and Sinead need more money and time, as Joseph is living with them. In true soap style, this one talks about as much as 'our Hope.' Ok, he's grieving, but he also one of those soap kids who will say little for months, until he goes upstairs and comes back down them, replaced; older and talkative and on drugs.
Offscreen Bethany has decided to stay in Milan. Poor Sarah, she must be longing for some good news and something positive to happen. But being consoled by Gary reminds you that some more awful news awaits her. As I said earlier, doom and gloom. Bring me some sunshine!
Anna brings Seb his little siblings to visit him in hospital. So, this is some good news and much needed. Humour is mot evident though, as David is now grimacing at Gary, protective of Sarah, and playing with him, as he looks like he is going to spiĺl the beans.
Shona has learned from David, as she plays Gail like a violin. But the clucking mother of David Platt does genuinely care for Shona, so I look forward to them being under the same roof.
Craig asks Sarah about Bethany, and finds out she has gone. His boss asks if he is ok, and is clearly being set up as a potential love interest to replace the rat that was electrocuted!
Anna sits with the two quiet kids, who's eyes follow the camera, in the hope Seb will say yes to taking the test. It works and he agrees. The kids look non plussed, as a camera man is clearly holding up.some chubba chops, in the hope they will move their heads.
Old enemies David and Gary are at it big time, as the newly bearded David threatens him. Clearly auditioning for a stint at Glasto, I cannot take my eyes off the hairy one, as I am expecting him to stroke his beard, like a Bond villain. Mumford and Sons, eat your heart out! And cue the theme tune.
I applaud the sheer amount of drama being covered on Corrie at the moment. But, I do long for some comedy moments featuring Mary and Tracy. And, what have you done with Roy? He needs to do far more than make sandwiches, I want Brian gone and then Cropper can shine again!
By Glenn Meads who is on Twitter and LinkedIn
You can read all of Glenn's guest blog posts here.
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Yet again, a resident strolls down the road at the very moment 'something very dodgy' is happening: David walking the dog while Gary embraces Nicola in broad daylight. I'm afraid I don't buy hard man David protecting his sister's interests. The scene in the café between him and Gary was straight out of East Enders. Tying up the loose ends of Bethany's story, anyone know whether that's the last of her character, and what sentences did Nathan and co receive? I don't think we're going to be let off the high drama yet. The frequent shots of a digital clock were a heavy hint there will be a story line about Craig and his OCD. Not that OCD is a laughing matter at all but it seemed a very clunky way in.
Oh, Craig has OCD? Is that what all the cryptic clock watching was about? I didn't pick up on that at all. He's never been even slightly OCD in the past - he kept a rat, for God's sake. And I never saw him wash his hands once. I thought maybe it was something about keeping an eye on the time for when Bethany came back. And then she didn't. Talking of Bethany, I will be quite happy if she never returns.
OCD doesn't necessarily mean you wash your hands constantly. But I will agree that Craig has never shown signs of it before.
There was nothing in the news about Bethany leaving for good, hopefully this is just a holiday.
I like David's beard, btw. Ages him a bit.
C in Canada: One of my sons has OCD. He washes his hands all the time. And I know he would never be able to live in a messy place like Craig lives in, it would drive him absolutely bananas. Everything has to be symmetrical and at precise angles. So I can only go by my own experience.
Re David's beard, presumably grown to try and look even remotely compatible to Shona. It doesn't work, she still looks like his mother.
I had to stop the show in the middle of the first ep. There were no tissues handy. Felt so ridiculous for crying over a tv show but it happened. Did Rita actually sign over her flat to Colin? Can’t remember.
Poor Bethany. Between the bullying and the grooming, she lost her chance at an education. Now she’s giving up a brilliant career as a nail and makeup artist. And only Craig seems to care. *sniffle*
Still waiting for David and Shona to show some spark.
I thought that Craig was constantly looking at the clock because he knew Bethany would be coming home today and knew the time she was expected to arrive and was waiting for that time to see her.
Not to be in any way unkind, but in the "real world" a girl who looks like Bethany would not be romantically interested in a guy like Craig. Don't get me wrong Craig is a lovely lad and I am quite fond of his character, but it would not happen. But at the end of the day this is a soap, so anything is possible. I would just like for once to see someone on the show happy!
Craig was freaked out about time because of the mistake he made during the trial about what time something happened. Remember 8:30 or 0830 or 2030. something like that.
Anon 22.54: It happened before on Corrie......remember Curly Watts and Raquel? At the time, most people thought it wouldn't last. And it didn't.
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