Guest blog post from Skelf who is on twitter @TheSkelf and you can find out more about him here
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Greetings Corrie Blog readers!
Recently I've been watching old episodes of Brookside that I've found on YouTube. I must admit it kinda feels like I'm cheating on my beloved Corrie. I don't know why I decided to watch them, just reminiscing really, I've got to that age now where I prefer to look back rather than forward. I've become one of those "back in my day" people that I hated as a kid.
Anyway! Where was I?
Oh yes, so after watching as many 90s and early 00s episodes of Brookside as I could, I started to feel sorry for one man. This guy is a legend, how on earth can he be left out in the cold with no show to call his home for nearly fifteen years?! That man is none other than Jimmy CORKHILL. He's one of the greatest characters in British TV history! Just left languishing, a whole generation growing up not knowing this icon, with only a few hours of his greatness available online! This just isn't on.
So! Coronation Street writers/producers/executives, Here's my idea. Why don't you give Dean Sullivan a phone, get him to resurrect his Jimmy Corkhill character (I bet he'll jump at the chance, I imagine him just getting a bus every day to Brookside Close and looking through the windows of the people who actually live there now shouting "JACCCHHHHIE!!" at the top of his voice until the police turn up and take him away. And that's really sad to think about, isn't it?) and put him up against Pat Phelan?!
Since Pat's a Liverpudlian this should be no problem to write a back story. With more and more being revealed about Pat's past, a long held grudge between the two men could be an easy story to weave in there. Jimmy could be back on the straight and narrow, or fallen on hard times and back into doing dodgy deals. The possibilities are endless. Jimmy could be the key to taking Pat down, as a former foe or associate of Pat, he would know him better than the Street's residents.
This would cement Phelan as one of the greatest TV characters in history, give Coronation Street a chance to create one of the most iconic moments in television history and give the Jimmy Corkhill character another run on British TV which he so obviously deserves.
Come on Corrie, bring Corkhill T' Cobbles.
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Pat Phelan isn't one of the greatest characters in TV history. That is unless the character is teh one that brought down one of the best series in tlevision hsitory
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