Nathan does his best Hannibal Lector impression from his cell as he butters up Mel, promising her a house and garden and telling he wuvs her, just she needs to stop Bethany testifying. Mel, you're a bell-end. When the main grooming storyline was taking place, Mel seemed mostly terrified of Nathan, doing his bidding because she was scared she'd end up in Bethany's place, but I guess she has Stockholm Syndrome. She pretends she's going to the po-po but instead drives Bethany out to a secluded place and attacks her with a tyre iron.
In a weird twist of fate, the judge in Nathan's trial is delayed by a fatality on the trainline; Craig is called to it and seeing Bethany's necklace, thinks it's must be her on the wrong side of the tracks. Surely jumping to conclusions is not what you should do on the force? But it's not Bethany, she's holed up in a shed with gaoler Mel, and the dead girl on the line, is Lara, the fourteen year old whom Shona persuaded to testify. Lara's death changes Mel's mind and she drives Bethany to the court, throwing the necklace Nathan gave to her, gave to all of "his" girls, out of the window. Bethany makes it to the court in time, and if she hadn't been so scared, she would have enjoyed the look on Nasty Nathan and Nastier Neil's faces as she faces them down. She gives her testimony, and then has to face the defence's cross-examination, which is upsetting and she's convinced she's done badly.
Newly shorn Daniel complains that his editor doesn't give him any decent issues to cover. Well, surely if he's freelance, he's at the bottom of the journo pile? Anyway, a chance remark from Yasmeen and a sarky one from Phelan sets Danny B on the scent of a story. He's a newspaper man, now.
Meanwhile, Colin is confabbing with Nozza about the sale of the Kabin that will presumably never go through, but is amusing to watch and I think this piece of casting has worked well. Rita and Gemma do some retail therapy at Harvey Nicks, and Mrs Tanner splashes further cash, taking a gang out to the Bistro for a champagne lunch. Gemma thinks she's spending too much, but Rita has a meeting with the consultant tomorrow and, from the moment she has talking to the cobbles, she doesn't think it's going to go well and is spending money whilst she still can.
The factory girls are bored and trying to think of ways they could use their skills instead of watching daytime TV and drinking tap water in the pub. Fiz comes up with the idea of tiny headscarves patterned with fun things - flowers, dinosaurs - y'know, for kids - and Alya, ever the entrepreneuse, sets up a crowd-funder for start-up costs. Eva offers to donate, to Beth's disgust and Adam's discomfort. He goes 'round to cheer up Eva with Mr Rum and Mr Coke, telling her that he's fallen for her and she reaches in for a rebound snog. Where will this end? The maternity ward?
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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Someone else commented after the wedding that perhaps Eva would now really be pregnant after her night with Aiden, so, ..... Another who's the Daddy saga anyone?
Tonight's were good, but what about the brilliant classic episodes today? Loved seeing all the old characters, but especially loved seeing Brian Capron as a social worker, many years before Richard Hillman appeared.
I loved the old episodes too, wonderful to see young Jenny and young(er) Rita, and Alan Bradley's first appearance. And Deirdre and those glasses! Jack and Vera, Betty...such great nostalgia. I hadn't realised Brian Capron had appeared in Corrie before. I'm going to enjoy watching the classic episodes alongside the current ones. Some fine acting in tonight's episode though, especially from Lucy Fallon. And dear Rita, bless her, with that poignant moment on the cobbles..
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