Now then, I'm a big fan of comedian Vic Reeves... A Big Fan. I'm also a big fan of Jim Moir (Vic Reeves' real name) in his acting roles. As Eric Morecambe's father George in the show written by Victoria Wood he was sublime. Read more on that here.
But in Coronation Street? I'm not sure he's worked... not for me anyway. And it's disappointing - but not totally expected. You may well disagree with me and I'd love to hear your views. I just think that Vic/Jim has a persona bigger than Coronation Street itself and he'll always be Vic Reeves to me, making the investment of him as Colin of Corrie a little difficult.
Don't get me wrong, there have been comedy moments from Colin - the high leg, anyone?
And I don't think we were supposed to particularly like his character anyway, were we? I mean, going after Dame Rita of Tanner as she lay in her hospital bed, determined to get the contract signed so that her flat went to him.
And as for taking over the Kabin... well, he wasn't meant to endear himself to fans, that's for sure.
I even yelled at the telly on Friday night when he positioned himself behind the counter at the Kabin as Jenny and her new best friend Eileen (?) and Gail did a group hug in the Kabin. "What's he doing working in the Kabin?" I yelled at the telly. As yet, the telly has offered no reply.
And so... I really would love to know if this is just me having a moan and whether you loved Vic/Jim in Corrie. But for me, I'm afraid, it's been a great big fat Nay.
You might also like to read our blogger Emma's interview with Jim Moir

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I am inclined to agree with you. His character grates on me, and as The Kabin is central to many a poly, we are probably going o see quite a bit of him. Good actor - wrong role
Massive NAY from me....dislike the incredibly unfunny Vic Reeves immensely and who told him he could act? Because all they're doing is blowing smoke up his derriere (to put it politely).
I have no prior experience with the man as an actor or comedian. In Coronation Street, if he's meant to be funny, he isn't. His character is obnoxious, intrusive, and offensive. He's alarmingly putting himself in situations where he clearly does not belong. I think he's meant to be similar to the type of people Norris Cole and Reg Holdsworth used to be (Norris has softened up considerably from his initial character in the 90s) but he takes it to an advanced level of distaste by insinuating himself into scenarios like the one where he helped "comfort" Jenny in the Kabin. He's only supposed to be temporary so I can only assume and fervently hope he'll be shown the door well and truly and will not end up owning the Kabin or the flat in the end. I long for the day to come sooner than later.
What Tvor said!!! That plus putting his feet on a restaurant table? Toddlers aren’t allowed to do that. Bye bye can’t change me soon enough.
A resounding nay from me, the scene in the Kabin so distasteful it made me cringe.The sooner Colin leaves the better, even the sound of his voice grates on me now.
Tvor, you're so lucky. In the 90's he blagged a living as a supposed game show host. It was"hip" to like him and think he was funny. I didn't. To me he's not acting in Corrie. This is how he behaved in his heyday. His "act" has remained the same since then. A definite boring one trick pony. The biggest nay from me
Nay, nay and thrice nay.
I also say nay.
It was appalling the way Colin swooped in like a vulture on poor Rita in the hospital[thanks to Sarah's big mouth]pressuring her to sell her flat and then going after the Kabin?!
It's become tedious watching Colin and Phelan in their storylines and as far as Colin if he succeeds in taking over the Kabin,I don't think I could watch anymore.
There are so many likeable underused characters and yet the writers\producers keep brining in nasty characters instead.
Jim Moir was quite good in a tv drama in which he had a supporting role. It seems he only knows one style of comedy, unfortunately, and he's been allowed to recreate here. Why's the character in the storyline at all? As a vehicle for Jim Moir, it doesn't work. Perhaps it's to encourage Rita to move to sheltered accommodation after her operation and she deliberately sells to Norris. Gemma stays in the flat as a tenant and gets a new flat mate?
I'm sorry - he's meant to be funny? Everything Tvor said, and more.
I actually loved Colin. It was nothing to do with the fact that it was Vic Reeves,the character entertained me. Yeah, he's never going to be a Corrie legend, but he's not meant to be. He's camp, funny, tiny bit creepy and of course eccentric, but that's what Coronation Street is.
I understand how 'Vic Reeves in Corrie' can be very unappealing to people, and sometimes it can be hard to distinguish actor and character, but people should just try to enjoy his performance and enjoy it for what it is.
I have never even heard of Vic Reeves (my apologies to his many fans), but... Colin is a giant NAY for me. The writing doesn't work, the script makes him plain creepy.
He'll be gone soon thank goodness. He stopped filming a few weeks ago.
I'm keeping an open mind but so far I'm not overly impressed. And I too was puzzled by the sudden friendship between Jenny and Eileen...where did that spring from?
I can say I'm not a fan. Way too camp for even me.
Yes. Yes. And yes again. Vic/Jim is hilarious and should be in every show. Corrie. Emmerdale. Doctor Foster. Homes Under The Hammer. He’s a comic genius and his weird, larger than life persona is adding immense fun to a character who is essentially a villain.
Scott, what are you on?
I'm really, really hoping Scott is the most sarcastic person in the universe. He's gotta be. He can't be for real
Nope. He is a genius. More Vic Reeves on television is NEVER a bad thing.
Nooo. He's a one trick pony whose been doing the same thing for decades. If you want more of Vic/Jim on your TV, watch his old oovavu drivel. Nothings changed in all this time. Bob Mortimer was the talent in that partnership. He was even annoying in that Shakin Stevens video. I still think you're on a big wind up Scott, well it's winding me up anyway:-)
Agree with all the haters. Don't know of him, never heard of any of his personas but he is not funny as I have seen him. Get rid. He can take Brian with him as his new room mate. They can see who out boors the either.
Agree with pretty much everybody. Get rid of Vic Reeves/Jim Moir as soon as possible.
He makes Sarah Harding look like an Oscar winning actress.
His character, Colin, is presumably supposed to be a comical busybody, but it doesn't work. The character is obnoxious, unlikeable and the acting is hammy.
The only good thing Reeves/Moir has ever done is playing Eric Morecombe's father in the Victoria Wood TV play.
Note for younger viewers: Reeve/Moir was an "alternative comedian" in the 80s/90s when so-called alternative comedy was hip.
The alternative was that these comedians weren't funny. And in terms of being unfunny, Reeves/Moir was one of the absolute best.
Please please please please pleassssssssssssssssse do not get rid of him pure genius. love him, make the soap fun and not depressing.
Lynne from Ottawa -- What I dislike the most is the way Carla left the street and now this Rita business is looking bad too. Why do we have to see characters we love dragged in the mud like that. I agree that Vic is creepy and I hope he isn't buying the shop or for that matter staying on the show.
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