Not only that, but we've been treated to the name dropping of a multitude of well-loved characters. After all, you never forget people who mean a lot to you, as this recent scene with Rita proves:
In just two and a half minutes, lovely Rita recalls Alec Gilroy, Elsie Tanner, Mavis Wilton, Len Fairclough, Fred Elliott, Tina McIntyre, Alf Roberts and Ted Sullivan. I was gobsmacked! In the past, we've had Gail mention Tricia Hopkins which was lovely, especially given they were best friends for some time.
So this had me thinking as we look ahead to a brand new year on Coronation Street. Who would I like to return? Here's my top five picks.
5. Becky McDonald
I'd love to see what she made of Steve's recent affair and baby Oliver, and there'd be great scenes with David remembering Kylie. I really expected her to return for Kylie's funeral which was a huge huge shame.
4. Martin Platt
No matter how many times Gail has been married, she is always referred to by fans as Gail Platt. A reunion with Martin would be fantastic, someone she could settle down with eventually. A return seems very unlikely though, as the actor now makes cheese for a living.
3. Emily Bishop
Come back from Peru, Emily! You're a huge miss! Although she didn't have many storylines in the past few years, her presence on the street was wonderful given the amount of time Eileen Derbyshire had been on the show.
2. Janice Battersby
Someone to really rattle the cage in the Battersby family, giving her daughters Toyah and Leanne a good shake after being rather pathetic in recent months. She could also act as a mother to Eva.
1. Mavis Wilton
What Rita needs is her old pal Mavis by her side during the tough time she's having. Gemma suggested Rita go visit Mavis, but why doesn't Mavis make the trip back to Weatherfield? Now that is something I'd love to see.
Which five characters would you like to see return?
You can follow me on Twitter, @MichaelAdamsUk

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I agree with bringing back Janice Battersby, Becky and Emily. I nominate Eddie Windass and Graeme who used to work for the butcher (last name escapes me).
I only want characters back with the same head. No point having Emily back if she's not played by Eileen Derbyshire. Janice would be a believable returning character with two daughters on the street. I could also see Eva appreciating having a gobby 'mum' to stick up for her. Also Vicky Entwhistle has made the odd comment about her character returning. Doesn't mean anything official but sounds like the actress would be up for it.
To Humpty Dumpty: I thought Eva's Mother was Stella, who was living with the man who set fire to the pub, which fire killed Sunitra.
I'd like to see the return of Tricia Hopkins (Kathy Jones), Graeme Proctor (Craig Gazey) and Jackie Dobbs (Margi Clarke).
Good picks...mine would be: Big Jim McDonald / Becky McDonald / Karen McDonald / Emily Bishop / Spyder Nugent and Sally Unwin.....(Kate....are you reading our wish lists???)
I’m with Mike in that I would like to see Tricia Hopkins back. Gail has spent enough years living through her kids, it’s time she had some fun with a bestie her own age. Same thing with Audrey, I would like to see the live wire that is Claudia back again. I really miss Lloyd too, and would like to see him and Steve back together. Mavis too, I think Rita would be much happier alongside her old mucker behind that counter.
Instead of picking a fifth one, I would like one gone instead - let’s say a final farewell to Brian Packham and give him a decent burial.
Some of these returns seem to fall flat, so anyone who’s coming back is going to be just a short visit or be in possession of a well thought out purpose. I would like Ted to either die and leave Gail his estate or come for a visit; he needs to be resolved. Martin and at some point Nick need to return; I don’t mind if those two have different heads, it’s normal for Nick and Martin’s been away long enough. David could really use them. Dylan should be back from time to time, he’s old enough now. Visits with Sean and Uncle Norris would be interesting. And of course, Emily. If Eileen Derbyshire has decided to be done with it, then either Spider or Frida could come in her place to let folks know she has passed. Long term characters should get proper send offs.
Curly Watts....Kevin Kennedy...would love to see him back.
Graeme Proctor for sure! Emily, Shelley Unwin, and Janice too!
As much as I would love to see Becky back, I love that she got her happy ending and I don't really want to spoil that.
Gotta say, I'm loving the direction Kate Oates is taking the show.
Well done so far!
I'd love to see Julie back. Perhaps when all the business about Phelan comes out, she can return to support Eileen in the aftermath!
The only one I would not to see return is Janice.
She was a nasty bully who reveled in the misery of others and I could see her condoning Eva's part in the factory robbery while sponging off free drinks of Toyah and Peter for herself and her friends.
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