There are couples I love on Coronation Street such as Tim and Sally, Johnny and Jenny, Newton and Ridley. And then there are those who, for this fan, just don't work. This doesn't mean that I don't love the individual characters but when they've been put together with, for me, the wrong person, it falls flat and they have no chemistry on screen. You may well disagree and I'd love to hear from you in the comments. Here then, are my five least favourite couples on Coronation Street.
Toyah and Peter. I've written before about how much I love Georgia Taylor as an actress and how much I enjoy Toyah on screen. But where's the feisty, fighting Toyah that we knew and loved from back in the Battersby days? Where's the drive and determination gone? Remember when she wanted to be a journalist, an eco-warrier with Spider? Now, that drive and determination has gone into her IVF and baby-making plans, she is consumed by it and it's become dull. She and Peter have zero chemistry and neither of them look comfortable behind the Rovers bar. Bring back Spider for Toyah. Carla's coming back - will she take up with Peter again? And finally, bring back Liz to the Rovers for us all.
The only good thing about Anna and Kevin together is that Debbie Rush is leaving the show and their relationship will soon be over. Kevin's a Corrie legend, king of the bomber jacket. Anna's the required Street harpie. Apart they're fantastic. Together? Dull as ditchwater.
Oh, please don't hate me when I say that Billy and Todd shouldn't be together. I love watching these two as a couple, I really love it. But I want them to split up before Todd breaks Billy's heart, which he surely will one of these days. That's the only reason I don't think they should be together because with these two, pain and heartbreak is just an episode away.
I'm going to say it and I'm going to say it loud. I LOVE Kym Marsh in Coronation Street. She's a fantastic actress and her character has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. She deserves every award going for the baby Ruari storyline which broke my heart in a million pieces. Michelle divorcing Steve made sense but putting her together with Robert Preston was a mistake of the highest order. The man is far too boring for someone as bright and sparky as Michelle. He dulls her light, split them up, please Corrie, and let her sparkle again.
And finally, Zeedan and Rana Nazir. She likes girls, Zee, and she's just not that into you. Dump her, get into your Speed Dahl van and drive far, far away.
Agree? Disagree? Let me know what you think.
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I like Todd & Billy together but I totally agree with you on all of your other couples! Robert & Michelle have 0 chemistry and it just doesn't feel right, Anna & Kevin are not a match, Zeedan & Rana are an accident waiting to happen and Peter belongs to Carla - always! I love Carla & Peter together! She's coming back on the cobbles soon so hopefully something will happen between the 2 of them (oh, I'm terrible)!
Great post, thoroughly enjoyed reading this!
Charlene McElhinney
Todd and Billy are meant to be together. Todd's got a very colourful past but he seems to truly love and support Billy and I really can't see him breaking his heart. They are a wonderful pairing and one of the few Corrie couples with genuine chemistry. I want them as a long term couple as we've already had far too many splits, affairs and one night stands as it is.
I do agree with your other choices though.
OK, I'm going to add Gary and Sarah/Nicola. No, no, no, no. Gary belongs with Izzy and their breakup always made no sense to me. I think Gary will always stray from any partner because he sometimes has a habit of thinking with his little head (plus, it's a soap), but intellectually he and Izzy are a match.
I pretty much agree with all of this blog
Todd & Billy should never be clubbed together in an article that also contains Toyah/Peter, Robert/Michelle & Anna/Kevin.
And I don't think the possibility of one half of a couple breaking the other ones heart should be a reason to want them to split up because there's potential for that in any relationship surely.
But also, and more importantly, I think it's an unfair viewpoint on Todd, who over the last 12 months has more than proven to us the viewers (and to Billy) that when he said to Eileen "I've never felt like this about anyone and I really want to make it work" that he truly meant it. He's stood by Billy with his struggle over the church, when he took in Shona and through the recent Summer adoption storyline. And I'm sure he'll be standing strong by Billy's side through this dark story arch that's going to be hitting us soon.
There's another couple who should not be together.....David & Shona. Disaster waiting to happen. And I hope they don't put Sinead back with Daniel.
The fact that a couple have a turbulent relationship is not a reason to split them up. If they split up as part of their story development that's one thing but this blog is about boring characters with zero chemistry. On that basis, Todd and Billy should stick together for now. Who knows what future the writers have in store for them? I agree about the other couples mentioned and would add: David & Shona; Chesney & Sinead; Daniel & Sinead. We've heard that Carla comes back and a row erupts between her and Michelle. Robert's kind of flaky so he possibly dumps Michelle for Carla.
Good analysis, except for Todd and Billy. I think they are great together. To me, Peter belongs with Leanne, and Gary with Izzy.
I don't agree with Todd & Billy.
David and Shona shouldn't be together - they don't work and there's no fire that David had with Kylie or even Tina. Monday, they split up, I'm hoping they don't reunite.
I liked Anna and Kevin when they first got together, but then the whole accident storyline and him cheating with Erica came along, and it just went south from there.
Another Billy and Todd fan here, I love their story and look forward to it continuing for a long time.
Agree with just about everything, except for Michelle, and add David and Shona. Kim Marsh slayed the Rauri story, but before and since has been her same old whining and self centered self. Don’t care who Michelle is with, can’t imagine it working out. The rest just have zero spark. As for the rest, take Todd & Billy, for example. They are both above average smart and they’re gay, but they have nothing else in common. That’s why they do nothing besides go to the Rovers and the bistro. Compare them to a couple I’d like to see, Yasmeen and Ken. They love books, art exhibits, theatre nights, family, they are tasteful dressers, those are common interests; add in their differences, and there’s plenty to grow on. They can do stuff, have something to talk about after, and manage their kids/grands complaints. I so wish one of them would end up with a spare theater ticket.
I'd love to see Yasmeen and Ken together but you're forgetting she blames Tracy for Kal's death. That would be a huge issue to get over even if she knew Tracy started the fire accidentally. That doesn't change the fact that he died in it.
I agree with your assessment of Todd and Billy.Saying two characters are gay doesn't make them compatible. Adding Summer hasn't cemented their relationship the way I thought it would.Before I thought that Todd's shady side would break them up but the things about himself and his past that Billy only reveals when it suits him are really starting to pile up.
As you say, Maricha, simply being gay does not make a couple compatable; which is what made Billy & Sean a ridiculous pairing. But not sharing the same interests (which in B &T's case, I would question anyway) does not stop two people falling for each other, if the chemistry is there. And with Billy & Todd, it's there - all the more remarkably considering one of the actors is straight. And the way things are going, Nora, it's looking like Billy is more likely to break Todd's heart than the other way around!
Do you think that Ken and Audrey may finally get together? I totally agree about Peter and Toyah, another dreadful plodding storyline but perhaps the baby is born and Peter goes back to Carla? Also Brian and Cathy are a bit zzzzzz together.
Jeanie (anon);
Talking of potential pairings--what about Yasmeen and Roy? Ken is way too old and geriatric for Yasmeen who still has alot of energy and life--there's a 15-20 year age difference between them. Not to mention Ken also too self-important and pretentious for a no-nonsense woman like Yasmeen. But Roy...?They are two genuinely unconventional people who live by their principles and also have a lot of shared interests and a similar inquiring intellect. Plus, would give more young people for Roy to mentor, nurture, and advise.
Kevin and Anna seem pretty good together--they're a very natural fit, unlike Kevin and Jenny.
I didn’t forget, Maricha. Just cut it out as the post was getting overly long. No fears, everything gets forgotten or retconned. Like David’s epilepsy.
I always thought that Peter and Carla will be put through the wringer but will somehow always find their way back to each other. I stand by that opinion now that Carla is returning. The writers will surely want to explore their dark, sexy chemistry again.
I have zero interest in Toyah though. She gives the impression that she couldn't run a bath, never mind a pub
I also agree with the comments about Robert. I preferred Michelle and Steve.
Never been a fan of Zeedan. Just like Robert, he is an absolute bore.
I won't watch coronation street any more, far too complicated, used to be a brilliant family show now too many sexual issues.
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