Ofcom, the UK’s broadcast regulator, has dismissed those 170 complaints.
Ofcom said: “We considered a number of complaints objecting to two male characters kissing in this episode, but won’t be investigating. Our rules do not discriminate between scenes involving opposite sex and same sex couples. Also the scenes were not in any way sexually explicit. For these reasons they were not scheduled inappropriately and did not exceed generally accepted standards.”
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pushing the envelope..ratings grabber that's all. Let's see how far they'll go from now on. Sauce for the goose and all that hmmm?
Not surprised by this decision. This couple didn't do anything we haven't seen before on Corrie without it causing a fuss.
Corrie knew what they were doing - they just pushed the storyline to grab headlines yet still stay on the right side of the norms.
They were right to dismiss these complaints. 170 people versus the millions who watch is absolutely nothing. I'm happy that a company finally had the balls to not pander to the few offended snowflakes which seems so prevalent these days.
I do not differentiate between scenes involving straight people or gay people. I thought the scenes in which Michelle went to visit an old boyfriend and ended up in bed were very overdone and silly.
I just dislike the focus on the steamy bedroom activities because it wastes good plot time. We don't need this on Corrie. Much better was the innuendo on September 8 when Todd goes to Billy's residence and we see them heading off for the bedroom.
I remember seeing a documentary on Corrie St. where it was revealed that they only actually have 1 bed on the entire set, ergo we never really see any steamy bedroom scenes. So in order to show lust, the couple must be at a hotel, however I still maintain that Corrie pushed the envelope on this one as a cheap headline grabber. We didn't see Carla & Roberta lusting on a bed in a hotel room. That was left to the viewer's imagination.
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