And now Alya is going to blackmail her grandad over his sordid secret, says Inside Soap magazine.
In an interview with Sair Khan, who plays Alya Nazir in Coronation Street, Sair says this:
"I think there are a few reasons for her blackmailing Sharif - firstly that she is absolutely furious with him!"
Alya tells Sharif she needs the cash to invest in a side project of her own at Underworld. And when she finds out that Sharif has offered to buy Sonia, she goes after his cash for herself. When Sharif caves in to his granddaughter's demands, the first thing Alya does is dismiss Sinead from the project they've been working on together at the factory.
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Naturally that's what you do. You find your grandfather, who helped bring you up after your mother died, has been having an affair. Of course, you'd be furious and distraught - and then you'd blackmail him??!! The writers are confusing Alya with Tracy. This will all come out and Yasmeen will throw both of them out, one for doing the deed and the other for keeping quiet for cash. I can only assume this is an exit storyline for Sharif and Alya. True, Todd has survived family fall-outs but Yasmeen is a lot tougher than Eileen.
I agree with you Mr. Dumpty 100% - once again writers changing characters rather than changing scripts. The character they have written up until now would never sink so low as to blackmail her grandfather about his sordid affair nor tell Sinead, who actually was the talent of the project, that her services are no longer required. Extremely vile and pathetic storylines, but I guess they have to make room for all the new characters joining the show. They must need wardrobe room quickly.
Hopefully this will be her exit storyline. The writers don't seem to know what to do with her, after the one night stand with Jason. She supposedly works at the factory but we never see her there.
Time for her to go and take useless Rana with her!
I don't get why she would dismiss Sinead. I thought Sinead was the only one who had the skills to make the basques that they were selling.
I can see her blackmailing Sharif and then telling her grandmother anyways as soon as the cheque clears. Why would she fire Sinead? It was seeing her fine sewing that got Alya interested in this idea and I'm not even sure Alya can design either, her talent is supposed to be her management skills. If anything it would be easier for Sinead to partner up with Aidan minus Alya since Aidan already has the business and supplies.
Ugh. Is this what we have to look forward to? How soon till Steph freaks out and starts holding up banks? Or Audrey becomes a bunny-boiler? I'm getting really tired of this type of writing.
Is there a word missing? Sharif offers to buy Sonia .....what? Or is he actually going to pay money for ownership?
More terrible plots.
Agree that this is another example of character debasement. Hopefully for the actress this personality transplant will show off more of her range. Then when Alya is written out, she'll be snapped up somewhere else.
I'm mostly pleased they've remembered Alya exists.
Buying Sonia an apartment....
And with Sinead. Alyas showing how greedy and selfish she is. Theyre forgetting Sineads handmade skill/work and instead deciding to cut her out and mass/machine produce. Hope somehoq Sinead gets the last laugh
all of the above comments are a sad foreboding for what is to become of Corrie St. With every character doing a complete 180 on their character all is dismal. Will this madness ever end??
I agree with all of you. You say it right. What a pity.
I agree with all of you. You say it right. What a pity.
True about Sinead - it was her designs that sparked it all, and Sinead's the one with the talent to produce the product. It makes no sense to dismiss her from the project.
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