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Monday 19 September 2016

Steph and Andy - Coronation Street's best couple?

It's always the quiet ones, the unassuming ones, the characters in the background on a slow burner that you want to see more of. And at the moment, it's Steph and Andy - Coronation Street's best couple by far.

Robert has no idea how much of a little gem he's got working for him in the form of Steph. Andy, well, he plays his part too!  But the pair of them together are keeping the Bistro going, holding the place steady while Robert and Nick rock it from side to side, threatening to throw everything overboard.

I've long been a fan of Steph and it's only recently that I think the pairing of her with Andy is really starting to work.  I'm loving these two together.  And if Andy's zombie-fest party is anything to go by the other night, we've got a lot to look forward to with this unassuming Corrie couple.

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Craig L said...

Couldn't agree more Glenda! Steph and Andy are two seriously underrated characters, and a couple of my favourites at the moment.

njblas said...

Lots of potential there...but we need to see Steph lighten up and have some fun for once. And please give Andy more to do than be a sidekick in everyone else's stories. He proved he was capable of so much more when he was centre-stage in the Gavin storyline. But now it seems as though the writers have no idea what to do with him. Let's hope this changes under the new regime. Otherwise he could fall off the radar completely from under-use, like Dr Matt Carter...

Cobblestone said...

Absolutely agree. One of the most likeable pairings on the show. And hopefully we're about to see more of them, with Steph telling Andy to have a think about what he really wants to do with his life. I wonder where that will take us? Nice not to know in advance.

Humpty Dumpty said...

Lovely couple and great rapport. They are very believable as young people starting out and trying to make something of their lives. In a way, I don't mind Andy not having much of a storyline. These days, a major one would involve splitting up with Steph or an illness. Oth, I wouldn't want the actor to get fed up and move on. Any chance Andy might go to college to do a course in Hospitality? Thought not.

Anonymous said...

The best couple remain the comic powerhouse of Tim and Sally but these two are not far behind

Tvor said...

I really liked them, too. I would like to see them get more of a storyline and maybe this idea of Andy finding what he'd really like to do with his life will go somewhere. I like that even though they argue and get angry with each other, they always make up instead of break up. I hope that continues.

Anonymous said...

I love them together - the last vestige of true love on the street - I hope they don't get upset with their lack of storylines and leave, because if they do, I might just might follow suit and do the same.
It's a shame that Michael is leaving because all 3 were great together.

Anonymous said...

I'm clearly in the minority here - I find them as dull as dishwater. I didn't mind Steph when she first started, but the stupidity of the Gavin/Andy storyline kind of finished it for me. Maybe if they got a chance to develop their characters with a decent story, I'd change my mind.

Zagg said...

I agree with Anon 15:55. The pair of them are so boring. Every time someone mentions Andy I think MacDonald first because this Andy is so forgettable. I like Steph. She needs a more dynamic partner and story line.

Anonymous said...

Also in the "Meh" minority. Not bad, not great but maybe that's why they are lasting... they haven't started on the extremes, yet.

Anonymous said...

just go to show that you can't please all the people all the time. I love them and want them to stay forever. I have a whole list of characters that could disappear into the night never to be seen again.

Anonymous said...

I wish Steph would lighten up, too, and stop criticizing Andy. She needs to treat him nicer. Andy should tell Steph off. He should tell her that he's sick of her ways, and that he'll no longer tolerate them.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me like Andy will have a bigger storyline, given he seems to be front and centre in the race to sort out Phelan following Michael's death and Phelan deciding to admit the scam (without of course admitting his part) to the other residents. Filming scenes in the papers also point to Steph and her brother at Manchester Airport, so perhaps his insistence that Phelan is responsible for Michael's death will cause future problems/breakup between his and Steph's character. I think this couple, like Sally and Tim, will grow and become more prominent in 2017. They would be idiots at Corrie to get rid of either of them!


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