Sally Dynevor, who plays Sally Metcalfe, spoke on ITV's This Morning about Tony Warren.
"He was such a lovely man, everyone has said the same thing. but he was very funny, very witty and very clever. You just felt so privileged to be in his company." Read it here.
Antony Cotton, who plays Sean Tully, gave a good tribute to Tony Warren on BBC News this morning. He called Tony Warren "fearless and a good role model". Read it here.
Helen Worth, who plays Gail Rodwell pays her own tribute here:
And for fans of The Guardian's Nancy Banks-Smith, this is a must-read tribute.
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The Nancy Banks-Smith piece is pure poetry with some lines that should be re-quoted again and again but for sheer warmth it doesn't beat my favourite-ever column on the show. That was also in The Guardian, by Grace Dent in 2010:
Nancy Banks
"Elsie Tanner, who was no better than she ought to be, seemed to be in Technicolor even when Coronation Street was black and white. She was once described as the sort of woman a travelling salesman always hoped would answer the door. Ena Sharples was the woman who actually did. Their collisions loosened your back teeth."
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