Now we all know that Jason is in no way responsible for the fire and that St Ella will no doubt rue the day the inevitable happens and she gets back with dastardly Karl (superbly played by John Michie). So what will the future hold for lovely Jason? I admit I am a fan of the character, I think both he and Ryan Thomas have come on leaps and bounds over the last few years. I never liked his pairing with Rosie Webster and to be honest, he was the mature element in his most recent coupling with St Ella Cougar. So where does Jason go from here?
I liked how before the fire drama he had started to build up a nice little business for himself. I hope that despite Karl's nasty intervention, we see Jason back on track with his endeavours. As I'm no fan of 'orrible Owen, I'd quite like to see Jason take Owen on and show him what he's made of. Should Owen depart the cobbles, it would be good to see Jason take over his business and make a success of it.
Romantically I'm not too sure what his prospects are. He has a chequered history with the ladies, with most of them dumping him in the end - I guess this makes him quite endearing, but it would be nice to see him find some happiness longterm. Looking at the possible partners already resident in Coronation Street makes me think he may need to look further afield. However who knows, Carla Connor may dump Barlow the Bookie for a younger model?
I would also like to see more scenes between Eileen and Jason. I think they work very well together as mother and son - there is a real bond there. I loved how Eileen showed concern, support and loyalty towards her son last night in the face of abuse and condemnation from Paul and Dev.
I know both men were highly emotional, but Paul in particular really should have kept his big gob shut until the facts had been clarified. Anyway, as we know Paul will depart in the future, I think Eileen is going to need Jason more than ever.

So what would you like to see Jason do next?
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