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Tuesday 26 March 2013

Deirdre Barlow to have another affair?

This week's fab Inside Soap magazine always gives a few hints about upcoming storylines in a couple of weeks time that we don't know about yet here on the Coronation Street Blog.  And in a very teasing kind of a way today, they've offered up this tasty little snippet:

"Is Deirdre about to have her most shocking affair yet?"

Well, while I know this doesn't mean that Deirdre will have an affair of course, there's clearly something in the air and maybe Deirdre sets her sights on another fella. 

Oh 'eck, who will it be?

When Sunita snuffs it next week, Dev will be distraught and in need of a shoulder to cry on.  Could Deirdre be the one he turns to for a bit of TLC? OMG!

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ChiaGwen said...

Well, that would be TOO horrible for words! I'm trying to think of another male street resident who wouldn't mind those chain belts and Eau du smoke.....

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Jason will trade in for something older. Perish the thought!

Anonymous said...

Dr Carter maybe!

Janice. said...

The pottery class instructor caressing her hands while teaching her to use the wheel. Very "Ghost'.

Chatty Kathy said...

Who in the world would be attracted to that gravelly voiced human chimney? Yuk.

Chatty Kathy said...

Oh wait. Maybe a marrows fan with no sense of smell and hard of hearing?

Anonymous said...

Is this how fireman Paul is written out ? Or even - perish the thought 'super head' Brian ? Haha An affair with Dreary eh ? Watch out - No smoke without fire . Can't bear the thought it may be Dev again yuk yuk yuk . Although I would like to defend Jimmi H cos he always gets a bad press . But I love him in Corrie .

Anonymous said...

Dreary and Dev photo!
My eyes! My eyes!!

Tvor said...

OMG indeed!

ritaduck said...

Nooooooooooo!!!! dont even joke.

Anonymous said...

I think she will have a crush on Rob Donovan who is sort of dating Tracey.

Dubcek said...

Well there's always Gail :)

Beth said...

Oh no, shame on Mr Blackmore if this is true - surely they can come up with more imaginative ideas than another affair. Some posters here have come up with some great ideas for Deidre. Her and Ken owning a shop with books and art. Far better than ANOTHER affair. Have they really run out of ideas for Ken and Deidre? I really don't know what the writers/ prodcuers think our morals are as viewers but I for one are sick and tired of affairs. This has been done to death in all shapes and form. You have only got to look at the picture of her and Dev to see the worst form imaginable.

Frosty the Snowman said...

Why does the only stories they can think up for Diedre is affair after affair? She is now nearly 60 and as shown when she was in the dock she is a pretty good actress and can be quite comical in an unassuming way. Why does every story in 2013 have to be based on sex? Its lazy and rather tacky writing IMO.


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