You might remember the train crash that spiralled into the street in 1967. Ena Sharples was under the rubble but survived. Only minor characters were killed. This was echoed 43 years later when a tram crashed into the street in 2010 and claimed the lives of Molly Dobbs and Ashley Peacock and injured many others. The Corner Shop and the Kabin were destroyed as a result.
Back in 1969 there was a coach crash when the residents were going out for the day to Windermere. The driver, Reg Ellis, was killed when the coach crashed into a tree. Several of the residents were injured.
And in 1979 a lorry crashed into the Rovers. Len Fairclough, Mike Baldwin, Alf Roberts and Betty Turpin were injured but only the lorry driver was killed. Baby Tracy Langton was feared to be covered under the timber of the lorry but was later found safe and sound. Alf suffered mental problems and had angry outbursts at the neighbours and had to have psychiatric help. The Rovers wasn’t affected greatly and the interior remained unchanged.
As for characters being involved in accidents: Renee Roberts was killed in a car/lorry collision back in 1980; Jenny Bradley and Martin Platt were involved in a car accident in 1986; Lisa Duckworth was killed by a car in 1993; Judy Mallett died of a result of a car crash with Vera Duckworth; Tyrone and Molly Dobbs have been involved in a car crash as did Tyrone with Tina McIntyre and girlfriend Kirsty Soames; and Sarah Platt nearly died when she was involved in a car crash with Aiden Critchley in Ken Barlow’s car. Then were the deaths of Dennis Stringer (2002) and Paul Connor (2007) as a result of car crashes.
Others have died off-screen in car accidents including David Barlow (1970), Len Fairclough (1983), Susan Barlow (2001) and Elsie Tanner (2004).
Can you recall any other accidents over the years?
See also: Corrie A-Z: A is for Accessories
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Surely the tram which ran over Alan Bradley in Blackpool. And the gas leak which nearly killed Rita and later Fiz.
Although it turned out to be murder/manslaughter everyone thought it was and accident with Liam Connor.
Tony Horrocks ran over and killed Joyce Smedley, Judy Mallett's mother.
Then there was the whole Don Brennan saga.
Valerie Barlow electrocuted by her hairdryer, Paul's wife Leslie electrocuted by Eileen's toaster in the kitchen sink.
Dennis (the man who should have been Eileen's) killed in a car crash - can't remember - was Les to blame?
Dont forget Mad Mayer crashing her car into the corner shop!
Soppy walking into the traffic to save Ryan although that wasnt really an accident.
St Ella being mowed down by a drunken Carla.
There was Steve Tanner falling down Elsie Tanner's stairs; the collapse of number 7 from mine workings subsidence (now that's something you don't get these days!); and Harry Hewitt killed, crushed when the jack on the van he was working on slipped. Guess this was repeated (without the death) when Kevin was crushed by the new fangled car jack that Tyrone had damaged.
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