As the blog’s newest contributor I thought I’d take a moment
to introduce myself and explain my reasons for coming on board.
As with most of you that visit this site and watch the show,
I have grown up with Coronation Street and living in London, I now tune in
eagerly on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday to get my little fix of ‘home’. I grew up in Rochdale in a terraced house and
we had many interesting neighbours, some of whom wouldn’t have been out of
place stitching knickers in Underworld or vying for Ken Barlow’s affections
over a pint of Newton and Ridley’s finest. We had births, deaths, marriages,
the odd affair and in my own personal life, a ‘coming out’…of sorts.
Because of my working class roots I’d always seen the
amazing way Coronation Street writers had captured real life. In my younger
years, whilst living with my Aunty Jean, I spent a lot of time with ladies of a
certain age who all seemed to have huge hairdos, and even though they lived in
places like Cleveleys and Blackpool, they always sported fantastic sun tans. They were
always lovely to me and to this day, my favourite character in the show is Rita
Tanner, played by the incomparable Barbara Knox, who always reminds me of those amazing women
and that time in my life.
I was also lucky enough some years ago to work for a Corrie favourite. Before my move to London I pulled
pints for Beverley Callard and her now husband Jon behind the bar of their two
pubs. Bev played the unforgettable Liz McDonald and is currently wowing
audiences playing Mari in the stage version of Little Voice across the UK. I
don’t think I’m alone in hoping she returns to the Street one day…
So what should you expect from my contributions to the Coronation
Street Blog? I want to highlight the genius of the script writers, who never
fail to amaze and amuse me and deserve all the recognition they get. But I am
also interested in Corrie’s history, it’s strong female characters and what the
future holds for our favourite show.
Stay tuned.
Stevie's travel blog: and Twitter page: @StevieDawson
You can follow us on Twitter @CoroStreetBlog and Facebook: CoronationStreetBlog

You can follow us on Twitter @CoroStreetBlog and Facebook: CoronationStreetBlog
Welcome Stevie!
Sometimes the Corrie script writers amaze us and sometimes they infuriate us, and sometimes they confuse the heck out of us.
Here are a few blog topic suggestions:
- The boring, predictable mess that is Tracyluv Barlow. She's not a character that we "love to hate". We just plain hate her.
- Why do the writers think we are buying the concept that gorgeous, young, fit, hardworking Jason would put up with Beige Lady's constant abuse and disrespect of him?
- Do the writers want us to like St Ella? If so, do they realize that for many of us, shoving her in our faces every 5 minutes and making her the queen of the u-turn and being so nasty to 'r Jason is just making us dislike her more and more? Plus WHAT IS UP with her all beige wardrobe, terrible hair style, and ghostly makeup? What is their intent with this character?
- Gloria. Just one question. Why? She's another one who isn't garnering much love. If that's what the writers want, they're accomplishing it.
- The economy in Weatherfield looks dreadful. Why not have the Corrie PTB put in some local business like a bank branch? It would offer locals some jobs other then the faktry, the pub, Dev's shop, the news agent, and the bistro. All pretty much low paying and dead end. They do have the hospital, but very few Street residents have found employment there besides Marcus, and Gail at one time. Surely they must need aides and office workers. Why not give a few of Corrie's young workers some jobs with a possibility of advancement and decent salaries?
Anyway, just a few of my thoughts. Again, a warmest welcome, Stevie! :)
Welcome to the team Stevie. Rita's my fav character as well.
I hope you have a great time writing for the blog!
Maybe always include a pic of yourself with each post? :)
As you mention the script writers, maybe it would be interesting to have some info on them, past and present?- NN
Welcome, Stevie! Thanks for taking the time to tell about your personal Corrie history as you jump in to the blog! Look forward to your take on today's Corrie women, who sometimes test our patience as you may have noticed here.
How will we ever see a future Rita if our current young women are so grumpy and/or nasty? Well, there's sweet Julie, but even she gets a little too needy at times.
Good idea about the script writers, and the stories they've brought us, if you're so inclined.
Script writers all present and correct and some past ones, all detailed exclusively here on the CSB at
Welcome Stevie chuck!
First and foremost welcome Stevie!
Secondly, Chatty Kathy I agree 100%
with all of your comments. I also would really like to see some of the younger characters show some ambition and go to school or get an apprenticeship anything beside working in that damn factory! I also cannot stand either Stella or Gloria and hate the way they treat Jason (I'm in Canada) that's what's happening here. Jason is a lovely lad and deserves to be with a woman who treats him decently. I really hope he gets a storyline like that in the future.
"FJH said...
Maybe always include a pic of yourself with each post? :)"
Seconded. Maybe you could also include some pictures of you recreating some scenes from Corrie past. The Full Monty would be a good start...
As if a guy like Jason would go after an old broad like Stella after being with soft and daft Rosie Webster...sure...
Just my 2 cents....
Shan't be getting my kit off just yet but thanks for the pointers you lot.
I'll try not to disappoint...
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