I'm probably alone but I always seem to find myself on Carla's side. I mean anyone in their right mind would prefer a life in LA to living cheek by jowl with the Barlows and the constant threat of Deirdre's stuffed marrow. I just feel like Leanne has become a very unsympathetic character. I know she loves Simon, so why shout and argue in front of him? She doesn't really love Nick, so why put him through all this for nothing? Ok, Carla stole her husband, but I don't remember Leanne showing Carla much sympathy when she was raped. Given Leanne's somewhat turbulent past, you would think life experience would have made her a more understanding person.

I think what Leanne needs is a visit from Janice and sister Toyah. Janice can put St Ella of the Back Room back in the Corrie Cupboard where she belongs and Toyah can talk some sense into her sister. Hopefully that would get Leanne back on track!
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Spot on!
Leanne is absolutely horrendous these days. She is so self-righteous. I literally want to stop watching the second she's on screen.
She is constantly moaning and there is nothing nice about her, so why on earth would anyone want to be with her?
I can honestly say that I preferred Leanne when she was a prostitute. At least was interesting to watch back then!
What's missing from a lot of the central characters is multi-layers. We have the light relief in Brian and Kirk, but our VIP characters are very serious and haven't got a funny bone between them. Peter, at one time, had a witty streak and Nick could be quite amusing - vanished. Carla rarely ever cracked her face and Leanne's going the same way. A sense of humour is one way to make viewers warm to a character. Rita's got it in bucketloads but then she's an oldie and I wonder if she's written by someone else. Now I know some posters will say that some people *don't* have a sense of humour and that's life. I think it's the writers who are guilty of this.
Leanne is FABULOUS and I won't hear a bad word said against her. Jane Danson is a marvel and Leanne is bloody wonderful. She's worth 10 of Carla.
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one!! Jane Danson is a great actress but they really do have to change the record as far as her character is concerned. And I think you'll find Carla is FABULOUS ;)
Graeme, you might have a bad foot but I think we're gonna have a cat fight!!!!
Agree Jane Danson is great at playing the character but I agree, she is too self-righteous. During her tirade at Carla, I found myself shouting at the TV "but you're an ex-prostitute so what makes you so great!" I cannot believe that Carla wouldn't have fought back with this sort of comment.
Ok Flaming Nora you're on! But can you at least wait until I've got my crutches?!
Your blog post just shows up the poor writing that bedevils the Street these days. Jane Danson is a great actress but even Olivier needed something to work with.
I hated the rape story anyway, but it would have been much better if Leanne had sympathised more with Carla. I expected her do so, particularly after Toyah's experience. But no. It was left to Stella to play Carla's BFF. Had Leanne supported Carla, then I might have actually cared about Carla running off with Peter.
Apart from the oldies and Hayley and Roy, (who seem to have emigrated during Collinson's reign), none of the characters are particularly likeable. That's the trouble with a plot driven soap.
When someone's behaviour seems out of character (in real life, as well as on this show) I try to see if there might be an explanation that's plausible. What could be going on in their head (as opposed to poor or sloppy writing)? In Leanne's case, the nasty self-righteousness she's been displaying lately (not just towards Peter, but Eva & Kylie too) I've been attributing to her ambivalence about her feelings for Nick and the decision to marry him. There's a part of her that's living a lie, and a part of her that knows it. She doesn't feel towards Nick like he does to her. Add to that her two minds towards Peter. She knows he's a mean drunk, who's treated her and Simon horribly, but a part of her still loves a part of him. Her mix of hypocrisy and self-delusion is making her very intolerant of faults in others. A psychologist might call it a form of "projection". Leanne's self-esteem has always been precarious. This current dilemma is wreaking havoc with it and her self-righteousness is her attempt to shore it up.
Definitely not on your own - TEAM CARLA
Don't know what it was about the catfight, but I was hoping Leanne would come off worse and that Carla would lamp Leanne good and propa' the other night.
My symphathy was with 'wrongdoer' Carla. Maybe because Carla was found out by annoying, tantrum-kid Simon?
Hope Dennis finds time to make Simon go back, start again, and walk across the road without being so cheeky.
I must say one of the things that currently has me so riled up (as riled up as you can get regarding a tv show that is) is the way Leanne "parents" Simon. Maybe it's because I see it on a day to day basis in real life with parents who are seperated/divorced and saying things in front of the children about their dad/mom/step-parent.
The whole time Peter was talking to Simon and having a difficult converstaion about not being around through Christmas, Leanne piped in her two cents every chance she got. That's not parenting...it's manipulating. She makes comments about Carla and Peter to Simon without ever apologizing for it, or explaining that she was in the wrong for speaking ill of others. Isn't that what we teach our children? that even in the face of people who wrong you that you are supposed to be the bigger person? It's no wonder Simon (played wonderfully by Alex Bain) is such a spoiled brat.
Having said that Jane Danson is a fantastic actress and I actually laughed out loud when she kept changing her tune yesterday: "well you won't be missed," "what do you mean you're going back?", "no you can tell Simon! I'm not going to clean up your mess!", "oh no you won't tell Simon! Not unless I'm there to pick up the pieces!" hahaha
Regarding the rape storyline, I never really expected Leanne to support Carla. Women are their own worst enemies, and even worse frenemies. They hold grudges, and boy are they vicious with those tongues! The only exception to this is the friendship between Maria and Carla. Shows what a good heart Maria has, and that she realizes that everyone can be fooled by a smooth talker. (remember when she hooked up with Tony after being so sure he killed Liam? yeah...)
Hopefully they bring back the old Leanne soon, but again her currently flawed, sanctimonious character makes for some damn good soap! :)
Sorry, but for someone who was abandoned by her own mother and grew up with only Les and Janice for role models, I think Leanne is wonderfully normal. If the woman who destroyed your marriage ruined your wedding plans and then tried to drive your 9 year old while impaired, any good parent would go ballistic. We got a cat fight because it makes for better tv than calling the police.
She and Nick give that kid structure and stability; it's normal, boring and very real. Haven't heard one peep about Peter blustering in and disrupting that.
Rape broke Carla's confidence, but she was a train wreck before that. A serial man stealer and drunk, she was all attitude when Paul was alive. She was a bitchy wealthy wife who drove her husband into the world of escorts. She did not build the business but inherited it; she did run it surprisingly well, however. I don't care what happened to her when she was away, we didn't see it or frankly, even get a post card. Whatever healing happened was obviously superficial. She's the same mess that she was months ago. Put a fork in it.
Of course Leanne's imperfect, she never had a sensible parental relationship until Ken and Deirdre. I hope it works out with Nick; Gail could also be a good influence.
Jane, Chris and Alison are all amazing actors, and Ben, who was pretty wooden when he first arrived, has tremendously improved. Not my favorite story ever, but the battle between Peter & Nick should be very watchable (as long as Carla is locked up in the drunk tank).
I can't stand her. Unfortunately, there will be lots of Leanne over Christmas and I'm dreading it.
Even when she's right, she's insufferable. She looks down her nose at practically everyone and the constant sniping, moaning, bitter ranting is unbearable. Without a doubt, she's the most hypocritical woman on the street and she is just so awful to watch. JUST GO AWAY LEANNE!!
The only way to redeem this character I think is to show a softer side with Eva. We see a nicer Leanne with Stella but the bitchiness with Eva is OTT given her lines with Carla. Writers need to balance her by. Perhaps Eva could have a crisis and Leanne supports her instead of sniping. The the Carla cat fights and the Peter-bashing will not feel so grating.
I have to agree with Graeme. My thoughts exactly. The most annoying part of the Leanne character is her mouth. I mean she never misses a chance to criticize and it doesn't matter who it is - she attacks. I found her constant declaration of Simon being her son extremely annoying and not allowing Peter to take Simon for a meal unbelievably cruel. As far as I am concerned,if Leanne left the show tomorrow I personally would declare a holiday.
Serial man stealer/ husband-stealer comment yet again, eh? Okay, well to basically re-hash a comment I made on a previous post, here we go:
Out of her five relationships, Carla went after two men who were involved with/engaged to/or married: Liam and Peter...(she was married to Paul for eight years before he died; and both Tony and Trevor were both not married or in relationships when she was with them)
Neither woman that Carla wronged was whiter than white either: Maria had an affair with Charlie Stubbs, and slept with best friend Toyah Battersby's boyfriend; Leanne had an affair with her boyfriend Jamie's father Danny, AND then had an affair with her ex-husband Nick whilst engaged to Peter. I'm also sure that the escort service Leanne was an employee of wasn't biased against married men.
Pot.Kettle.Black in my humble opinion
Anyone else think it's the dark hair that turns everyone against Carla? haha! She's got the quintessential seductress/temptress/bad girl look so often used in literature and films.
It's always the brunettes that keep their bad reps. ;)
I hate her. She's vicious, sanctimonious and the idea of Nick and Peter fighting over her is laughable.
She should go back to being a prostitute.
I would also like to add that Carla is in a different league. She's beautiful, she's sexy and she's a successful business woman. Granted, she can be selfish and she's got some issues but Leanne has always been jealous of her.
St. Leanne cheated on Peter with Nick and she didn't even love him. I'm not usually keen to stick up for Peter but at least he loves Carla.
Bitterness makes a person extremely unattractive and that's St. Leanne. A very bitter, sour faced and spiteful woman.
Leanne's sanctimoniousness is part of the Corrie formula. Characters have aspirations above their station. Ken and his scholarliness, Raquel and her modeling, Annie Walker and her royalty, Sally and her conservatory, Vera and her stone cladding, Audrey and her lady-mayoress affectations. Leanne imagines she is morally superior because she has suffered and become an outstanding mother to Simon. It is meant to make us snicker just as the others did/do.
Leanne is a hypocrite. She used to be a prostitute, a drug addict, a thief, an arsonist and a cheat. With a past like that you can't go around thinking you're better than everyone else.
Her holier than thou attitude is sickening.
I'd forgotten she was an arsonist too!
I just don't understand that she thinks she is Simon's mother, legal guardian or whatever and that Peter has no say in what Simon's future will be.
She might have had temporary guardianship of Simon while Peter was away but Peter is his biological father and as far as I understand it he is also his legal guardian so where does Leanne get off telling him what he can and cannot do with regard to Simon.
She makes it sound as if when she marries Nick that Simon automatically comes with her that can't be right or legal.
If someone could shed some light on this I would be most greatful as I am totaly confused which admittedly doesn't take much.
On a more positive note, I should add I think it's great Corrie manages to retain the loyalty of great young actors like Jane Danson for so many years. For me programmes like Coronation Street work when actors/characters have longevity. In her character's favour we have watched her grow up on screen. The same can be said for Tyrone, Fiz and many others.
Errr Jane Danson left Coronation Street for quite a period. Like many others, she found out that its a cold harsh world out there. For most of the actors, it would be career suicide to leave. Anyone know what Stephen Peacock is doing these days? Or Kevin Kennedy? Or ... (insert endless list) ...
Anonymous: Ashley and Curly didn't leave of their own accord, they were written out. Jane Danson is a great actress but her character has become a shrew and you can see Nick is becoming aware of it as he asked her why she lets Peter get to her all the time and why she responds in such a negative way. Leanne's bitter, negative attitude is becoming increeasinly annoying and I'm not looking forward to the wedding or non-wedding.
I totally disagree. Leanne is such a hypocrite as she had an affair with nick , while stil with Peter and now she is going round playing the victim. I can't stand her.
Leanne is soo self righteous it's unbelievable .
I am team carla all the way and thnk het and Peter deserve some happiness.
I really hope the rumours are. Not true about Peter and Leanne getting back together .
Anonymous: Jane Danson did leave Corrie for four years however it is over 15 years since her character first appeared so there is longevity there.
And yes, both Steven Arnold and Kevin Kennedy were written out - they didnt choose to leave.
Jane Danson is among the best actors on the Street.
If they're writing sow's-ear rubbish for her, even her considerable skills can't turn out a silk purse.
Producers, please consider that you may have taken a wrong turn with this character, and restore some of her likeability.
The thing with Leanne is she always gets what she supposedly wants but she's never really happy!
When she had Peter she wanted Nick, and now she has Nick, she clearly wants Peter. She wanted Simon and 'claimed' to only want what's best for him but that didn't stop her from making it impossible for Peter to see him in the end.
90% of the time, Leanne is awful and I feel sad about that because I really like Jane Danson. I would love to see her play other characters, to be honest. It may seem harsh saying I want her to leave Corrie but I genuinely think she's a great actress and I would love to see her in other shows. I know that's unlikely but that's just how I feel.
Graeme N your article is spot on. Her constant spitefulness towards Peter the other night in front of Simon is out of order. No matter how she feels towards him she should keep her mouth firmly shut if she cares about Simon as much as she says she does. If the writers continue this way Leanne will have no redeeming qualities left. When she comes on screen with that scowl I just want to hit the mute before I hear her screeching. You had to look at Nick the other night and wonder why on earth would he want to marry her, all her complaining, nastiness, snide comments and digs - not nice qualities no matter what you are going through in life.
However I'm so flaming tired of this whole charade anyway - the Peter/ Carla train wreck and the fighting between the two couples. It's been done to an absolute death and that's why I wasn't looking forward to Peter and Carla's return to be subjected to more of the same.
As Graeme N said Janice needs to return with Toyah, pronto, and knock some sense into our Leanne!
And writers, it's not groundhog day, get a new storyline and script for this lot - enough already!
Totally agree Graeme, how is it Carla is so much more likeable and popular despite being the 'baddie' in the formula? Leanne is just so bloody unpleasant
I hate Leanne. I wish she would just leave. She whinges constantly and such a hypocrite, she shouts and fights with Carla for stealing Peter but she had an affair with Nick not to mention that she is an ex prostitute. I can't stand her.
Whereas for Carla, I love her, she is so beautiful, witty and is ultimate queen bitch. Alison King is amazing also and no one could play Carla as well as she does. She is the best actress in Coronation street Jane Danson second. I hope Carter don't split up to as i love them together! Team Carla all the way!
I have to agree, I cannot stand Leanne and wish the writers would either get rid of her or at least make something serious happen to her that would make her realistically change her attitude. Unfortunately it looks like the writers are going to ruin things completely by putting Leanne and Peter back together. With what has been shown on screen so far I think things can be fixed.
Carla could return from LA as she realises she can't be without Peter and be willing to get help for how she feels and the drinking, she could tell him all this and he could agree to support her through it. They could get a new flat which isn't actually on the street itself which won't have any bad memories, Carla might even be able to expand Underworld with a new factory (it was mentioned a short while ago that Rob had told a client they were going to be expanding, telling Michelle they could do it if they got that order and they did get it). She could manage that factory and have Rob in the current one, with Michelle working in either or both. They could then use this to bring in new characters, or just show office scenes in there if they don't want any new characters yet.
Simon could be nicer to Carla as he has already said he will be if Peter stays, and over time Carla could evolve into a more motherly character (though not changing too much I hope). As time passes and she bonds more with Simon (and with Ken & Deidre too) she can feel much better about staying there and be much calmer and able to avoid drink like Peter has been since his return.
Jane Danson is an absolutely brillian actress and always seems to be a lovely person during interviews. However, I am disappointed to see that the writers and powers that be are corrupting her personality. I blame too much time spent with St. Ella of the Back Room, Leanne's broken/uncertain heart, and her weak self esteem. Perhaps if Simon and St. Ella left, Leanne could work her way back to herself?
TEAM CARLA! I hope they give her some good luck soon, I liked fierce Carla
I love Jane Danson, she is a brilliant actress. However I must agree with you Greame I am really starting to dislike Leanne
I wish they would kill Leanne off or at least send her to Toyah's for a year because the character is unbearable. Don't want to watch her with Peter, don't want to watch her with Nick, don't want to watch her with anybody.
I like Peter when he's with Carla. I like Carla when she's with Peter and I find their relationship fascinating. However, I would rather watch Carla move on from Peter than have to watch Peter torn between Carla and a self-righteous, spiteful cow like Leanne.
Omg!! I love you!! This is bang on!! I hate Leanne!! I love Carla!! Honestly Leanne needs to die!! Aha! No but seriously, I cnt see how anybody likes her!! She causes all the 'hurt' I'm her life! Whereas Calra was just relli unlucky:( The writers need to get on writing Carla some happy storylines and Leanne bad one!(Murder) haha..Anyway thanks for writing this! HAha!:)
What is wrong with you?!?Leanne is pathetic! I hate her!! Carla is worth 1,000,000 of Leanne! They need to kill her off already! Leanne caused the upset in her life whereas Carla was super unlucky!:/ ...
Carla wudda came off on top if she wernt drunk..Leanne wud never of took her on sober! I'm Team Carla all the way and Team Kill Leanne haha!:P
How can u say that?! Leanne a disgrace! Carlas been through so much. She deserves to brakedown, and she cnt help falling in love..she loved liam, and peter. Who else has she stole? I love Carla and I hate Leanne! So I totally disagree with u..I know it just a programme but I honestly hate Leanne and hope they kill her off soon..Shes marrying nick so she can keep Simon! She aint even his mum! An she doesnt love Nick! Urgh! She's an ex-prostitute..and loads more..she shuda died in the trunk of Pauls car!!
Leanne's hypocrisy is astounding. It doesn't matter that it is a while since her most reprehensible behaviour, it is the fact that she has been where Carla is, her actions and decisions have been every bit as bad, if not worse, so she is not in much of a position to condemn outright - which is what she does. She cannot help being hurt and angry but her blasting anger is like a raging fire and is not helpful and shows she has gained little or no wisdom or useful experience from her past. If she had truly redeemed herself, she would try containing her anger or at least direct it more wisely. She simply lashes out, not caring what she says in front of Simon and it is all about HER and HER hurt. For all her fine talk of Peter being a bad father, she herself uses the child as an emotional battering ram, she puts herself and her own feelings first, just like Carla and Peter have done in the past and therefore she is a hypocrite in my book.
What difference does it make that Steven Arnold and Kevin Kennedy were written out? The point was that many of the Coronation Street actors have no other choice than to be "loyal", because they know they are on to a good thing. Very few who either leave or are pushed are ever heard from again. Vicky Entwhistle left of her own accord didn't she?
She's marrying nick cuz she cnt have Peter&cuz it gets her better chances of winning Simons custody battle with Peter&Carla both being alcoholics they cnt give Simon the stable home Leanne&nick can..I personally think Peter&Carla make much better parents even tho Carla doesnt seem to like Simon or Simon like Carla lol..I hope Leanne dies!:P
I agree..Any actor/actress that leaves wud probably end up without a Career, tho I think Alison King who plays Carla would go far!:) Shes been in so many things and been so amazing! She is the best actress I've seen in a long time:) Michelle Keegan and Kym marsh would probably get another job too:P
I agree! Jane Dason is a great actress! Not the best but good!:) and she is just ending her career playing Leanne..The writers need to kill her off and then Jane can get a better Job..Totally not a bias comment cuz I hate Leanne:P haha
I was looking forward to Carla/peters return..only cuz Carla is my favorite character and Ali is an amazing actress..I was not looking forward to all the fights tho..I love Carla and she reli deserves to be happy now..The writers are destroying Corrie and all its great characters:/
Cuz Leanne brought all the 'hurt' in her life on herself but Carla was just unlucky.They need to give her a happy story! I love seeing Ali preform to her fullest in the bad story's but I hate the actual stories..I love Carla&Hate Leanne but Carla gets all the sad when Leanne gets all the happy:/ it's not fair! The writers need to make a happy Carla for once!:(
I feel the same! Tho I'd say Kym marsh or Michelle Keegan second..Tho I havnt had the chance to warm to Jane as I hate her character! She plays her well but I wish she'd just leave already!! I love Carla&Ali and I cnt wait for her return Christmas eve but I'm also dreading the tears and upset for her, I hope theyre sum happy Carchelle scenes to make up for the upset..And I duno about her gettin back with Peter, I know he loves his kid but he treats her like shit recently and he moves on to Leanne fast afta Carla leave and I know he's doing it for Simon and to get back a Nick but I've started to seriously dislike Peter:/ used to love carter too:(
Replying to Jayde - Carla can also be selfish but her sudden 'extreme' selfishness and bitchy behaviour that we've witnessed this week, is a pure plot device to drum up the will they won't they "drama" of Leanne and Nick's wedding. That to me, is so blatantly obvious. She would never have expected Peter to make that choice before they left originally. Her relationship with Simon will always cause problems for her and Peter. Will Simon ever 'accept' Carla... It doesn't look possible now which is why I am starting to think they might be heading towards that. It would be very interesting to watch a big change in their relationship and to see Simon feel differently towards the woman he has always hated.
Omg!! YeS!! Love this ideah!! Haha! All of what u wrote is amazing!! Wish it wud happen but doubtful as the writers seem to love picking on Carla and making sure Leanne gets everything:( And also if Carla had a kid of her own she might warm up to Simon more and shes such a great character! The best actually! And I hope they do something to make her stay and be happy for a while:)
Me too! They've totally broke her! People are walking all over her and she's letting them!They need to bring old Carla back!:)
Who's Steve? Kevin? Vicky? Lmao! I think Michelle Keegan, Kym marsh and DEFINATLY ALISON KING would go far after corrie tho I hope Ali(and kym tbf) never leave Corrie! Love them and their characters too much:P
Wow..this must be a record..all these comments!
Well, I'll add mine. Imo Jane is just about the best actress on this soap. Friday night..the look on her face when she realized Peter was staying was the clincher. You could tell that Leanne is still in love with Peter and, he knows it. Great episode that allows her (even though she's a right gobby cow at the moment) to shine through.
Peter brought her out of the gutter and she has tried to shed her past but sometimes the old Leanne comes rising up from the ashes (cat fight with Carla) and leaves me wondering..what the hell?..them I remember all the dirt she to other women and realize that she has to pay her dues too.
Anyway...great blog..keep up the good work!!
Hmm, I just know I hate Leanne and shes being a hypocritical selfish bitch and much more recently! And Carlas broke and she reli needed Peter! I dnt want Carter back together cuz Carla gets hurt too much! I want her to move on and be happy and more llike the old Carla!:) but if she cud be happy with peter than that's good too and Simon wud warm up to Carla if he had the chance, but Leannes always shooting her mouth of degrading her and saying it's all her fault Peter and Leanne broke up, when Peter just stopped loving Leanne and fell for Carla..Leanne needs to leave then Simon Peter and Carla would be happy..Sorry didn't know which comment u were replying to lol..And sorry for ranting on at everyone lol:P haha..I'm just a massive Carla fan and I hate ppl sying leannes better then her when she's clearly not! Anyway! Rant over!:P haha..
I'd say Jane's 3rd best actress on this soap Ali King(Carla) first then Kym Marsh(Michelle) haha anyway told myself I ain't gon rant on no more so gon ignore ur comment bout liking Leanne as u sed nowt bad bout Carla! Who is the best Character btw!:( and yes Jane did do great that episode, but did u not see how Ali played Carla! I'd give her an award just for that airport scene!!:) never mind the rest of the amazing work she's done:P
Personally, I believe a good storyline would be one where Leanne gets sent to prison.
Goodness me! I didn't expect so many comments on this! Thank you to everyone who has posted their thoughts! And please do keep them coming - I love getting feedback on what I write here!
Your posts get loads of great comemnts Graeme! Thank you.
Excellent post Graeme N. :-)
I used to like Leanne but unfortunately, I'm now with the majority of viewers who cannot stand her. The only way I think I possibly could enjoy watching her again is if she was left on her own - with no Nick, no Peter and no Simon to moan at. I am aware there isn't much chance of that but I reckon it would be far more interesting if Leanne was on her own now.
I believe the love square has ruined her and will ruin the other characters if the writers don't move on!
I think Leanne moves in cycles. She has periods where she is self-righteous and annoying, but then she will switch for a few months to being a great well-rounded character. I think that's about to happen when she gets back with Peter or whatever happens. That little glance when Peter returned...signalled her next transition into "Nice Leanne" :D
Leanne can be a fabulous character, when she's written right. Jane is brilliant and does her best with the (sometimes poor) material she's given. I agree with other posters that she's billed as the perfect mother, however, her bashing peter and carla infront of simon is shockingly bad parenting! I'd really really hate for the writers to put Leanne and Peter back together, it makes no sense. There's too much water under the bridge, Peter loves Carla, even if she has gone to LA. Leanne should be on her own, raising simon as a single parent. On the same level, Peter should be alone (he obviously doesn't know that Carla'll be back soon) getting over Carla (til she's back) and trying his best to repair the damage he's caused for Simon.
I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking Leanne shouldn't pick fights in front of Simon! The boy is obviously very intelligent so there's no doubting he would pick up on all this, and it would therefore affect his behaviour.
And thank you Flaming Nora - your encouragement since I started writing for the blog has been amazing and I'm very grateful :)
Why is it always Leanne who gets all the stick? It should be Carla.She's a hateful character and sounds like a squawking vulture.Plus Leanne is 10 times sexier.If I was Peter I know who I'd pick
God, I hate Leanne. She is my least favourite character ever to have entered the street. She was recklessly obsessed with making Carla's life hell. When Frank Foster raped Carla, it was Leanne who was behind it. Frank Foster was Leanne's hitman, all Carla wanted to do was to reject Frank because she thought he wasn't too good for her. So what happens. Leanne turns him into a sick nasty monster by ordering him to rape Carla. It's Leanne who is the true wicked witch of Coronation Street. She's a junkie, an arsonist, a liar, a thug and a prostitute. Carla would have been living a wonderful life on Coronation Street if it hadn't have been for Leanne, the cruel jealous hostile bitch! I'm really sorry Carla suffered sheer humiliation at the hands of Leanne. One day Helen Skelton will enter the street and she will give Leanne the ferocious and merciless beating she deserves. Bring Helen Skelton on the street. She should avenge Carla and batter Leanne. I'd be looking forward to see that happen in the near future. Good luck Helen Skelton, you are 100 times more beautiful and sexy than Leanne ever was or will ever be.
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