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Wednesday 19 December 2012

Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie - Wednesday 19 December

Coronation Street, Wednesday 19th December at 7.30pm

TYRONE REACHES A NEW LOW WITH KIRSTY. Tyrone’s anxious to discover Kirsty’s spent the night on the sofa and destroyed his birthday cards in a fit of rage. Her fury mounting, Kirsty confronts him with the offending card from Fiz but Tyrone does his best to convince Kirsty that Fiz’s card means nothing to him. Slightly appeased, Kirsty agrees to meet the vicar later with Tyrone. Worried about covering his tracks, Tyrone secretly goes to Roy's Rolls where he asks Fiz to back him up about the card but, at the end of her tether, Fiz won't do it. Tyrone leaves annoyed. Oblivious to both of them, one of Ruby's toys falls to the floor leaving a clue of his whereabouts. Kirsty and Tyrone meet the vicar. Tyrone gets emotional knowing deep down he's living a lie. In the park Kirsty's romantic mood disappears when Tyrone mentions something from his past. A row erupts and Kirsty threatens to call off the wedding. Back on the street, Eileen witnesses the continuing tension. Angry, Kirsty pays Fiz a visit in the cafe. At the last minute Fiz covers for Tyrone but when Kirsty spots the giveaway mobile toy from Ruby's pram it’s not enough to save Tyrone a beating. When Kirsty loses her rag back home her violence reaches new heights.

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Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Corrie writers but all this bashing of Tyrone story lines are getting too violent sending the wrong messages out. I watch the show for some fun relief from the day to day hectic life but all this hitting and nastiness is turning me off not sure if I want to continue to view. I know it's a soap my girls watch with me but now I don;t want them to. I hope things will improve. Liz

Dilly Daydream said...

I have to agree with you Liz. We all know these things go on in real life but please, can't we have some happier storylines?

Such misery is a real turn-off.

Anonymous said...

This is a terrible storyline why have it go on so long, where is the humor, miss Jack and Vera

Nathan Johnson said...

Oh for goodness sake, how many more conveniences can occur in this storyline. So he drops the toy in the cafe when visiting Fiz, which of course Kirsty will go and visit. Just like Monday when Fiz dropped the card (why she bought him one anyway as they where meant to be pretending not to talk to each other is anyone's guess). Plus all the times Kirsty manages to walk into conversations about her or spot Tyrone talking to someone else. Just end this storyline already, its clear they are not going with trying to send out a message, just going for more sensationalism.

Anonymous said...

Where are the other storylines? Are we really going to sit through half an hour of Tyrone/Kirsty/Fiz. It's getting even worse than the surrogacy storyline and that is saying something.

Frosty the Snowman said...

Watching Tyrone and Fizz blundering about like a couple of idiots is becoming painful to watch. Why Fiz is even going to his house or buying him cards and cakes is beyond me. Although Kirsty is a nasty piece of work, these two dolts bring a lot on themselves.

Anonymous said...

One function of soaps used to be to raise awareness of issues like domestic violence against men. Sadly, these stories are so badly written and sensationalised that they just irritate.

There is no longer any purpose to watching other than to waste time on something undemanding and laugh at the silly plot devices.

Humpty Dumpty said...

Is this a new technique among soap writer? Get a good idea, research it, ensure it's well written and acted ... and then ruin it with some superfluous, gratuitous love affair. Like the Alzheimer's story, brilliantly portrayed through Lesley but wrecked by Paul and Eileen,this domestic abuse story is being let down by the Tyrone and Fiz romance. It's simply not needed.

abbyk said...

I had posted several times about how much I was enjoying this story. All done. Agree with most of the posters above, the romance killed it. Ty & Fiz have been Just Friends for so long, if they had remained so, and she stuck by him, and then as he recovered from Kirsty they realized that they were more than friends, that would have been okay. Long and drawn out (uh, like real life) but okay. But now, forcing it when they both know what's at stake, no. Instant relationships don't make sense and they just don't work.

They should have taken a cue from Kevin & Sally. Enemies after the affair, they've slowly rebuilt an amicable relationship. If that were eventually to go a little further, it wouldn't seem awkward or unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

This storyline is nasty and not easy to watch, it's going on far to long. I can't watch anymore. I agree with most bloggers, the stories are too far fetched, even for a soap, the scripts are rubbish. I can't wait for the new producer to take over, corrie has hit an all time low under collinson. Rosie


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