GARY GIVES DR ALI A TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE Sharon calls at the furniture shop to pick up Rick’s old client list. In return, Gary asks Sharon to teach Ali a lesson. What has he got planned? Craig attends a wellness checkup with Ali when the doctor suddenly collapses. Toyah and Dr Gaddas rush to his aid and Toyah reluctantly reveals that he might have taken an overdose of diazepam. Maria and Gary watch in horror as Ali is loaded into an ambulance.
JAMES HAS QUESTIONS TO ANSWER At The Weatherfield Golden Hearts Awards Aggie collects her award and delivers a heartfelt speech. Ed, Michael and James look on proudly. When a reporter approaches James and reveals that there are rumours about his sexuality circulating on social media, James is utterly floored. Insisting that he’s not gay, James hurries away, masking his panic. Having returned home and clearly upset, James explains to Ed and Aggie how Danny has inadvertently outed him on social media and as a result his career is ruined.
THE BAT SOCIETY DOESN’T LIKE HANGING OUT WITH NINA Roy hosts a meeting with fellow bat watchers, Herman, Dave and Farooq. When he introduces Nina, they’re horrified by her attire and deeply suspicious of her motives.
ELSEWHERE Craig and Imran set off for their run but they don’t get very far before Imran admits he hates running and he’s off to the cinema instead. Ken and Claudia return from their visit to the luxury retirement complex. Claudia is keen to move in as soon as possible while Ken has his reservations.
GARY’S REVENGE GOES TOO FAR A terrified Gary leaves a message for Sharon telling her that if Ali dies, she’s to blame. Maria calls at the hospital for news of Ali. An angry Ryan blames her for playing him off against Gary. Toyah confesses to Imran how she’s been helping Ali kick his habit, she lied on his behalf when his missed his tribunal and as a result, she might have jeopardised her career. Ali regains consciousness. When Ryan reveals that he took an overdose of diazepam, Ali’s confused and swears blind that’s not the case. Ryan’s disbelieving.
JAMES FINDS AN UNEXPECTED ALLY Michael confirms that Danny has taken down his original message, but James points out that it’s too late. A furious James confronts Danny who insists that it was an accident and he never meant to cause trouble. But James bitterly points out that he should have been able to come out on his own terms but thanks to him, that’s now impossible. When James receives a text from his manager summoning him to a meeting with a County press officer, he fears the worst.
ROY REALISES HIS FRIENDS ARE DINGBATS When Nina presents her homemade bat boxes to the group, Herman, Dave and Farooq are begrudgingly impressed whilst Roy is proud of her efforts. When the bat watchers make derogatory remarks about Nina’s dress sense, Roy takes umbrage and resigns from the group. Brian steps down too out of solidarity.
ELSEWHERE When Ken reveals that he and Claudia plan to move into ‘Stillwaters’ in a few days’ time, an excited Tracy starts planning a makeover for No.1 while Peter wonders where he and Simon are going to live.
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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