Nick feels that he's lost his power and is trying to get it back. He lets Steve off - for now, demanding that there be some ground rules, although we never find out what they are, except for the rather obvious one of Nick being named on the birth certificate. I've got some ground rules: The first rule of Leanne's baby is that we do not talk about who the real father is. The second rule of Leanne's baby is (you get the picture).
Michelle, with her usual senstivity, forces tea and figrolls and maternity chat on poor Leanne who is worried about what Nick is doing with (or to) Steve. If she wants to stop Nick and this palaver, surely she could just mention, y'know, that time he forced her to have an abortion? Anyway, Nick now feels back in control, so much so that he's booked them a holiday in Tenerife and is packing Leanne's bags for her. I bet he takes the wrong bikini.
Rats have an average lifespan of two years and Beth, Craig and Darryl moved into the street four years ago. Unless Craig's been giving him some special life-prelonging food, I think Darryl must have gone to the great rat-nest in the sky and Beth secretly replaced him. If so, it's not the only lie that she has told her son. The original Darryl, Craig's dad, is in the big house and Craig is therefore in Sally's front parlour. Beth rather bizarrely accuses Sally of being a flaming child-snatcher, claiming that Sally is romantically interested in her son. Fortunately, both Tim, who talks about his mistakes with Fay(e) and his happiness at being given a second chance to be her dad, and Sally, who has ulterior motives in wanting "the big lump" (and the rat) out of her house, talk Craig into softening his attitude towards his mum. Kirk also makes up with Beth once he sees how upset she is over Craig. "The last thing I want to do is to go back to Norris's," he says. Well, quite, he'd be sharing a room with Sean.
Another one accusing someone of being interested in younger suitors is Sarah of Gary, who is still keeping an eye on Bethany. Having being internet-groomed when she was younger than Bethany, Sarah's probably right to be suspicious, even if it is unfounded. Gary doesn't spill the beans, but Bethany does, telling her mum about the meeting at school with Lauren and her mother re: the bullying. Sarah steps up, insisting that she attend as well.
Caz is using the cafe's wifi (!?) to send out her CV but, as Maria says, "there's no call for trained killers". Caz sulks at Maria's joke and it take eclairs, wine and Maria getting in touch with a head-hunter on Caz's behalf to cheer up her flatmate. They both talk about what the other has done for them:- Caz has well and truly got her size sevens under Maria's table. For now.
Todd has the same problem with Billy as Sean had - how to get him away from his "demanding parishioners". Instead of whining about it as Sean did, Todd takes action and Billy out for lunch at a posh restaurant. He also takes Tracy's advice to get a room by booking a hotel, so that he can lose his "born-again virginity". Sean, meanwhile, overhears the plan and, still racked with jealousy and a Canal Street hangover, cancels the room. But Todd and Billy manage to ruin the afternoon without Sean's interference, as Billy takes umbrage at Todd's joke about Billy hiding under the bishop's petticoats and they row about the important of celibacy in a C of E relationship. Todd leaves Billy high and dry and with the bill for the hotel room, and I think it's going to take more than an eclair to put this one right.
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the highlight of tonight's episode was seeing my 2 favourite hunks, Luke & Andy together in the same scene. Short, but oh so very sweet.
The rest of the episode was filled with lowlights. I'm sorry, but actors on Corrie that do their best at light hearted comedy just don't do serious drama that well. At least not well enough to uplift these dreary storylines. Maybe it isn't the actors, maybe it is the writers, or maybe the director, whichever. It just doesn't work well enough.
Watching Nick and Steve was the most painful thing I've seen in a while. Steve is dopey and Nick is about as threatening as a moth, although it was a good psychological twist bribery by text. I still don't like Michelle but she is unfairly being set up for a huge emotional let down. When she finds out, and she will, she will be so within her rights to kick'em all out, or just take the baby and leave for Ireland. With all the cash. And child support. I have zero sympathy for Steve at the moment. He's been a man child for far too long, grow up already.
Todd and Billy, mmmmm, no. Go with your instincts, Billy. You're on a life course and doing quite well for yourself in a success not measured in money way. Todd is a drifter with no focus. He's a lot younger than you and very immature. Run. (But we know he won't.)
With all this, Maria and Caz seemed okay. Bringing Darryl into Sally's house was not. Nice cover, Tim.
So, my idea is that Steve will now sign away leanne's kid (Nick on the birth certificate) and then Michelle will miscarry - lose, lose Steve! I really hoрe i'm wrong!(John H)
I so agree with Abbyk in relation to the Steve and Nick scenes. I was squirming with embarrassment at the 'poor' actors trying to create drama with the most pathetic, unrealistic and ridiculous script. I had to turn off. Stupid, stupid, stupid. What are the writers thinking? Two pregnancies and the father the biggest baby of them all. No woman like Michelle would tolerate such a relationship unless the only criteria was to boss him around and be the one in control.
Steve is a twit but I really hate Nick. where does he get off bullying Steve and trying to blackmail him by pretending to send Michelle the bad news by text? And booking a holiday is all very well and good but he didn't give Leanne much of a choice and packing for her??? I half expect him to be looking for cottages and a business up in the Lake District and trying to move her away next.
Also, what about Simon? Is he going too? Nothing was mentioned. He should've only just gone back to school and wouldn't be able to go away in term time. Or is it just assumed he'd stay with grandad Ken?
Anon @ 11:28, he did say he worked things out with Robert and Ken, so I assume that means Simon will have a place to stay.
I guess Nick has forgotten that his bullying and blackmail tactics against David into doing a DNA test to see if he was Lily's father after his drunken one night stand with Kylie destroyed his marriage to Leeanne [who should run]the last time they were married.What a hyporcrite!
It's Leanne I feel sorry for as she'll be the pariah when it hits the fan.
With regards to her accusations against Gary,I guess Sarah has learned her lesson from Callum when she didn't question Bethany spending her time at the Dog and Gun and being his alibi when Jason was assaulted.
I have no idea what Leanne sees in Nick, he is a nasty, spiteful bully.
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