Here is a sneak preview picture from Coronation Street, to be show on Wednesday 16 March 2016.
Clearly enjoying his company, Eileen invites Phelan back to No.11 where they kiss passionately.
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For all Eileen's past moaning about her pathetic love life, when she finally gets her hands on Michael, she seems kind of quick to throw it away. Also, one would think after her recent online dating fiasco, she'd be a little more diligent in discovering even a few details about Phelan's past. She doesn't seem to learn from her mistakes. Ever! Still, gotta love Eileen - a train wreck that evokes sympathy.
No sympathy from me, she deserves every rotten thing she gets.
I'm not feeling sorry for her lately - the way she orders Michael around is outrageous - she treats him like her little lap dog - it really is time for Michael to move on to someone who would appreciate his caring, level headed self. Enough of Eileen & Gail. Or maybe let him stay single for awhile - just be a nice bloke on the street and in the pub.
I don't think Eileen even loved Michael but went after him to spite Gail.
Remembering how Eileen,Jason and Julie believed Kirsty's lies about Tyrone abusing her and now both Eileen and Jason are taking Phelan's word over Anna and Kevin,I will be looking forward to seeing them be conned by Phelan and get their commeuppance.
Welcome to Comeuppance town! I would have said 'city' but Tracy luv is still on the show :). I agree with all comments above. I used to love Eileen 's character, but she is just too much of a taker to even like anymore. But if Phelan's character sticks around then I have to say that these two belong together. True colors.
No sympathy here either. I used to like Eileen, she was fun when she arrived and her relationship with Steve and Lloyd was a joy to watch. When her and Steve went on holiday together it was great.
In recent years she's mean and spiteful. Who could forget her taking Kirsty's side over Tyrone and Fiz. Somebody she had known all of 5 minutes over neighbours for years. She was vicious. Then there was that whole debacle with the fireman and his wife. Her funny streak has long gone, she hardly smiles and is sarky and snide sadly and I believe that michael would have gone back to his new wife Gail had Eileen not gotten her claws in him. Now Eileen is ready to toss him aside for the smarmy Phelan. As I said, no sympathy from me.
Fat Brenda used to warn us in her blogs about her.... we should have listened ;)
Yup - I really do miss reading Fat Brenda's comments - maybe she could drop us a line or two??? Although I'm sure Steve Huison (sorry about the spelling) is probably far too busy to post his comments - they were funny - and I would love to hear what she has to say about the whole state of affairs on the street right now.
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