Oblivious award: Gail was struggling with the cross trainer machine. Turns out Yasmeen turned the level up higher on it. Wouldn't you think Gail would have noticed or checked it if it was that difficult, or at least asked Gary or someone? Nope.
Musical ambience: Erica, Liz and Mary quoting Barry White with Al Green's Let's Get Together on the jukebox in the background. Superb.
Cold Blooded award: Steph. Can't stand the cold. I know how she feels!
Hyacinth Bucket award: Karen, sorry, Kareen who owns a garden centre and was very snobby and condescending.
The Morning After Award: Dev wasn't exactly all loved up and fretted that Erica might expect more of him than he's ready to offer. Be honest, Eileen advises and she's right.
Double Whammy: Eva got sacked and dumped!

Prodigal Son: I'd forgotten that Todd hasn't moved back home after his latest bout of forgiveness, he's always at Number 11.
Fashionista award: Mary looked fab! Liz's red patent leather boots were a nice touch.
Lines of the week:
Sarah to Bethany "You are the brightest girl in our family, not that that's setting the bar very high"
Dev "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Erica "No, but where Mary leads, the rest of us must follow"
Mary "I can assure you I'm not quite the maneater people think. Or am I? (grrr)"
Liz about Mary "When it comes to heartache, she is a novice"
Mary, after a group Barry White quote "Lying Beep-Beep" (aw, I do feel bad for her)
Tracy "I don't know whether to stand here and gloat or go home and gloat"
Mary "Mother used to say one drink I'd be under the table and two drinks I'd be under the barman! Chance would be a fine thing" (hahaha)
Steph to Andy "You're worse than Luke. He makes out it's not cold when it's lit'rally Arctic" (I feel for you, luv)
Gail "Yoko Ono didn't have anything to do with The Beatles but it didn't stop her sticking her oar in"
Robert to Tracy "Go home and stay there!"
Gail about Suzie Birchall "She tried to nick me husband!" Kylie "Which one?"
Steph to Andy "You have got a great bum" Andy "You're objectifying me!" Steph "Yeah" Andy "Stop it!" (but he didn't mind, not really)
Sally "It's too bad Norris doesn't have any family. It must distance him from the voters" Rita "Oh it isn't that that distances him, it's his abrasive manner"
Tim "I had a sprained ankle, spent the night in a cell, and I didn't even get a kiss!"
Todd to Bethany about mothers "No matter how horrible we are, they always forgive us"
Sally "I know how I'm going to win this election" Tim "What? Bribery, and corruptions and free pies for everyone?"
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What about Eva to Johnny, "you're my boss, not my pimp", I did laugh at that, and Eva's delivery of her lines is priceless (no pun intended). So many good lines this week, I really enjoyed them.
FASHION FAUX PAS. No school in Salford, where Weatherfield is based on, would ever let Bethany wear those silver shoes to school. Black shoes only to be worn.
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