The official Coronation Street website at have released another trailer teaser video of events leading up to the Coronation Street live episode that will air in September.
This trailer video is all about Sally and Tim's upcoming wedding... and whether Sally's kiss with Kev ruin the whole blinking lot.
The video is probably only available to those in the UK so for overseas fans and those who want to know what's going to happen - here it goes.
The video shows Kev and Tim's bromance developing. Kev celebrates his 50th birthday this week on September 3rd and it appears as if Tim gives Kevin a gift of a bracelet. So far, so good. Then we see Sophie joking with her mum and asking her if she's still got feelings for Kevin. But then the money shot at the end is of a very shocked Anna Windass who's listening over the garden fence as Sophie and Sally chat.
Sophie says to Sally: "You're going on about Anna and how common she is, but she's not the one who's going around kissing her ex-husband, is she?"
The look on Anna's face is priceless. Will she do anything about the information she overhears and ruin Sally's big day? I wonder... and that's when the video ends!
Have a look at it here.
See also: Trailer video, Will Max be killed off in Coronation Street?
Read all the news and spoilers so far about the Coronation Street Live episode.
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I'll bet Anna can't wait to dump that little tidbit of info on Tim, paving the way for her to get together with him so they can be a proper family. Then they'll go for custody of Miley.
Oh please don't say that Anon, I dread the thought of Anna with Tim, it makes my blood curdle!
Whatever it takes to get Kevin and Sally back together as it should be.
please don't put Anna & Tim together - Tim & Sally make a great couple - perhaps Anna & Faye should go to Canada and reunite with baby Miley there - off our screens as neither character has much to add to the story these days - just fill in where required. I'm tired of Anna either moaning or acting as if she is on speed - perhaps she has become bad boy Callum's new customer - the last episode where she was dithering on about nothing & complaining about everything was very tedious and annoying.
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