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Monday 28 September 2015

Coronation Street Double Episode Review 28 September 2015

Much praise must go to Paula Lane, as Kylie, Tina O’Brien as Sarah, and Jack Shepherd as David in recent episodes.  Coronation Street has 3 brilliant young actors and long may they continue to entertain and impress us.

Callum’s mum, Marion, interests me. Of course she would come looking for her son. As she says, ‘A mother never stops loving a child.’  She seems pleasant and decent and clearly extremely anxious as to what has happened to her son. But it does beg the question - does she know what he is involved in? What does she think he does to earn a living? Does she know Gemma?

David gives Marion the truth on a plate, rather than the smoked wafer thin ham sandwiches. David informs Marion that Callum has committed a catalogue of crimes and that Max witnessed the beating up of Jason by Callum and no longer wishes to see him.

Another mother in distress is Yasmeen. She notes, ‘A callous murderer is free to go about her business with impunity?’ On seeing Tracy in the street she shouts, ‘Mark my words! I want justice for my son and I will not stop until I get it!’

Gemma arrives at the Platt’s and wants to know where Callum is. She is  suspicious of The Platts, though she does also suspect the man further up the drug dealing tree, Denton, might have done something, as he was after £20,000  from Callum, which Callum tried to exhort with menaces from the Platts.

It is as long as a week now since Gemma has had a text from Callum. She tells the Platts that something is not right. Kylie slips out to fetch Max and while she is out she texts Gemma from Callum’s phone. The text says that he has gone underground for a bit as Denton is on his case. Gemma seems satisfied by that and after she gets £20 from David, she leaves, much to Sarah’s relief. Sarah is horrified at Kylie using Callum’s phone and demands that they get rid of the phone today.

Sarah is in a dreadful state and it is clear to anyone that she is troubled. There is a conversation in The Rovers and ghosts are mentioned, about which Sarah completely over- reacts. Kylie goes to the pub to have a word with her. Kylie tells her that she cannot bear the thought of Max and Kyle growing up with out her and David. ‘You have to be strong, ‘ Kylie tells her.  

In the garage David and Kylie are in reflective mood. David has told his mum that it will be her ‘own little palace, fit for a queen.’ Kylie mentions the Princess and the pea, though it is unlikely that Gail will detect Callum through her mattress.

Sally’s standards are slipping as she endures heartbreak. In the street in her dressing gown, she arrives at the corner shop to buy alcohol, chocolate and DVDs to help her find the way through it, until Rita makes an appearance. It’s good to see Rita’s involvement in Sally’s life, giving her a much-needed nudge to sort the situation out with Tim. As Rita suggests, wallowing in self-pity never got anyone anywhere. Sophie is shocked at the extent of her mum’s devastation over Tim so will be relieved at Rita’s efforts. Maybe others are the same, but I do admit to getting ridiculously excited when Rita is on screen.

Much as Sally would prefer to wallow, Greta Garbo style, Rita forces her out to The Rovers and says that a Weatherfield window cleaner needs to see Sally with her head held high. Well, Tim was in the pub but told Sally to go away and told Sophie that she had betrayed him for not telling him about the kiss. Back home, talk centres on the need to cancel the wedding venue. This seems to give Sally the steel that has evaded her. A new determination envelops her and she declares that the wedding WILL take place.

 Roy did scrub up well and so did Cathy. As Roy was having his hair trimmed by Audrey, she states that he must take care of his appearance if he is going out with a lady. Then she asks, ‘She is a lady, isn’t she?’  Realising what she has said, and how Roy might interpret the comment, she tries to explain/apologise that she meant nothing offensive.

Roy and Cathy did seem ill at ease in the Bistro, so went back to the café for coffee. They decide that they are not restaurant people.
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Anonymous said...

Wasn't there something similar with victims cellphone being used posthumously, John Stape or Gail? I am guessing the mother will keep digging, the wrong person will be arrested and jailed before the truth is out. And I am with Yasmeen on this one. I hope she is one to give tracy her belated comeuppance.

abbyk said...

David, Sarah and Kylie were brilliant, but the story still bugs me. Seriously, you kept Callum's cel phone and texted Gemma? TV cops have been tracing calls and texts for over 10 years. Could you imagine if Gemma had tried calling Callum's number while she was at the Platt house?

He broke in. He was attacking terrified Sarah. Kylie thought Sarah was in mortal danger and tried to stop him. It went wrong. You call the cops. It's over. It's still horrible. There are still consequences. It isn't stupid and dramatical, but it is, almost, believable. The show runners would have to come up with character driven stories.

Has there ever been a Platt devised scheme that hasn't gone terribly awry?

Anonymous said...

I wish Tim would get over himself, it's just not likely that he would take umbrage so.

And why on earth didn't David just chuck goblin Gemma out? She's only wee and not at all scarey, why give her houseroom?

John McE said...

Once again we have a completely random piece of dialogue (asking the vicar about exorcisms), simply so that Sarah could freak out. I do wish they'd stop these coincidental pieces of dialogue, as they are used way too often.

I can just about accept that Sarah would let Callum's mum into the house (although her demanding food was harder to swallow) but there is no way David nor Kylie wouldn't have simply slammed the door in Gemma's face. And having told the mum about Callum's misdeeds, why on Earth didn't they stress the same things to Gemma?

And why do the producers always have to go so over the top. Sally buying a bottle of wine or vodka, plus a large bar of chocolate would be so more convincing that buying half a dozen bars. Sometimes producers, less is more.

Tvor said...

Oh I do hope they find a way to keep Gemma around!

Humpty Dumpty said...

First, I must say the three main actors (for David, Kylie, Sarah) in this storyline are superb. Really, it just shows that if they have decent scripts, they are fantastic. However, it's hard to engage with the story because it's so ridiculous. What reason did they have for not calling the police? It's true Sarah enticed Callum and you could argue that he was provoked but there would be lots of physical evidence on Sarah and his fingerprints on her smashed phone to prove that she was being attacked. Why didn't they tell Callum's mum that the police had already been round, and then they wouldn't have needed to have any discussion with her. The business with the sandwich was OK; people do say bizarre things at stressful times. The detective's comment the other day about the manhole exploding (or whatever) in his friend's house is a plant. Surely that's what will happen right under Gail's bed in a year's time. Jack P Shepherd kind of let it slip in an interview that David might exit next year. David will take the blame and go on the run?

I've read one of the actors saying that there's always comeuppance in Soapland, but evidently this isn't true of Tracy. They've pushed the 'love to hate' business too far and now the character is just a joke - a very weak one. It doesn't really matter how she leaves; could be in a police van or a new job in London.

As for Gemma, you could see her vulnerability when she thought Callum had disappeared forever. She has nowhere else to go. Obviously, the writers could give her a personality transplant, making her the new factory boss. As it is, however, she will probably vanish from the storyline becoming part of another gang.

Cobblestone said...

Poor Yasmeen has had to keep her anger stoked to this degree for three weeks now, since all the attention switched to the Platts for the Live Episode, which felt a little strange. It's believable that her resentment would be simmering, but this kind of grief-fuelled rage several weeks on from the Tracy reveal felt like it needed some sort of additional catalyst to have her shouting in the street. I really like Yasmeen, but feel these scenes belonged weeks ago.

I did like the ironic continuity device regarding Sally. When bringing Kevin's party commestibles home in a borrowed Freshco's trolley, Tim joked she'd be going shopping in her dressing gown next, to which she indignantly replied that 'that would NEVER happen'. Well ...

Anonymous said...

God no Tvor, I hope they DON'T find a way to keep the cretinous Gemma, she is just awful.

Anonymous said...

Was it just me then? I found the episodes really odd. Sandwiches! Jammy dodgers! Cab fare home! Art paint on cathy's clothes!
The conversations in Platt household was at times bizarre.
Why didn't Sarah go back to Italy with Gail and Bethany?
Sally out in her dressing gown!
I could go on....

Anonymous said...

To answer the question about a pbone being used posthumously,David called Tina on her father's phone because she too was looking for him unaware he 'failed' at faking his own death when he died for real.
I don't trust Sarah and feel she will call the police and blame David while she and Betnany make their escape.
With regards to the comment about how Tim should get over himself,I doubt Sally would be forgiving if he kissed Anna.Let's not forget the nihgt of the kiss,Tim was on holiday so Kevin decided to keep Sally 'company'instead of being at home with his son and of course they startedderinking red wine.I hope Tyrone is sympathetic towards Tim.

Anonymous said...

Like I have mentioned before they should change the name of Coronation Street to Misery Street or The Platt family saga - every episode is so contrived, forced and just not worth watching.


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