It's Friday again so it's time for this week's fab Coronation Street
photo. Here's a view of the Street that you've probably never seen before. It was tweeted by Colson Smith yesterday. It's where he goes on the set for a bit of peace and quiet.
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He is such a great actor and character. I hope Corrie can hold onto him for a long time to come.
What's craig doing nowadays? no school of course - so full-time visual enhancement engineer's assistant?
wonderful actor - he just seems like a young man that never has a bad day - such a joy to see him on screen. Corrie better keep him around for a long time just to infuse some uplift to sometimes maudlin episodes.
Did he leave school? I thought he would go to 6th form because his GCSE results were good.
Do they have a sixth form at weathy high? never heard of one
Was that taken before or after Labour Day? White shoes:)
He should be doing A levels and planning to go to university. Hope he's getting good advice from school.
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