Tony brings in some henchmen to threaten Liz into selling the pub, she gets scared and tells Tony she wants rid of the pub, thus giving in to Tony and Tracy's plan for pub domination.
Steve signs the pub over to a company called Travis Ltd - which turns out to be the trading name of a company which Tony has set up to buy the place. Tracy's over the moon when she finds out what he's gone and done.
I don't like the sound of this, not one little bit and hope Liz is back behind the bar where she belongs sooner rather than later. We can't have Tracy running the place, no!
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Seriously, if Tracy was behind the bar full time they'd be out of business in a week! She has only one friend on the street-Beth. No one else can stand the sight of her. For the love of God please don't let her run the Rovers Return into the ground!
She'd also bar everyone who looked at her sideways...I think the Flying Horse and Bistro would suddenly find themselves filling up :)
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