I very nearly went for the delicious Deirdre Barlow as my heroine mainly due to the touch of comedy she brought to the episodes this week. Yes, Deirdre was back in the kitchen attempting coq au vin (from scratch) and passing off Freshco's "Best" chocolate cake as her own. She was rumbled by Carla who quite clearly smokes her own salmon above the Bookies. It was great to see Deirdre sharing scenes away from Tracy-luv - her support for Eileen was great this week.

Anyway, in the end I went for David Platt as my hero of the week. Clearly impending fatherhood is the making of Demon David. He has proved to be a great step-dad to Max and quite obviously dotes on Kylie. This week we saw him man up and take on Kylie's shifts at the Bistro while also taking time to go and buy a cot in preparation for the new arrival. I reckon we should enjoy this new improved placid David as he is sure to hit the roof when the truth is revealed about Nick and his dutiful wife. I just wish he would cut the apron strings and move his young family out from under Ivy Tilsley Mark II's feet!
So now to my villain of the week. Rob Donovan. No contest really. Rob irritates the hell out of me every time he appears on my screen. I really expected more from a character created to play alongside the fabulous Carla Connor. Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned Rob is just plain awful! His is a character we've seen replicated many times before - Joe Carter, Luke Strong, Liam Connor...the list goes on. He is not fit to follow in the footsteps of Mike Baldwin and I hope Peter Barlow soon sees him off.

So that's all from me, now it's over to you. Let's have your hero(ine) and villain(ess) from the past week in Coronation Street!
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Villian(s) Sally AND Gail..so smug and self rightous looking down their noses at Kylie as if their $hit didn't stink..pair of hypocrites.
Hero...I'm going with David too..poor bloke is gonna have his heart broke...lalala.
I agree re Rob. He is annoying me even more than St Ella and that's saying something! The only positive thing I can think of to say about him is that he has nice nipples:) LOL
I dont mind Rob although I dont think someone who has been in prison for armed robbery would be allowed to work in a bookmakers. I just dont like the ghastly Tracy stuck to him and pawing him in every scene - there is just no need for it and its spoiling the character for me.
I could have cheerfully slapped Sally this week - SHE has a good mind to say something does she - what the hell has it to do with her.
Gail back and as pathetic as ever, I know Helen Worth is a forever character but I just cant stomach Gail and her always santimonous behaviour. David and Kylie should have never let her back in the house, left her with her "friend" Sally who couldnt wait to get shut of her.
Villains - Karl, Stella and Leanne. Karl for being Karl. Stella for being Stella and Leanne for being Leanne.
Heroes - Carla and Steve.
Carla: "It started off cold, I made it hot. That, baby, is cooking!"
Steve is a legend.
I don't mind Rob and I think the actor is good.
Comparing parallel Coro St - up-to-date UK online and really behind the times NZ episodes - and some things just don't make any sense. In NZ we've just had the first mention of Carla's brother when her mother dies. He doesn't appear, but is taking charge of their mother's funeral etc etc. Hardly the actions of someone locked up for 8 years.
This sort of continuity lapse never used to happen in the old days.
Just sayin'.
Villain - Eileen for even thinking of chasing after tiresome Paul and making our lives as viewers even more unbearable. Just when we thought we'd got shot of him to 'somewhere in Yorkshire' and had the chance of seeing the old Eileen back on our screens. Thanks a bunch for that!
Hero - Deidre. I think she's quite priceless when she's allowed to shine on her own without anything to do with the loathsome Tracy. Bring back the pottery side of Deidre and pair her up in class with Craig. Now that would be Corrie gold without it being slapstick.
(My TRUE villain(s) are the Prices - this goes without saying every week btw for obvious reasons and crimes against accents, but I'm guessing it's most people's choice, boring and obvious!!!)
My Hero - 'r Jason, for giving Karl back some of his own when he found him in the Rovers cellar. He's so adorable when he's all sneering and gloat-y. Like a kitten with a whip.
My Villain - The loathsome Boria, as she continues to push Karl onto St Ella. I know that she doesn't realize the full extent of what Karl has done, but she DOES know that he gambled, stole from Stella, lied, cheated on her, kidnapped her, stalked her, and to add to his list of charms, was also a generally useless and lazy layabout. What is she thinking? Every time she beams idiotically at Karl, I just want to thump her.
Side note: I've been watching Emmerdale because I just don't enjoy Corrie as much. Ryan Thomas's brother Adam is an actor on E-dale. Like Ryan, he also plays a young man who lives at home with his single mother. He is protective of his mother, and really loves and respects her. They both endure romantic ups and downs. He is also handsome, cheerful, hard working, and well liked in the village. Sound familiar? It's like they're playing the same part! The only difference is the location.
Villain: Gail - just waiting to pour poison into her sons' ears. I would love to see the two couples sort out their problems and then tell Gail to do one. Also, inevitably, the Price family - this time for barging into the Bistro team-handed when it's busy. I reckon Gloria commends Karl to Stella simply to keep her own place in the household. Gloria and Karl are a double act and manipulate Stella for their own ends.
Hero: Deirdre, for some light relief and David, for doing his best.
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