What an expression on Beth's face! As the truth is revealed, concerning the attempted though rejected kiss, realisation dawns and Beth becomes wide-eyed with delight. It's worth watching the episode again just for that. On arriving in the pub, Beth says, 'You'll never believe what we've just heard!' The relish with which she says it is a joy to behold.
Sally and Beth are talking about men and saying how rubbish they are and Kirk, quite rightly, chimes in to make the point that if he spoke about women in that way, they would belt him. Not so dumb Kirk - good on you! Sally, looking rather lonely turns on Norris who is commenting on the whole surrogacy story, and tells him he's 'a silly man, a nasty little elf, a nasty little bald elf..'
Gloria, true to form, moans about Tina having gone into labour and upstaging the reopening of the Rovers. And the point of Gloria is? Perhaps she's there to remind us not to have too much faith in human nature.
Back in the hospital as Tina labours away, there are real tensions between those waiting, and Gary is nothing less than the devil incarnate. Even devoted mother Anna has little time for him, telling him pointedly that Tina is 'a surrogate mother not a surrogate girlfriend' and that she can't look at him, but we know that won't last. Izzy though is taking a much stronger stance and won't have anything to do with him. The baby's future doesn't look so secure. By the way, what exactly is Ryan doing there?
So the baby is born and the little mite is placed in an incubator to help him breathe. It's a touching moment when both Tina and Izzy visit the little one. Both are visibly moved. Tommy tells Tina that she has done an amazing thing and that he wished he'd realised earlier. Tina points out that he's always been a bit slow.
Just lately Carla and Michelle are playing Scott and Bailey, watching eagle-eyed the movements of Tracy and Rob. Tracy makes the most of her 'shock' by accepting a double brandy from Carla. Tracy starts to wonder if Rob is just using her but he tells her that she is the most exciting woman he has ever known.He follows this by saying, 'You are the only person I know that's as selfish as me.' What would you give for such a compliment? Tracy though seems delighted by it as she suggests they go back to his place.
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The carry-on over an attempted drunken fumble by Gary is just ridiculous. He didn't grope her...he barely moved towards her and she acts like she was molested! It's time to get over it already, but I thought the episode was great otherwise..Beth telling Sally off..in spades..awesome!!
Sally telling Norris off was pretty awesome too.
How is it that the Izz can prevent Gary from seeing the baby - isn't Tina legally the Mother until the final forms are signed? Agree the attempt to kiss Tina has been blown way out of proportion and embellished along the way. At least it forced Katy and Babeh to move in with Ryan, Michelle and Steve - don't think Ryan will a find a ready made family to his liking!
Frosty actually felt sorry for Garrah last night, he is being treated as some kind of paraiah an outcast - frozen out by the Owen clan and not allowed to see his own beybey for a very small transgression. Izzy just gets creepier and creepier with her mad staring eyes and the hilarious attempt at "crying" had us in fits of laughter in the Frosty household. As for the moron that is Katie, no comment.
What about Owen sniveling in Izzys hair ? I'd've made straight for the shower after that scene.
I thought the acting in last night's Corrie was superb from Michelle Keegan and Chris Fountain, however I found Owen and Anna very irritating and just shouted in the hospital. Loved Sally calling Norris a "Nasty bald elf" if Sally said that to Norris imagine what she would say to St.Ella!
I thought it was poor scriptwriting that when Tina and Izzy were worried that the baby was two months premature, no-one thought to mention how Fiz's daughter Hope survived even though she was born far more prematurely.
And also, wasn't it ridiculous with Tracy's badly split lip, that it didn't appear to hurt at all when Rob was sucking her face off?
I thought the comment made by Izzy about Tina "having legs" was disgraceful. The Izzy character is really becoming dislikeable. Sally was pretty unpleasant to Norris as well but this is obviously the build up to the sad lonely cow and her on line dating.
There is more to it than just one kiss. Even his mother said he'd been sniffing round Tina for months - the ring, checking on her flat etc. Gary's head is messed up and Izzy is right to be concerned. Agree that Michelle Keegan and Chris Fountain were very good last night. Why haven't they done more with CF? I haven't liked this story line at all. The Windarms are very creepy, and I didn't understand why Tina went through with the surrogacy once she and Tommy had split.
Frosty - we must have been twins separated at birth - my thoughts EXACTLY on Monday's episode! Thanks for posting my comment lol.
I've been wondering that too -- Tina went through with the surrogacy to pay off TOMMEH'S debts -- and she mentioned still having a chunk of it in the bank...I remember them paying Tyrone some of it...
I thought Sally was priceless last night ... pity the Rovers wasn't ;)
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