I can't help thinking that if Simon had been around more, and been acting up in the way that kids do, Carla and Peter might not be out shopping for wedding rings just yet.
And if little Amy had been on the scene more as the daughter that Tracy forgets she's got, Rob Donovan would have run a mile in the other direction.

And hang on a minute, but on the night when the Rovers Return reopened, who was looking after Joseph? Katy and Ryan were in the pub while earlier Anna said she'd babysit Joseph, but then Anna turned up in the pub when Katy and Ryan were there.
Are we supposed to believe that Emily was doing the babysitting? And while on that note.... where's Emily gone?
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I predict that Emily will regenerate a la Doctor Who and will re-appear as a twenty-something babe.
Or Eileen Derbyshire's on holiday . . .
We could always send FayE out to look for the other kids! :-D
~JB in Canada
Perhaps they're with Ken?
Simon appeared when he talked about Sunita burning in hell, while Amy made a brief appearance I think on the 29th of April, when Rob didn't appreciate her pictures.
I don't know, but one can only be grateful.
I hope they do not steal that US tradition of sending the kids off for a few weeks and have them return as adults! lol
The first time they do that I will turn off the show forever. :-)
Weren't Aidi and Aesha (sp?) in a recent episode briefly when Dev was talking to him about misbehaving? Amy hasn't been seen for ages and also on the Rovers opening night, Fiz, Chesney and Tyrone were walking together to the Rovers, so who was looking after Hope and Ruby?
Maybe Amy has "gone upstairs to listen to her tapes". We will see her again in about three years, whereupon she will have regenerated.
ChiaGwen, it was mentioned that Emily was looking after kids :)
It's called being in school in real life.
Llifon, all of them?
Where was Emily one of the oldest residents at the Rovers opening? I think its a disgrace she wasnt there "babysittng" or other such BS. The writers love to introduce pregnancies and dramatic births but when the kids start to grow up then they just dont know what to do with them.
Well I'm sure Simon will make an appearance when Leanne discovers Nick and Kylie's secret. He'll also appear in that Peter/Carla stuff too. Amy will probably appear soon when all this Tracy and Rob stuff dies of it's death, unless Tracy clobbers him with a statue...
Maybe Eileen Derbyshire is ill and unable to be in the show. Or maybe she's really ill, but has asked Granada not to make a press statement.
I hope she's ok though.
And that ridiculously incorrect Faye story has gone very quiet too! Most ridiculously incorrect storyline ever!
I've always thought that the kids are in school in real and only really seen during school holidays or if there is a particular storyline that would where they would be needed. When sunita died it wouldn't have been normal is asda & aldi were not seen at all. as for eileen derbyshire, she is going the same way as betty, only appearing as a guest artist a few times a year at special occasions. Mind you she was last seen at the rovers fire. She was standing outside with Norris. That was only a few months ago, not that long enough to worry that Eileen Derbyshire might be unwell.
Anon, no just Hope and Joseph I think. Or maybe Hope and Ruby.
Llifon: thanks for the info that it was Emily looking after Hope and Ruby. Can I ask how you pronounce your name - I'm intrigued!
ChiaGwen: Is it the LL that's causing you trouble? If you try saying Lhevon, you'll be close. :)
Chesney left after getting into it with Ryan, made a comment about someone having to parent the child, so he must have gone home and got Joseph and then Anna came to the pub.
Fiz and Tyrone did mention something about telling someone they'd be back soon on their way to the Rovers, at least they threw that in.
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