I think I have totally given up caring about the horrendous FayE. Is she eating properly? Well, feed her hen droppings. Not bothered. She seems to drain the life out of everyone around her. Anna has morphed into a hand-wringing ninny and even the increasingly odd Tim seems to spend a great deal of his time staring into the middle distance. Add to this the cheerless Owen, channelling Len Fairclough, petulant strop-fest Kayteh and her baybeh, plus the gimlet-eyed Izzy and hey presto - a true house of horrors!
Meanwhile over at number 13, Boria is giving meaningful looks at the end of every one of St Ella's utterances. St Ella: "Solicitor's letter etc etc". Gloria: meaningful look. Do us a favour, cut to the chase and reach for your cheque book form the interminable folds of your cardigan.
At the Bistro, the list of employees grows longer. Nick has employed his mother as a cleaner and Gail in turn now gets to supervise St Ella of the Scrubbing Brush as she applies tiny amounts of elbow grease to the even tinier floor. It's official - there are now more staff that customers at the Bistro. Maybe they are going for a record number of employees squeezed behind one modest bar. Not much room left though, unless you shuffle up next to Leanne and that sizable chip on her shoulder.
Even the drama of Roy looking for his long lost dad had a feel of 'clunkiness' about it. The idea of long, lost relatives is a soap vehicle used one time too many. It all seemed a little weary and not worthy of the lovely Croppers. Savour Hayley while we still have her!
Full marks though to Tina and her square looking pregnancy (what has she got down there? A tea tray? A selection of encyclopedias?) for turfing out creepy Gary. That lad is trouble and you can only fear for the child produced by him, old gimlet eyes and Tina Tea Tray.
OK, whinge over. Onwards and upwards to better things. I'm off to flick through a few of Deirdre's recipes before dinner. Stuffed marrow anyone? Thought not.
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You rant is wonderful.......lol. I especially like the remark about the chip on Leanne's shoulder. The producers need to put her out of her misery.
Clinkers, that was spoton! I couldn't agree more.
I loved Roy and Sylvia this week. She was so cute bandaging up his burnt fingers.
The rest of the show..meh...I wish Gary would've shoved something into Tina's mouth..what a gob she's got!!!
Izzy is annoying me no end too.
Bore-a-nation street.
Humdrum Street? Yes, indeed. Whinge on.
To be honest, I hate to whinge, too, but key words you used, vitality and vigour, rather the lack of, are what makes me whinge -- the complete lack of energy being delivered in the stories and by the characters.
Agree with a large part of your post but I thought the scenes with Sylvia, Hayley and Roy were superb. Sylvia's one-liners to all and sundry were a hoot. The Beige-one hanging all over Karl was pretty icky and when he said he was going to look for a job he might as well have said he found a cure for cancer the way the way she beamed at him - shouldn't he have looked long ago - she really is clueless! See they are still insistent on making Gail a dithering idiot.
Funny how we never see those who work in the kitchens at the Bistro. It's hard to see it being a success when there are more Managers, bar staff and cleaners than chefs.
Well said my feelings exactly. Thought it was just me. When I was having trouble sleeping last night I tried to come up with the characters that I enjoy watching. Sad to say the ones I dislike greatly outnumber the ones I like. I am really hoping that the new producer brings in some new characters and job situations. I'm watching in Canada and am so sick of every other scene being shot in the Bistro with sour faced Leeanne insulting everyone. Why do Peter and Carla constantly go there surely there must be other eating establishments they can visit. It's not like they don't have a car.
We are a couple of weeks behind the UK (via CBC Canada) but I heartily agree. For me the biggest missing link is someone like Blanche. I thought Eileen was going to be Blanche-like but the writers have done a great job of turning her into yet another whinging broad. There sure is a preponderance of boring, wussy fellas on the street. I'd move to London.
1) The Roy-Sylvia scenes were brilliant. It turns out Hayley doesn't know Roy as well as Sylvia does. Syvlia predicted this and now Roy has gone all OCD over timing his phone calls to St. John. He is clearly not equipped to deal with this event and Sylvia was spot on. her line about having a bonfire in the flame-retardant receptacle was good too!
2) Tommy and Tina have always been MS attractive bores. Izzy has more expression in her eyebrow than Tina in her entire face. The pendulum is swinging now and, thanks to this storyline, however disasteful, Izzy will get more camera time. Maybe even Tina will have more to work with if she breaks from Tommy.
3) I don't like what the Gary-Tina storyline says about surrogacy, but I felt how the army reunion played with Gary's head. It's locker room, with this mates ribbing him about his masculinity. He starts getting insecure about actually not impregnating his girlfriend and also responding to peer pressure to prove his studliness by bedding the super-fit surrogate, however retroactively :/ Maybe the strangeness of what he's doing suddenly hits him upside the brain. "That's not what normal blokes do..." It could be a complex story, if played out right.
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