This is probably the most rhetoric yay or nay we've ever asked on the Coronation Street Blog but... is there anyone out there who doesn't think Anne's the Corrie killer?
Vote below - Yay or Nay - do you think Anne Foster killed her son Frank in Coronation Street?
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Sunday, 11 March 2012
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I've thought it was her since I heard the story was going to happen.
I'd like to think that Anne wasn't quite that heartless so I'm going with a very quiet, very hopeful nay.
of course it was Anne she is the easiest to get rid off.
Yay. Mrs. Foster in the factory with the whiskey bottle.
It was Jenny but Anne was a witness and Jenny's made her keep quiet. This is why Anne said to Carla: 'You caused all this.' She's not the killer, but she knows who is.
I've thought it was from the very start though i have wavered on Jenny now and then.
I'll say yay just because she's the one that you wouldn't expect and she did hear Frank's confession.
Yay. If it wasn't her, I'll eat my hat.
I would say "Yah" because of the missing watch, (it was her late husband's and she would have wanted to keep it.)
swansea taff
i think it was jenny. she has been remarkably absent since he died. maybe the rapist in him struck again
I still can't believe a mother would kill her own son. For any reason.
Nay, no mother would kill her adult son even if he were proved to be a rapist. Plus if she had done so by accident she would be devastated and hiding away somewhere or confessing all, not hanging around and still banging on about Carla and the flaming contract!
Nay from me too. I've got my money on Jenny. Did she know Frank in the past? At first, I thought she was a past girlfriend he'd also abused, and her apparently plotting with Carla was part of her setting him up. Where is she anyway, shouldn't the police be questioning her too?
no mother would kill her own son, except perhaps if she thought he was indirectly responsible for her husbands death. i'll put money on it being anne
i thought it was anne to begin with but after reading the above comments i now think jenny is responsible!! its got to be one of thrm becase theyll have to leave corrie at some point so....yeah thats what i think !!! :D x
i thought it was anne to begin with but after reading the above comments i now think jenny is responsible!! its got to be one of thrm becase theyll have to leave corrie at some point so....yeah thats what i think !!! :D x
Surprised its not St.Stella that killed him, after all she's always running round righting the wrongs
Yay . Bit too attached to that nasty son of hers. Creepy.
Yay -defo,spoilers all over the papers.
Yay. She's expendable and we're emotionally attached to her. To those that think its Jenny, i genuinely believe we won't see her on our screens again. She won't be the killer, she's almost too expendeble and too brief; she also doesn't have the motive Anne has.
I think, knowing how the PTB love sensationalism it's probably a ridiculous YAY - even though I don't think Ann is cabable of killing her own son. Although I wish it's a NAY. I love the suggestion above that Jenny is a previous lover of Frank's and she's done it for revenge. We can but hope. Ann is too good a a character to go.
So.... pardon me a second, with the contract missing and Carla back at the helm in a few months everything will be back to normal and Frank Foster will be forgoten, yeah? That's what will probably happen - it usually does.....
I think it is Anne. We know Sally will be comforting her after the funeral, when she comes across something. His watch has some significance that Anne mentioned was missing to him the other week. Anne overheard his confession of rape and hit him out of disgust and frustration. When Sally realises it is her she will hit out again in the same desperation. That's my theory anyway....
I think Jenny or Anne were is Jenny anyway they should be questioning her aswell it's going to be someone not obvious. Anne could have killed her son accidentally she probably confronted him and they had a fight and she could of killed by accident that is why she is looking so suspicious and guilty. She probably took the watch. It wouldn't be any of the main characters.
I think that Jenny killed Frank!! Where is she and why is she suddenly out of view? I think that Frank told her to sling her hook and get lost because he didn't want her either. The only woman that Frank wanted was Karla!
Of course it was Anne. She has the motive - Frank more or less told her to f*ck off just before he was brained with the whisky bottle, and as has been said, she may have blamed him for bringing on her husband's fatal heart attack.
That apart, all of the other "suspects" are long established characters in the soap, none of whom are, as far as I know, due to stop appearing in the programme any time soon. The character of Anne, on the other hand, is.
It's the worst whodunnit cliffhanger since Gavrilo Princip bumped off Archduke Ferdinand in full public view. I'll grant you it may have slightly less catastrophic consequences.
its either anne or jenny n sally gets knocked unconcious tonight too
ive thought from the moment i found out frank was to die that it would either be anne or jenny
i thought maybe jenny or anne overheard frank admit he raped carla and that would be why.i think its anne now though. either way jenny should still be getting questioned by the police,she was with him afterall and now shes just gone?
Yup, it was Anne. Why else would everybody be shocked...all the other candidates, oops, I meant suspects wouldn't be a shocker.
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