Am I the only one who thinks that Mary has gone past her sell by date on Corrie? In fact, I don't find her that funny anymore. Truth be told, I'm finding her quite disturbing. She was OK at the beginning when she was after Norris but when she returned from her round the world trip it seems she's had a personality change. I've found her rude and insulting to other characters who have done nothing to her, the recent example being Julie when she insulted her pregnancy. She also seems to insult Rita and Emily for no apparent reason. And her revenge on poor Hayley on her wedding day wasn't funny, I thought.
The fact that she and Norris are still friends after the Bronte saga is unbelievable! She's too eccentric and I think it's time for her to go. She likes to take over (Hayley's wedding and she tried to take over Rita's) and I don't find that at all funny. I think Norris works better with Rita and Emily and it seems that we're being robbed of those classic scenes for his scenes with Mary. Maybe she was brought in to lighten Emily's scenes?
While classic nosy parkers and gossips Norris and Blanche talked about characters behind their backs, Mary tends to gossip about and berate them when they're in a scene, which is unrealistic. And that is why I think Mary should leave Coronation Street in her motor home and never return!
What do you think? Do you agree?
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Totally agree with you on this. She is way ott, she's not funny in fact there's nothing about her to like at all. She just makes Norris far too scowling, which he needs to come out of once in a while.
Absolutely pass her sell by date. I loved her at first, but she's not quirky anymore, she's irritating and nasty and mean and stalkerish.
I say keep her but stop her stalking Norris. She's great, quirky but leave Norris alone and get a life!
I love Mary and hope she stays for a long time. Hopefully the writers will cut back on the nastiness and concentrated on the quirky oddball side of Mary which we saw early on.
Never! I love her. Warning the limo company about possible dangers of osteoporosis on the cobbles - brilliant!
- Scary Mary has stalled at 'act II' and is left wandering in vain to find act III.
- she's at the anti climax scene only to find the climax scene has been postponed until further notice.
In other words where's the equivalent scene where Norris returns home to find a pot boiling merrily away on the stove only to find the streets famous black and white cat in it?
Corrie bottled the natural climax/scene III when she kidnapped Norris. She could have served time in jail, eventually being released early due to 'fooling' the prison psychiatrists, and then free again, ready to reignite her 'reign of terror' again at a future date - but she's a character denied her true metamorphosis.
So yes, time for that character to go; and if not, at least leave the medicine cabinet unlocked. Corrie producers appear to have lost interest in her fate, so go she must, she's just not creepy-funny enough these days.
Why have they 'parked-up' and moth-balled Scary Mary? I can only think it's as if they're casting around to see who can fill Blanche's shoes, seeing whether Mary, Sylvia or Anne can replace that caustic wit, but they can't - they all come across as rude rather than pithy and witty.
She's not scary Mary anymore, but Rude Mary, and now a boring one at that.
The front runner for filling the void left by Blanche?
Beth, to date, has trumped all three of them.
Mary is that awful bit of science in the back of your refrigerator. She should have rid of long ago, and now she's just stinky.
That she wasn't arrested or put into psychiatric care, after the Bronte episode was a huge lapse in story writing. Post traumatic Norris would have been a good story.
I still like her, but occasionally wonder if she is used as cypher for online behavior. Mainly in the way she speaks without regard for peoples feelings and has to be reminded that people have feelings and can and do get hurt. Either that or she's a "Tell it like it is" character with the same results.
The character just needs a new make-over and new writers. Norris needs to get busy with Mary. Who wouldn't love to see Norris as a daddy? Can you imagine him changing nappies? Would be hilarious. Tone her down a bit, knock off the excentricities and she should be a fine character. She's just too OTT...IMO
Just more proof that Collinson has no idea what to do with The Street
I'd like to see her set her cap at another character... if only to see how Norris reacts. Roy perhaps? i am sure Hayley's reactions would be a joy to watch.
Seemed as if the Bronte episode and another episode (can't remember which) where a policeman looked at Mary and said, 'don't I know you from somewhere?' was a prelude to Mary having a sinister background but that quickly faded away and now she is just plain rude and not at all funny. I would like to see the sinister side revisted and have Norris put on his Sherlock hat and delve into her past.
I used to quite like Mary but they ruined the character after the Bronte country and the trying to ruin Roy and Hailey's wedding. It didnt make sense that anybody would still want anything to do with her, let alone socialise with her still. Is she still living in the camper van? Surely the Council would have moved it on by now.
She's the best on the show, but they just need to do more with her. the fact that she won best comedy award shows she's respected for her part, and the bronte story line was hilarious, as well as roy and hayley's wedding. I though these were the most stand out humerous episodes of the last few years.
She's another character that the writers don't have a clue what to do with. Her blind adoration of Norris and rudeness to eveyone else have just become tiresome. I would like to see her stay with some decent character development and storylines, but I can see why people are bored with her.
Get rid. I don't understand what she lives on. She isn't employed at the shop that I'm aware of. I find her very rude and thoughtless.
Mary should stay, of course she should! Her and Norris are brill (and my two faves) and she is comedy gold, remember the scenes at Fiz n Gail's trials?! She's brill
Poeple are rude to others faces, thats life, doesnt mean she shouldnt stay. She doesnt even realise she is being rude, thats the joy of the character
Agree she needs some development and a new love interest to take attention from Norris and see his reaction is a good idea thats been mentioned.
The subtle side stuff like always eating the sweets in the Kabin or being the wedding planner from hell are very funny.
She had some great scenes with Brian at Fiz trail. I agree she needs a further purpose in the street.
Keep Scary Mary!!
I dont know why people liked her in the beginning. I didnt find her funny at all, quite annoying and one of those characters you wish you could jump into the tv screen and push them off a bridge. The only problem with her leaving is, she will get a leaving storyline, which means she will be on the screens full on for a week or so...
Keep Mary. Get rid of Norris.
No! Love Mary...she does get some great lines.
Yes please. Mary is my least favorite character. I cringe every time I see her. She annoys me no end. Would be glad to see the back of her....think Norris would be pleased too!!!!!
Get rid of Norris and Mary, but definitely Mary.
Mary is a brilliant character and I think she is at her best when teamed up with Norris. I would be very disappointed if she were to leave Coronation Street. I would also like to see Norris get jealous of the time she is spending with Roy playing chess. Also,a let us see Mary and Norris having snacks in the cabin or the Rovers with Emily and Sylvia, they were frequently seen in there before.
Mary is the most annoying person on Corrie. I don't find her at all funny and she is as boring as watching the grass grow. Every time she comes on, I put my mute button because I can't stand to hear her winy voice. She is way over due for getting off the show and never coming back. The sooner the better.
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