Eileen's patience with the Paul/lLesley situation - she puts up being an unpaid carer for his wife in exchange for a little furtive extramarital fireman nookie - finally snapped and she told her lover:"We can't carry on like this." This followed a tense day when Paul had snapped harshly at Lesley and she took little Amy on a solo walk to the park while Eileen had popped out to buy the brown sauce Lesley had demanded for her egg sandwich. Amy was rescued by Steve by the ice cream van in the park but angry Tracy threatened to call social services and told Paul and Eileen that Lesley should be in a home.
A little hats off to actress Judy Holt who is totally believable as the erratic, childlike Alzheimer's victim, at times sympathetic and at others deranged. This has always however been an uncomfortable storyline and it has been difficult to feel much sympathy for adulterous Eileen, even though presumably this is what the scriptwriters - who are, I note, making Paul more unpleasant to Lesley, perhaps to counter that - intended.
In the wake of Amy's return, Ken and Deirdre were (a bit too speedily?) reunited - "Come home Ken, everything is going to be all right" - after his little comedy sojourn at Steve's with more amusing Odd Couple antics. Ken cleaned and tidied Steve's cupboards and fridge (left empty apart from some cheddar) while Steve objected to Ken playing Shostakovitch loudly over breakfast. Loved the verbal exchange regarding Ken's revealing silky kimono - which we all remember was a gift from his old barge paramour Martha aka Sable from Dynasty. Steve (trying to be polite): "Nice kimono!" Ken (smug): "Yes it was a present from a very dear friend." Steve (looking worried?): "A bloke?" Ken (looking shifty) denies this. Steve (trying to be nice: "You can carry it off". Ken: "You can borrow it any time." (Cue to Steve looking horrified). I get the impression the two actors had fun filming these scenes. Ken also volunteered his services manning the phone at the cabbie, where he further annoyed Steve by chatting leisurely to customers on the phone rather than taking orders speedily.
David and Kylie went to see a solicitor over his rights over the salon. He charged them £200 quid to send a threatening letter to Audrey. Smoothie Lewis' solution to this family at war situation was to suggest he and Audrey head off for a mini break in "a little boutique hotel in North Wales". He may (possibly) still be a freeloading charlatan, but the guy sure knows how to say all the right things to the ladies..
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The Steve and Ken - the Walter Mattau and Jack Lemon of Coronation Street should have gone on a bit longer, just back to boring Dreary with her chain belt and eating and talking at the same time in every scene - Bleuch. Another comedy opportunty missed by the dumb writers.
"She should be in an institution" "SHE should be in jail". That cracked me up.
Anybody else bothered by Gail's habit to be cleaning the bistro DURING serving hours, with clients eating nearby and everything. Talk about unhygienic and unappealing!
I want Ken to come and organize my cupboards! Cute storyline pairing him with Steve..very funny stuff.
I am also enjoying the Platt implosion at the moment.
Glad to see the end of the Eileen/Paul/Leslie story.
Good week all around.
Highlight...Ken went back to Deidre. I knew it would happen but it was nice to see. I wonder if he's going to ask her what happened to his 'Ken' mug!
I thought the very same thing! Considering the bistro is meant ot be a classy alternative to the rovers Gail seems to parade round as Mrs Mop throughout the entire day! And telling Lewis not to walk on her wet floor? Surely health nd safety would have ment she had one of those annoying 'wet floor' signs out, especially as customers would have surely been walking there to order the odd drink? - Micky
Is Gail's presence in the bistro meant to be funny? Popping about like a character from a 70's sitcom, it seems utterly pointless. Not funny or believable.
If I were Nick, I would fire Gail for being a dreadful employee. She causes fights/confrontations in his restaurant, and this constant mopping/cleaning during business hours ...?? What the HELL is that all about??
Tracy pretending to be this oh-so-concerned Mum, when all she did was park her kid in front of the TV. Pfffft!!
Paul is turning into a real jerk - even more than he was before. I'm glad Eileen is starting to wake up, because I disliked what she was becoming. I hope Jason will be there for her when it all blows up in her face.
And I really hope Audrey tells her whole interfering family to F off. Whether Lewis turns out to still be a cad or not ... they all get on my nerves. Judging by her "wobbly" spells during stress, I figure there must be a health story on the horizon.
~JB in Canada
Totally agree with Frosty - the Odd Couple scenario could have happily run on for three or four weeks with a bit of imagination behind it ... how about Steve coming to appreciate the easy life with Ken rustling up great meals & keeping the place spic & span, and eventually not wanting him to leave? Massive missed opportunity that smacks of - dare I say it? lack of imagination! AGAIN!
I liked the pairing of Ken and Steve as well and was hoping that would go on a little longer. Am I the only one who finds Ken's kimono adorable?? lol.
Oh JB in Canada....Audrey telling her family to F off LOL!! ROTFLMAO!! ...I agree she should. What a disappointment when Dreary and Ken got back together....LOL Frosty ... Dreary's chain belts!....she does seem to have quite a collection. I'd like to see Ken do some more shifts at Streetcars -better than the chewing of eyeglasses while pontificating at the dinner table. Hope this is the end of the road for Paul and Eileen.
'fantastic Brenda', good idea, but noooooo!
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