While I often get the impression that as a character she has only been introduced to facilitate the current storyline (in the same way that poor Amber was used and discarded now Sian has left) I can’t help but enjoy watching her.
She’s very over the top dramatically and I think she’s one step away from going completely bonkers over Frank's death but after seeing her interact more with characters such as Norris, Mary and Stella I think she’d work really well as a long-term character.
In fact I’d love to see her taking over Underworld and turning the place into an almost military style operation or becoming arch nemesis with Norris and/or Sylvia over a tiny misunderstanding that ends up getting blown way out of proportion!
Gwen Taylor is an extraordinary actress. I mainly know her from her many comedy roles on TV so the portrayal of Anne Foster shows how very versatile she is. At the moment, she's the best actress in Corrie. I hope she can stay and develop her character.
I completely agree. I hope Anne Foster stays for good too.
I'm with you there, she's been a wonderful character!
Did anyone else notice on Thursday night's episode Anne's weird reaction to the news that Peter Barlow had confessed?
It wasn't angry like in the past. Normally she'd be going for Carla's throat but instead it was sort of like 'how did it come to this?' - more guilty than anything. I thought it was Jenny Sumner but now I think it's more likely to be Anne based on that out of character reaction.
She also knows that her son raped Carla, because she's just no longer as angry as she used to be. I think she overheard his confession.
I agree with Tvor, regarding Anne's reaction. I was firmly in the Jennydunnit camp at first, but since they seem to have completely forgotten the character and her role in the Frank affair - has she even appeared on screen since the murder? I can't remember seeing her - then the finger points at Anne. Shame. I like the actress too.
Sorry - that was Anna in nz's comment I was responding to above
Great character, great actress. Unlike Carla, Anne is actually convincing as a business woman and factory manager. It seems almost certain that she's the killer and that is the only tragedy of this rotten story, as it robs us of Gwen Taylor's ongoing presence. I hate unrealistic plots like Tracy's release from prison, but in this case I would be happy to see a miraculous aquittal for Anne.
Gwen Taylor is fantastic as Anne slowly unravels. There are so many layers to this character that a lesser actor wouldn't be able to fully portray. She *may* have killed her son I can't help but feel sorry for her. Like the poor woman said - how did it come to this? Such a shame that an actress of this calibre is possibly on her way out. She's a shining light in a rather murky story line.
BTW I also thought Andrew Lancel was really good a the end - he was allowed to play the sinister and dark character he really was, and the 'wooden Frank' was clearly just a facade to hide all that was going on in his twisted mind.
Gwen Taylor is a renowned and top notch versatile actress - who would believe it was the same person that played Auntie Peggy in Heartbeat, she was also as her younger self in a rerun of Morse the other day. It would be a great coup if she would become one of the regular cast instead of bringing back the idiot Pivaro as Terra Duckworth or extending meaningless characters like Michelle and Maria's contracts again and again.
I too would have loved to have seen Ann developed as a long term character, but I very much doubt that can happen now (I'll eat my Newton & Ridley beermat collection if it's not her who dunnit).
Gwen Taylor is set to appear in the Leicester Curve Theatre production of 'The Butterfly Lion' from April up into June so she's clearly being written out. Such a shame; she's a superb actress, able to marry naturalness with a terrifying intensity. One of the scariest REAL characters we've seen in a very long time. I can only hope that she might be back for the trial and - oh, if only! - get off. Diminished responsibility brought on by grief? Psychiatric care rather than prison?
A classic strong Corrie woman. It'll be a shame if she's the killer and then she'll be off our screens. It'd be great for her to do scenes with Norris, Rita and Emily and maybe try to steal Ken off Deirdre? :P
I get that everyone thinks this woman is an amazing actress but I don't see it. All I've seen over the past few months is a whole lot of over-acting. Thursday's episode where Carla confronts her in the factory about how 'evil' her son was, was just too hammy. The look of shock on Anne's face when Peter was arrested and the whole 'How did it come to this'? and then goes weak in the knees ...(Carla red faced spitting all over the place..what a hag) was more comedic than anything else IMO. What's with Haley giving "Mrs. Connor" a blast about her comment being uncalled for? Why is Haley still calling Carla "Mrs. Connor"?
I am looking at Ken in a whole new light now, what with Bill "cock" Roache spilling the beans about what a dog he used to be.
It doesn't matter how good an actress she is, as long as Collinson is in charge his favourites will continue to have their contracts renewed at the expense of losing much better actors/actresses.
The fact that his favourites can't act their way out of a wet paper bag has nothing to do with it, he's so full of himself convinced that he is he only one who can pilot the show to what he seems to consider continued success that he doesn't care how much damage he does as long as he keeps his little group of yes people around him.
Anne should stick around and show Sophie and Maria what acting is all about - too bad she will be leaving. Why haven't the police questioned Jenny - she was at the contract signing and surely they would have been told that. Also why hasn't Sally questioned where she is since she was involved with Frank in the contract scam and personally?
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