She mentions the 50th anniversary and that ongoing plans still haven't nailed down a "big event" type of storyline to climax in December for the anniversary. Kim will be finished her involvement at the end of March and is looking forward to spending more time with her two small children.
A few storyline spoilers: Tony Gordon is coming back (trial??) and it may have something to do with Maria's return. On the return of Tracy Barlow, she says, in part "We have a story to get her out and we've researched it so it's perfectly legitimate". Seems like it could be one of those "technicality" things! She also defends the Molvin storyline, saying "It's a little slice of real life" where "it happens up and down the country - people copping off with each other's husbands and partners".
It seems that rumour of Sophie coming out as a lesbian may be true. This will be played out later in the spring and looks to be kept a secret from her family (but you know when it comes out, it'll be quite a shock for both snobby Sally and conservative Kevin!) There are lots more storyline spoilers so do check it out!
Hmmm - legitimate or not (and I'm still assuming it's an appeal - though on what grounds, I can't imagine?) I'd rather Tracy stayed put. Lesbian storyline sounds promising though. Fair enough, Molvin-type things happen in real-life, of course they do - but that doesn't take away from the mega cringe-factor - Molvin - yeugh!!!
If Tony is on trial then that is very quick, it takes about a year to go to trial. Not really looking forward to Maria's return, she hasnt been missed, another one past her sell by? Funny how quickly we move on from characters. Not looking forward to the lesbian story, too much like E Enders and hasn't the Webster family had more than their share of drama lately?
Fine, bring back Tony, if ya must but KEEP Maria away --- please!!! EVERYONE must know including the actors this Molvin thing was a disaster! It's obviously not just the Peter Barlow character who's in denial!
And I'm not looking forward to the lesbian plotline either -- agree it seems like too much copying of EE. AND I'm getting a little tired of the Websters, too. Can't we ship them off to Spain for a while? Or Canada? That's a popular dumping ground for unwanted characters. Yeah, right in the middle of Newfoundland...or further up north...Websters can live a different lifestyle in an Inuit community and learn the traditional ways -- seal hunting. Rosie can get over her vanity (too cold to wear low-cut tops and skimpy skirts), Kev can learn a different trade, Sally can take up teaching/nursing... and Sophie can teach Sunday School...and they can all come back to the Cobbles in about a year or two and be THE solid family of the neighborhood.
Oh yes, let's move on...don't bring back anyone! And I'm so tired of ALL the Websters! Let's have a story where Kirk FINALLY gets a job --maybe he rises quickly up in management...becomes the manager from HELL... and then decides it just isn't him, quits and buys a share in Streetcars and gives Steve and Lloyd a hand with the car service...
I agree with all the comments about the Websters. Obviously, they are a central family but it does look like we might have an overload of them this year, if they're all having their own individual storylines. I am looking forward to Tony and Maria's returns though. It will be good to have a conclusion to the whole storyline, as last year it felt somewhat unfinished.
woop woop looking forward to tony and marias return, especially marias - she has been missed! what happened to ozzy???
I can't wait!
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