Audrey Roberts (with a little help from her friends Norris and Archie) can suss anyone out a mile off. When Maria started melting towards the next dashing killer Tony Gordon, Audrey warned the lass off. Audrey knows. So why won’t Gail listen to her?
She’s always right about her men and this time is no different. All along Audrey has had a bad feeling about Joe. I don’t know if the public smashing up of a clinic to get at prescription drugs was a tell-tale sign, but Audrey had his card marked ever since. And the warnings began. And still Gail didn’t listen.
Joe got into debt. Joe bought a boat despite said debt. Joe concocted a web of lies. Joe got embroiled in the shady world of loan sharks. Joe had a violent outburst at Gail in the middle of the Street. Joe concocted a plan to fake his own death. Joe threw Gail off of his boat when she tried to stop him and then he sailed off into distance.
And still, STILL Gail stands by him. David, while not the most stable of men himself, was spot on in calling his mother a fool.
No word from Joe for a week, loan shark threatening Tina and Audrey loyally trying to make her daughter see sense and we end another episode with Gail sitting saying she has to stand by Joe as he’s a good man.
“You do this everytime!” cried a frustrated Audrey.
You’ve brought all this on yourself Gail! You should have listened to your mother…
Can only agree. If only Gail would listen. Audrey is a top character and can't wait to see what happens with the forthcoming Nigel Havers storyline!
Gail won't listen to Audrey because Gail doesn't listen to anyone. As far as everyone else, when a woman is in love with a man, it doesn't matter what anyone else says at some point because they are so invested in the fantasy. I'm sure my mother wonders why no one listens to her either!
Gail's a fool, and Audrey's a bit of a whiner to be honest. Audrey doesn't really care for many people, does she?
I can think of many times when Audrey's theories and advice have been dismissed by Gail. For example, back in 2002 when she told Gail about Richard Hillman plotting to kill her for her money, once again, Gail was just simply blind to it. You'd think with Gail's past experience, that she'd start listening to other people a bit more. Especially her own mother! :)
Because no younger people ever listen to older people in Corrie.
It's all to do with them seeking younger viewers... so they write to them and flatter their perceptions of themselves.
Can't agree that Audrey doesn't care for many people, Yoork. Gail and her grandchildren are the centre of her life - she even continues to employ and look out for David, despite knowing exactly what he's like. But in addition she has proved a surrogate mother-figure to both Maxine and Maria and has remained touchingly loyal to Alfie's memory. Let's not forget, either, her love for her late best friend, Alma (Did anyone else think back to Audrey & Mike scattering Alma's ashes on Lake Windermere when Joe was arm-twisting Gail into going out on the boat?). If Audrey seems to whine a lot, surely it's bacause the people she cares about are so flawed and she can see the disasters into which they're sleepwalking.
The one slight irritation I did have with what the writers have done with Audrey was when Maria was convinced Tony was a murderer and everyone, including Audrey, thought she was going bonkers. Now, as a woman who Richard Hillman set up to look like SHE was losing her marbles, wouldn't you think Audrey would be the one person who might have had pause to think that just maybe Maria was right when she insisted that she wasn't crazy?
Audrey may dish out good, free advice, but I don't agree she's a top character. She's a snob, a gossip, and I agree with Yoork she's not the most caring of folk - what people mistake for caring is just nosiness on her part.Even though Natasha is a minor character, I suspect that so far, she's a much kinder person -- she was there for Fiz when Fiz didn't have anyone supporting her marriage to John Stapes.
I can't agree that Audrey is a "kind" person after the way she treated Fred. She has her moments, but she's mostly pretty selfish.
Audrey has her faults but hey she is human with flaws like the rest of us. Audrey is one of my favourite characters. She says it like it is and doesn't beat around the bush. She used to be a bit of a flighty piece but has settled down now to be one of Corrie's stalwarts.
@ Cobblestone - I didn't mean she didn't care for family/friends. I more or less meant "new" people or new men in her friends/families lives. She's skeptical of men, even in her own life.
I agree, Waltzing. A Corrie stalwart, in my view. It's Audrey's gossipy and nosey bits that make her interesting - I always enjoy an episode where she features a lot. And the Havers storyline will really bring out her snobby/posh side as well - plus, she'll be well-glammed-up -I reckon it should be fun to watch!
I couldn't agree more seapenguin!
That's a good point, Yoork. She has kept men at arms length since Alfie's passing, which I think has been a surprise to all, given her earlier life. Fred and Archie both carried a torch for her but she insisted on remaining just good friends. So apart from the Mel Huchwright incident (of which the least said ...!) she really has kept her distance from men. Until Lewis. Maybe her past really has made her cynical about all men.
I still love her character though. Nosiness and snobbery are no bad things in making up a top character (Hilda Ogden & Annie Walker?) I'd like to see more definition in her relationship with Natasha though.
Thank you Cobblestone, you said what I was going to see re: Audrey / Maria / Tony / Liam.
That maddened me at the time.
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