Alya isn't pregnant. She said so. I heard her.
A Corrie spokesperson told The Sun: "...Alya clearly told Sinead the test was negative and she reflected on her near miss. It is clear it was resolved."
ITV Coronation Street have gone so far as to put the video on their twitter feed showing the scene where Alya said she wasn't pregnant. I guess a lot of fans missed it. Perhaps they were too busy playing with their phones or summat. You can watch the video below.
Seems some of you may have missed the moment Alya revealed she was NOT pregnant. So here's a reminder 😀 #corrie— Coronation Street (@itvcorrie) March 4, 2016
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STOP PRESS: Corrie character NOT pregnant after one-night stand. Has there been a mistake?
That's a good one John McE. I don't understand what all the fuss is about. You would think that there would be more fuss as to why she or her grandparents haven't been on screen for weeks at a time. It's almost as if everybody forgot about her.
I clearly remember her telling Sinead the test was negative, too.
I remember it too. Worrying for the show really, hope it won't mean they'll start pandering to those that fail to keep up and start dumbing the show down even further by going over and over things.
I remember her telling Sinead as well. After the big lead up it was really anticlimactic. I think that's why a lot of people forget that scene.
Possibly missed because too many viewers are not watching the programme but are concentrating instead on thinking up "witty" things to say to criticise it.
Wit, much like that used by Tony Warren during the early years of this show, is a natural talent that requires no concentration. Perhaps this explains where today's writers are going wrong.
There was a thread recently on Digital Spy about Amy and Simon's insurance inheritance from when Deirdre died, people saying they couldn't believe they both got a £100,000 payout.
This was because Ken was releasing Simon's share for Leanne to buy the Bistro. They assumed it was the full amount, when Ken clearly told Leanne that it wouldn't cover the whole amount, she would need a bank loan to make up the shortfall.
As I commented at the time, some people just don't pay attention!
Anonymous at 00:18 has hit the nail on the head. Funny that we can follow it okay, but DS's Corrie critics can't. Almost as if they're taking any excuse to have a pop at the show.
Perhaps they were too numb with boredom to stay alert for the drivel that passes as Britain's Best Soap.
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