FIZ AND TYRONE FACE THEIR WORST FEARS Leaving Hope at Mary’s face-painting class at the community centre, Tyrone heads to the hospital to meet Fiz. At the hospital, the consultant breaks the news to Fiz and Tyrone that Hope has cancer.
KEVIN’S BIRTHDAY DOESN’T GO TO PLAN Tim presents Kevin with a hideous bracelet for his birthday. Not wishing to hurt Tim’s feelings, Kevin makes out he loves it. Meanwhile as Sally makes the preparations for Kevin’s surprise party, Kevin heads off to Bolton to pick up some parts.
IS IT THE END OF THE ROAD FOR TRACY AND ROBERT? Robert calls at No.1 and demands answers. Tracy finally admits to Robert that she unintentionally caused the fire in Carla’s flat. Tracy assures Robert she never set out to kill Carla. Will Robert believe her? And how will Tracy react when Robert insists she has to tell Carla the truth?
ELSEWHERE When Nick heads to work, leaving his wallet in Carla’s flat, Carla pulls out one of Nick’s credit cards and stares at it. Will she take a gamble? Cathy’s determined to conquer her fears of being in her house alone so she can move back home. Simon agrees to behave himself and help out around the flat in return for a new phone. Leanne’s relieved that Simon appears calmer.
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I don't know how others feel but if someone took my credit card and gambled with it, unless they were my spouse of many years, I would kick them to the curb immediately. Unless they paid me back in full, including interest, and demonstrated they had gone through addiction recovery, there's no way I'd stay involved with someone destined to sink both ships! I know addiction is the driving force behind the gambling but nothing demonstrates that the addiction means more than love/you than someone stealing your credit card!
Robert is totally wasted as a chef, with his physic abilities he should become a criminal profiler. After just pulling a few faces, he instantly knew Tracy was guilty of breaking into Carla's flat and lit the candles. Amazing powers of deduction. So much for his declarations of love and loyality as well, at the first blip he has packed his rucksack and moved out.
Well, we know Nick is brain damaged (whenever the mood strikes him), so I suppose that explains why he doesn't chuck the d-bag of a Carla to the curb, or he's contracted Gail's mid life onset of idiocy disease that just won't go away.
Not remotely interested in Tracy or Robert..they bore me to tears.
As a viewer in Canada I am rapidly tiring of Carla's pity party. Looks like it is still going on in U.K.
Anon 1.24 agree with you completely.
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