Art Critic award: Gavin espousing Modern Art, the sort that makes a statement even if you have no clue what it is. That's pretty much my take on most of it as well!
Embezzlement award: Steve is using business funds to fix his car!
Dodge the bullet award: Gavin managed to find the real Gavin's National Insurance details but slipped out of having the payroll deposited into a bank account.
A House Divided award: Roy and Gary have made peace between themselves. Too bad all the neighbours are still holding a grudge against one or the other.
Auld Lang Syne award: Roy and Steve both are facing what seems to them to be a bleak new year.
Guard Dog award: Yasmeen. I bet the bullies won't bother Roy anymore now that Yasmeen is on their case. Storyline dropped. End of.
First Wedding Dance fail: All Night Long by Lionel Ritchie. Kirk's right, too many tempos.
Legal tangles award: Gary couldn't stop the police from charging Roy. How come Roy or someone was able to stop them from charging Gary? Or did they?
Unpleasant Cow award: Katy. She's gobbing off at Amy for the ghost thing this week. I suppose it makes a change from gobbing off at and about Gary, neither situation having anything to do with her.

Lines of the week:
Steve "I always wanted to be a laughingstock in a room full of women"
Leanne to Nick "We get on much better now we're not together"
Amy to Norris "Sometimes, I see dead people" (Brilliant windup!)
Michael to David "It's easier to get through the day if you've something to believe in" (but Steve and Roy don't seem to have it)
Liz "Who wants 'what if' on their headstone? Seize the day" (unfortunately, not everyone seizes it prudently)
Anna to Owen "I haven't heard Izzy complaining. Only you!" (YES! and she told him what for!)
Yasmeen to Gary "A word of advice. Once you lose your temper, you've already lost" (the battle, that is, and she's right)
Amy to Tracy "Who are ya? The Disney Channel?"
Amy aka Tracy mini-me "Some people have no sense of humour"
Kirk "I was thinking of going as Darth Vader." "... it would make it difficult to kiss the bride" (hahahahahaha)
Rita about Norris running off "He's like a toddler that's left it too late to get to the potty"
Roy "To hide away would be to avoid judgement"
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'I see dead рeoрle' is not new - it's all a riр-off of the film sxth sense with Bruce Willis
Well, obviously... but people do quote films in real life, you know...
Unpleasant cow award: Not Katie, she is just an annoyance that will soon be gone. Mary was a totally unpleasant cow to Roy this week and she counts him a one of her circle of friends! She really is one horrible woman.
Wind up Norris award: Amy was very funny this week, it’s a pity they didn’t carry on this story for a bit longer but oh no they have to drag out the tiresome Kylie, David and the drug dealer nonsense ad nauseum. The kicking down the door of Callum’s flat was frankly ridiculous. He can’t be that successful as a drug dealer if he lives in that dive.
Happy New Year award: Why wasn’t Tyrone spending NYE with Fizz and the kids? Instead he is boozing it up in the Rovers yet again, where were Ruby and Hope – just left with 90 year old Emily again?
Show me your friends award: Ayla is turning into a sneaky little thief. She wasn’t even really sorry when red wine got dropped down Sian’s Basque just pulled stupid faces. Another character that is rapidly becoming dislikeable. I wonder when she will become pregnant? It’s pretty predictable that shock horror she will do.
Do we care award: I quite like Luke and think he has potential but teaming him up with the pointless, lacklustre and frankly gormless Maria is not particularly riveting.
Get your nose out award: A mobile phone is a personal thing and Pushy little Steph had no right to snoop into Gavin’s.
What was the point of you award: Erica – why? Claire King is a great actress but the only purpose of Erica seemed to crash in uninvited, get drunk, scoff n the Bistro and bed Nick and then push off to Preston. Why??
I think Gary could've stopped Roy from being charged turning himself in to the police and admitting he wanted to rob him but no as always,Gary decides it's easier to play the 'victim'
It's kind of easy to play the victim when you're lying in the street with cricket bat bruises all over you and an ambulance carting you off before you can talk to the police.
I think the point of Erica was to give Nick a lift and help him move on with his life. Give him something to smile about for a change.
I agree with Frosty about Luke. I like him but Maria is running hot and cold and there doesn't seem to be a lot of chemistry there at all.
Best Channeling of Blanche Hunt Ever: Amy Barlow, for knocking back Katy when she asked what shes saying. Without skipping a beat, the perfectly timed and phrased 'Your skirt's too short and you're wearing too much makeup.'
You are Soooooooo wrong: Katy, who returned with 'That's not funny.' Oh yes it was.
I completely agree with you Frosty however I would also add a tie for the unpleasant cow award to Anna. Is it odd to say I get an irrational urge to reach through the screen and slap anyone who is rude to Roy?
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