Week of Monday 26 to Friday 30 January
Gary starts work at Roy’s Rolls, Sinead might be paralysed for life, Steve starts seeing a therapist for his depression, David looks for Kylie, Tim offers Craig a window cleaning apprenticeship.
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So two questions: 1. What did Nick change the Bistro name to? I can't recall. 2. So Katy can watch Max, but she doesn't have time for her own child?! Weird...
I also have a question..
Did David Platt 'officially' adopt Max?
to your quesions above Anon 14:30, answer 2 is just my opinion.
1. answer: "Just Nicks"
2. answer: mom's on corrie are either fierce or blase. Seems Katy is blase about her own kid most of the time. Joseph's just a thing that needs to be tended to. Doesn't seem to matter who. I think most of the children on Corrie end up in the missing sock drawer with aunty Em for way too long.
Seriously, did David adopt Max?
I think Katy watching Max is supposed to lead to her dating Callum.Ridiculous I know!
Oh dear Sinead may never walk again - pardon my cynicism - I am sure if she gets the same physio as Peter Barlow she will be up and about in no time!!
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