What would you ask him? Would you be brave enough to offer any advice on what's currently going wrong / going right with our favourite telly programme?
Personally I hope I would seize the opportunity for all it was worth and go for broke! I'd probably end up being carted away by security but it would be worth it. I'm afraid I would have to ask who in their right mind decided to turn Corrie into Stella Street. Yes, I know that moan isn't new, but it continues to baffle and alarm me in equal measure. To lighten the mood, I'd go on to ask who was responsible for giving her a wardrobe that is consistently 98% beige.
So I shall now open this question up to you, lovely Coronation Street Blog followers. What would your burning questions for Stuart Blackburn be?
This could be very interesting!
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It's going to be a re-hash of everything I've posted before. Stella - absolutely awful. I haven't minded her accent up till now but I detected a couple of lines in a Liverpool accent last night. Grrr! She/MC brings down everyone she's in a scene with. Gloria might have worked if she was playing opposite someone else. Tracy would certainly not be missed either. Please, Mr Producer, don't give us big family sagas. Corrie is about community issues that involve the whole street. More gentle comedy, not slapstick; ditch the Hollyoaks storylines, teenagers don't watch Corrie. But I don't expect SB would listen. The dubious BARB statistics would prove they were doing the right thing and it's only us diehard fans who complain.
In the beginning I actually didn't mind Stella and I basically thought people were overreacting but not anymore. I feel like they are forcing her into every episode and I don't know why. Even the Karl storyline has lost its spark, we're just seeing too much of him and Stella and I'm not that interested. I like Michelle Collins but I've had enough of Stella and her whole family being shoved down my throat.
Eva is great though and I wish Sue Johnston had been cast as Blanche's cousin or sister.
I think Mr Blackburn should get rid of some characters. Some of the long term characters have run out of steam and it would be good to shake things up a bit!! Also, nobody wants to watch the same thing over and over so repetition needs to be avoided!
There was barely a scene last night that St.Ella wasn't in. When will the producers realise that over-exposure can make viewers dislike the most popular of characters. And St.Ella has never been even close to being in that category!
I'd make him a cup of tea, probably serve him a hob nob or two, and then really politely ask him if he could possibly ditch the 'modern' theme tune and return to the pre 2010 one which used to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Then I would do my widely celebrated re-enactment of the 1983 love triangle where I managed to 'pull off' all three characters just to brighten up his day. - Micky
Oh Micky I do agree! I was just thinking about the theme tune the other evening and I still don't approve of the new version. It's just not right!
Off the top of my head I would ask him to not rehash old storylines. I understand that there is always going to be recurring themes and that is not what I am talking about.
A good example was the drugs storyline with Roy's mum a few weeks ago. It was very similar to the storyline a couple of years ago.
Another example was the Rovers fire. When Stella was at the window I couldn't get the picture of Bet in the same predicament out of my mind.
They also conveniently forget about past storylines from the longer serving characters. When similar things happen why are experiences not shared.
I would ask why he does not follow public opinion and why he is carrying on the same vein as his predecessor having the dreadful St Ella and Scrag End in almost every scene and has renewed their contracts. Why he seems to using Tracy in the forefront as well – an unpopular character that just can’t act and should have never been brought back. Why when he had to chance to cull dead wood he gets rid of Paul and then brings him back and gets rid of only Brian who has more mileage left in him in has relationship with Julie. I know we have to have some poetic licence with soaps but a little more realism and research would not go amiss! Too much sensationalism which has now become laughable like people being “in a coma” in Weatherfield General, More character led stories and NOT with the Prices or Windasses.
I didn't watch Corrie last night. Didn't record it either . Seems I made a good decision as Stella was apparently still in every scene ! I'd love to see Michelle Collins in something else . I used to like her . I agree with all other posts above. First time EVER that I have CHOSEN NOT to watch . What does that tell you Mr Blackburn? I'm sure you won't miss me as a viewer but I'm also sure I'm not the only one who is turning off . And I won't be turning on again until I get the nod that things have changed /
I would like to ask the following questions:
Why do you concentrate on only 2-3 big storylines that drag on all year when the rest of the cast end up like bit part extras? Why can't everyone get equal airtime during the year. Can we limit the number of explosive stunts (fires, factory blown up, tram crash) to once every 10 years. can we concentrate on the street residents day to day lives, and make them realistic so we can relate to them (i don't live in a street where half my neighbours have been to prison, or had my dirty laundry aired in my local pub). Can we have 50% more comedy? It's what used to differentiate corrie from all the other depressing sensationalist soaps. Can you address phil collinsons minor blips,(annie walker never owned the rovers, betty never stole pint pots, rob's real name is darren, tracy's should be back in prison, marcus isn't straight, stellas not really from up north) and when you move to the new set can you please change the theme tune back to its original, change the opening credits (the current blurry ones strain my eyes) and get rid of that fake bridge and painted street mural next to the rovers. You don't need it anymore. Apart from that...keep up the good work.
Barrie T
Stands up and applauds....
I vote that the next blog competion prize is 10 minutes with Mr Blackburn and that it's fixed so you win!
He could write out K Barlow. Oh, hang on a sec...
I would ask him how the Corrie writers come up with their ideas. I know right now they have had a tough job as two of the main characters are being written out for the foreseeable. It's like a jumble sale right now...things just thrown together and hoping it'll fly. I'd also like it to be more realistic. What's with all the trips and galavanting when they have no money? Eating out at the Bistro or the Cafe every day? Anna throwing together large dinners on a whim? How about a dirt-poor family arrives...no money..no whoring around..real morals but that would be too boring. Corrie needs to get back to its roots IMO...real honest folks who have a few laughs now and then. The knicker faktry can be brought into the 21st century too.
Thank you anonymous, but 10 mins wouldn't be long enough.
I'd also ask to get rid of the current music theme botch and the blurry intro. I've hated both since the beginning of them. Give the characters realistic; more comedy, less tragedy, more community, less cliques, more happiness, less misery. Dispatch the Prices.
I would ask him Why is the overacting, overbearing, loudmouthed Dev still on Corrie
Yes! Yes! Yes! To all of the above. I just came back from a two month trip to S. America and realized that I hadnt missed much on Corrie. I was unable to watch again this week and for the first time in years I just didnt care.
Maybe Corrie fans should stop voting for CS. As long as CS is winning the producers are thinking they are doing it right. Must be doing it right - we keep winning! Either change Leanne to a friendly smiling person or get her off the show. She is totally depressing. Get rid of Ryan and Tracy - they add nothing at all. Stop with the constant affairs. The storyline of Kylie sleeping with Nick was horrendous. Are there no decent people left on the street. Oh wait - there are but weeks go by before we see them for 5 seconds. Here's an idea - maybe the next baby to be born could actually be born in a hospital. Saying that, there are too many kids on the street. I thought CS was about the working classes - so where are they getting the money to eat out and the expensive clothes? And what's with all the boozing - can't people just go to the Rovers, when it isn't burning down, and have a drink instead of getting completely and utterly plastered. (old word) Am I being sarcastic enough yet? Someone tell Michelle to stop wearing those stupid drop shoulder tops....and on and on. If this show doesn't improve within the next 3 months I won't be coming back to watch it. At one time Coronation Street was fun to watch but now it has turned into another American piece of crap.
I too have stopped watching Corrie as none of the stories or character interest me anymore. I will follow this blog for a bit, but I expect my Corrie habit of 40 years will die a natural death. Life has much more to offer than the drivel Mr Blackburn and crew serve up. Instead of complaining with words, vote with your off button.
I would request that he give Peter and Carla some good storylines and keep them together.
Thank you.
Janice, you haven't stopped watching Coronation Street. You've stopped watching Stella Street.
I would ask Stuart Blackburn what was in the contract Michelle Collins signed with Phil Collinson? They must have offered her a lot to get her, remember it was considered a coup at the time. Did they commit to her being in a high number of episodes to justify a higher than average salary. There must be some logical explanation for them trying to make her the centre of the show.
I so agree with everyone else, PLEASE stop giving St Ella so much screen time, I have yet to hear of anyone liking her character, so why, oh why does she and the really dreadful Gloria appear in every scene these days?? I actually like Eva and think she has some mileage in Corrie given some better story lines, but she seems to be being ignored by the writers.
I have watched Corrie pretty much since the start and have watched it deteriorate from a wonderfully realistic, humerous commentary on everyday life to a hotbed of nastiness. Why do we have to put up with the likes of Dev, Karl, Mandy, St Ella, Gloria and Tracey, when great characters, such as Steve, Lloyd, Eileen, Sally and yes, Gail have been changed beyond recognition over the years? The scenes that contain the likes of Rita, Emily, Norris and Denis are invariably pure Corrie and while I understand they are of an age (sorry) where they might not want to work as much, cannot the younger set be given similar situations? I think someone pointed out that younger people tend not to watch Corrie, so why keep trying to attract them? OK, ratings! I get it, but its so sad that someone like me, a diehard fan, has started to turn off.
I'm happy that Mr.Blackburn is taking a back seat at the moment and watching old episodes. He's not 'in our faces' all the time a la Collinson - he is also not giving us titbits on juicy new 'sensationalist' stories - I see this as a good thing
Anonymous, yes I think that is quite a positive thing. At least he is taking his time with it. I agree we did see an awful lot of Collinson...
First of all I would suggest to Mr. Blackburn that the following characters be cut - Tracey, Rob, Ryan, Gail, David, Leeanne, Stella, Gloria and Chesney.
More of the following characters - Lloyd, Beth, Craig, Kirk.
We desperately need some new faces - a new family perhaps. A new business where some of the characters get jobs. Fewer scenes of the Bistro (how the regulars can afford to drink there all the time is beyond me)
I would ask Mr. B if hiring Michelle Collins has paid off as a business decision, because CS at bottom is a business.
As far as I can tell from blogs and Corrie sites, no one has started watching because of Michelle Collins. She's like a new ingredient in a famous, profitable recipe. The final product is now different.
How are the customers aka viewers reacting to this new Corrie?
It hasn't attracted any new "buyers", and many long term "clients" are no longer buying. Many of those who are still buying aren't enjoying it as much as they used to, and some of them will also
quit buying either partially or altogether because of this new ingredient in the formula. It's like taking a Hershey chocolate bar and adding a cherry flavor, so much so that it now doesn't even taste like chocolate any more because the cherry flavor is so prominent.
So as a business decision, how has adding Michelle Collins and Sue Johnston improved this product? Most sane business people would see that changing the formula so drastically was a big mistake, and they would revert back to the original recipe.
Is CS a sane business? If it is, they'll see the error of their ways. If not, they'll continue shoving this changed products down their buyers' throats and losing customers as they go.
My own "buying" experience with Corrie has changed. I still watch, but I haven't been enjoying it as much since the arrival of St Ella and Scraggs. I used to talk up Corrie and recommend it, and I don't any more. It isn't my favorite show in that category any more, either. I switched over to watching Emmerdale, and I find that I prefer it. I watch Corrie now mainly out of habit, and I can see where I could stop watching entirely. I would not have defected but for those 2 characters.
I would like to know what Mr. Blackburn's reaction to that would be.
Kick misery Nick and misery Leanne out of the Bistro and put Peter and Carla in there instead. They'd look better!
I'm not sure recovering alcoholic Peter should run a bar!
Shooting from the hip Kathy! Do you think the time will ever come when you accept them?
Graeme, Boria would have to change drastically from her current poison tongued, misguided character. Wanting her beloved daughter to be back with Karl baffles me.
They would also have to stop shoving the wooden Beige Lady into every possible scene.
I must say that I'm loving Emmerdale now. I've been marathon watching from last August on to catch up. And I have Boria and Scraggy to thank for my discovery.
( I also gave EastEnders a try but I didn't like it.)
Well fair play, I've never watched Emmerdale and there's it'll be a cold day in hell before I watch Enders!
Fair point, having Peter running a bar might not be the wisest decision but on the other hand it might be interesting to watch him fight temptation and frankly, he should have more willpower! Carla is gorgeous - her and Peter make a sexy couple and I would prefer to see them in the Bistro.
If not Peter and Carla then Tommy and Tina (when they inevitably reunite) would look good in there.
Anyone would be better than sour face and dumbo!
I don't actually mind Nick and Leanne - although she needs to remember episodes from her less than illustrious past whenever she gets all snooty and uncompromising
I can't disagree with that.
Leanne was a great character and she still could be but I am fed up of watching her miserable face in the Bistro. Her attitude is awful. If I walked into a restaurant and the manager/staff were constantly scowling like Leanne, I'd walk straight back out. Nick's not much better, he's as miserable as sin most of the time and he is like Leanne's lapdog. He doesn't have his own mind, he just follows Leanne's orders. It's pathetic.
Enders is on the fast track to the dump...actors jumping ship all over the place..the storylines have been repeated to death..actors taking 6 months off and coming back only to have their plots re-started over and over again..it's just a plain nasty piece of work IMO and if the Corrie producers were smart, they'd take a page from that book and give us back the Corrie we all love and miss. Stella et all have to be sent packing. Tracy Barlow has to be made to pay for the murder of Charlie Stubbs...Gary is a wasted character and Steve has been turned into Jo Jo the idiot boy. Get a new family in there already...The Webster clan can hit the bricks too IMO. If Kevin Webster or Ken Barlow did not return, I wouldn't miss either one.
Anon at 20:01, I agree with your comments completely. I stopped watching Eastenders when I found I only liked 1 or 2 characters the rest of them are a nasty bunch. I haven't missed Kevin whatsoever I was never particularly fond of his character at anytime. I'm watching here in Canada and we have been Gail-free for a couple of weeks which I've enjoyed but on the other hand we've been Stellaed and Fayed to death and have not enjoyed that. I've been a fan for 30 years and am getting bored with the repetitive storylines. Surely to God Karl will not get away with murder! However on Emmerdale someone has also murdered two people and so far appears to getting away with it. Unbelievable! I really hope Mr. Blackburn pumps some new life in our beloved soap before we lose more viewers.
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