Written by Julie Jones, directed by David Kester.
This episode continues right where Monday's left off. We're at the prison, and Fiz is notably upset for having turned down John on their wedding day. As she sits and sobs outside, she decides to get into a taxi to go home. Just as she does, she sees a familiar car (the Woody) roll down the way and realizes that it's Chesney and the Croppers there to save her day. She manages to get the wedding back on track, and is officially Mrs. John Stape. On her return to the street, the factory girls, the Windasses and Kirk have planned a little celebration for her. Not exactly what she had in mind for her wedding night, but it'll have to do. Later, she ends up in tears when the realization that she's spending her wedding night alone, with her newly betrothed still behind bars. No woman should cry on her wedding night. What'd I say? It'll all end in tears.
Trouble at the mill, when Luke informs the factory girls that he has fired Rosie Webster. Only for Rosie to march back in and set him straight by telling him that he can't fire her, and she's not going anywhere. Rosie threatens to take her case to the tribunal and accuses him of humping her, then dumping her for her money. It really doesn't look good for Luke, and he knows it. Also, it is sorta the truth. Rosie might be vapid, but she sure can be clever! If only she used her powers for good. Was anyone wondering where Tony was during all of this? Erm, actually maybe I don't want to know.
Speaking of devious, Dev's plans seem to have worked since Darryl has dumped Amber for the cash prize. Dev tries to console Amber and tells her to go back to Uni and forget about Darryl. Amber thinks that Darryl has dumped her for unselfish reasons, and that he doesn't want her to quit Uni for him, thus protecting her future. On Molly's insistence, Amber heads over to the kebab shop to talk to him about it and to change his mind. Only, she's intercepted by Theresa who can't but wait to inform her that Darryl took her father's bribe over her. Well, this doesn't go over well, and Amber washes her hands of both the men in her life. After some cutting words to her father, she's off.
Tyrone tells Molly he's got a surprise for her back home, something to do with stripping. It's not what you think however. Molly comes home to find Tyrone stripping the wallpaper off the walls. He knows she wanted a change so he decided to give the place a makeover for her. How sweet. This couple really gets on so well. I can't for the life of me understand why they can't just be happy without the little bit (Kevin) on the side. Can you? How unnatural.
- Chesney standing by his sister's side at her wedding, eventhough he doesn't agree with the decisions she's making. He's a very mature lad.
- John's prison guard's amateur wedding photography! It was funny.
- Fiz's friends throwing her a wedding party. It was very thoughtful. How can you not love Fiz?
- Luke trying to fire Rosie, but Rosie telling him where to shove it. She's got gumption!
- Tyrone fixing up the house for Molly. He's just the sweetest thing, isn't he? I think Tyrone should leave Molly for Natasha. They'd be perfect together. Not a brain cell between 'em, but then, ignorance is bliss!
- Fiz crying on her wedding night. How disappointing.
- Rosie manipulating Luke by using the sexual harassment card. I liked what she did, but it wasn't ethical! Of course, what he did wasn't either. Two wrongs don't make a right, just a fight.
- Darryl taking Dev's money over Amber. How insulting!
- Amber's harsh words to her father. He was being a jerk, but she was still very harsh with him.
- Theresa stirring the pot by telling Amber about the money. She can be one rotten so-and-so.
For those who enjoy the scenic route, check out the full review scene-by-scene here.
1 comment:
In defense of Darryl I think he took the money because Dev had more or less said to him if he loved Amber he would set he free and £500 to a skint young lad must be too irresitible.
I am getting fed up with this Stape business now, the once feisty and great character of Fiz has been changed to an annoying s whiney cry baby,full of self pity.
I actually thought Rosie was great when she put Luke in his place. "I am only a teen" - LOL. What has happened to Luke, he started off with such promise, winding Tony up and with a bit of an edge, now he is just a bit of a cretin.
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