Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Hayley Cropper - the runaway bride
There's some new, brilliant pictures showing Hayley chasing a steam train on a railway pump trolley - powered by Becky and Fiz! Have a look here.
There's loads more pictures from the wedding here.
State of the Street for June
It's all in the State of the Street for June. Read more about it here.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Corrie Spoiler: Nick declares his love for Leanne
Ben Price, who plays NuNick, tells Inside Soap that Natasha's jealousy over Nick's attention to Leanne blows up and she tells Nick that Leanne once worked as a hooker. Now, how would she know?
Natasha's news doesn't have the effect on Nick she was hoping for, however, and Nick and Leanne grow closer with Nick admitting he's still in love with the ex-prossie, ex-druggie that he once forced into having an abortion. What Leanne makes of all this remains to be seen but if I were her, I'd run away fast.
See also: Leanne and the truth about nasty Nick
Coronation Street schedule for next week
Sunday 4 July at 8.30pm
Monday 5 July at 7.30pm and 8.30pm
Thursday 8 July at 8.30pm
Friday 9 July at 7.30pm and 8.30pm
Corrie fan wanted for 'Come Dine With Me'
They're looking for someone who loves cooking, entertaining and the chance to win £1000!
If you're interested, email Come Dine With Me.
Vote for Corrie! TV Choice Awards 2010 shortlist now open
Nominations from Corrie are as follows:
Simon Gregson - best actor - Steve McDonald
Katherine Kelly - best actress - Becky McDonald
Ben Price - best soap newcomer - NuNick Tilsley
Coronation Street as Best Soap
Tony's reign of terror for Best Soap Storyline
Make your vote count for Coronation Street, here.
Chuffing Corrie - Street wedding goes full steam ahead
The train used was the Lancashire Fusilier steam train which runs between Bury and Ramsbottom, Lancashire.
There's some truly wonderful paparazzi pictures online here.
See more behind-the-scenes pictures from Roy and Hayley's wedding here.
Molly Dobbs to be killed off
Not just that, but the paper also says that Sally Webster will be left looking after Molly and Kev's baby as the couple take in the child after Molly's death. By 'eck, up the barmcake, etc.
Casting for Florizel Street announced
One of the biggest pair of high heels to fill are those of Pat Phoenix (Elsie Tanner) and it seems that Jessie Wallace, lately of EastEnders' Kat Slater fame, is going to fill them.
Lynda Baron is going to fill Violet Carson's Ena Sharples hairnet and Celia Imrie is set to play Doris Speed who we know as Annie Walker.
I'm a bit dubious about Jessie's casting but she does seem to be a good actress. With the right sort of red wig and early 60s clothes, she just might nail it.
John Thomson, who played Corrie's Jesse Chadwick, is also set to appear in the show. And Antony Cotton's mum, actress Enid Dunn, has landed a part in the show too.
Florizel Street will be on BBC 4 later this year. I'm looking forward to it!
Monday, 28 June 2010
A truly awful Corrie moment
'Weatherfield's Fairest Barmaid' competition
Anyway, the official Corrie website at ITV have a gallery of some, but by no means all, of the most notable barmaids who've pulled pints at the Rovers Return.
And just for our blogger Sunny Jim, here's his favourite Corrie woman, Suzie Birchall, when she worked behind the bar at the Rovers.
Nick Tilsley - snog him or slap him?
271 votes were cast and a whopping 83% of the votes were from those wanting to give Nick a good slap!
Obviously, we're not, er, condoning violence here on the fan blog. I think we'll leave that to Peter Barlow when he finds out that Leanne and Nick might get back together...
Corrie's Eddie Windass in charity bedpush on Saturday 3 July
The organisers aim to raise money and awareness for the Soteria Network, which provides an alternative and compassionate approach to mental distress.
Steve says: “The Soteria Network is one of the most exciting movements happening in mental health care in Bradford or even the UK at present. It's an honour to be asked to be part of this pioneering group. I only hope more people can contribute to making it happen. Come and help push the bed with me and the others on Saturday 3rd July.”
Helen Worth saves the dolphins
The Sun reports that Helen, a patron of wildlife charity Born Free, is campaigning to have the dolphins freed from an 11 by 22-metre pool at a shabby "holiday attraction" in the hope customers would pay £50 to swim with them.
Corrie art exhibition opens in London
The artist Rosalind Freeborn is exhibiting her collection of Corrie portraits made of paper collages at the Sable D'or Patisserie, 249 Muswell Hill Broadway, London, N10 until the end of July.
Have a look at the artist's website and why not visit the exhibition while it runs? (I live close by and will be popping up this weekend). All of the paper collages are available for sale too.
Read more in The Independent
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Would David really attack Tina?
They're calling it a "rape plot" but they don't actually say he rapes Tina though it's implied. On one hand, you can see how this might happen, with David so filled with rage but on the other hand, I can't see how the character would have any future in the show if it did happen.
It's one thing to have a non-permanent character be involved, like the rape of Toyah Battersby by an acquaintance back in 2001. But for a long term character like David to do it would utterly ruin the character and he's very popular with viewers. He's done a lot of bad stuff but this would be the worst if he goes through with it. Perhaps it's a red herring, perhaps it will be a near thing, but if they do this, I think a lot of people might just turn off the show. This might fly on EastEnders, but Coronation Street fans won't have it.
Coronation Street weekly awards, June 21 to 25
Addicted to danger award: Gold Star: John Stape. Idiot. Selfish idiot.
Silver: Graeme. The love of a good woman. Was it worth the rage of a former best friend?
Another sucker to wind up award: Gold Star: Nick. Last week it was Peter, this week it's Jason.
The Twilight Zone award: Chesney looked like Fiz was losing her mind saying Charlotte, one of his ex teachers, was her good friend.
Cheshire Cat award: Red heart star: Graeme keeps cancelling things to keep company with Tina and didn't it turn out well! Well sort of. He gained a girlfriend and lost a best friend.
Who peed in your cornflakes award: Gold Star: Michelle and her jealous attitude toward Ciaran.
Lines of the Week:
Graeme: Just spreading a little joy, Noz!
Eileen to Jason "Seems like she dumps you every other week."
Fiz to John about Charlotte "She knows our secret, she's got a big mouth and she fancies you!"
Ciaran about Michelle "She knows how to blow!"
Deirdre "When you're public enemy number 1 like we are round here at the moment, you develop a seige mentality."
David "She's destroyed us, like she's destroyed everything she comes in contact with" (so why do you still call her "My Tina"?)
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Natasha in an abortion storyline?
If it plays out as the news article is saying, he tells her it's finished on the day she is going to tell him about the pregnancy and he utterly rejects her, assuming it's a trick to keep him. Obviously, Natasha is heartbroken and she feels she has no choice but to get an abortion. Nick must be feeling very deja vu, don't you think? The Sun repeats the rumour that Natasha will end up committing suicide in the wake of all this but producer Phil Collinson has also said that we shouldn't believe everything we read in the papers.
In my world, I would like her to change her mind about the termination and do a Lucy Barlow, leaving Nick knowing he's got a child out there somewhere that he will never know. ITV are promising us a big, dramatic exit for Natasha so who knows what's actually going to happen at this point? Stay tuned!
Friday, 25 June 2010
The Good Listener: Thu Jun 24, 2010 Corrie Episode Review
Written by Mark Wadlow and directed by Duncan Foster
Graeme wakes up in the morning to a very UNfamiliar setting: in bed with Tina, after a little late-night rumpy-pumpy. I’m sure he’s fully expecting Tina to wake up with a look of horror on her face, but that’s not what he gets. Despite what he thinks, Tina slept with him because she likes him. Graeme tries to tell Tina that the two of them together would be impossible and that it’s doomed, but she doesn’t care about anything but herself as usual. Tina and Graeme agree: she tells Jason, while he tells David. Somehow, I feel like Graeme got the short end of the stick. Graeme might be scared to tell David, but that doesn’t stop him from thanking god and picking Norris up in a bear hug after he leaves Tina.
Ashley notices that Graeme’s in a good mood at work and figures he must be on drugs, to which Graeme assures him he’s not. David comes in and notices Graeme’s chipper mood as well and asks if he got lucky at the speed dating. Both Ashley and David think that Graeme got lucky, since he never came home. Graeme gets really tense when his mates hassle him and tells David to get out if he’s not buying anything. When David leaves, Graeme tells Ashley about who he spend the night with. Ashley thinks this is all very entertaining, as do I. Graeme leaves the butchers immediately, as he’s got an idea. Uh oh.
At Gail’s, Graeme is waiting behind the stairs with a blanket and as David walks near, he throws the blanket over David’s head and screams. Why he screams, I have no idea. Who knew that chenille could be so threatening. Graeme handcuffs David to the radiator and takes the blanket off his head. Maybe this is what Jack P. Shepherd’s girlfriend should have done? David wants to know what’s going on and Graeme says that he needed him to be restrained when he tells him who he’s seeing. When Graeme tells him that he’s been seeing Tina, David goes crazy-face and Graeme screams like a school girl! Graeme wants David to accept them, and move on. David is frothing at the mouth however. Prisoner David calms down and tries to crack a deal with his captor: dump her, and free me, and there’ll be no more said about it. David says that Tina has destroyed them just like she destroys everything she comes into contact with. Graeme just gets up and leaves David chained to the radiator.
He arrives at Tina’s flat and asks if she spoke to Jason. Tina tells him that Jason wasn’t in, so she was going to go back around later. Graeme tells her about David, but makes it sound a lot rosier than it is. Meanwhile, you could hear the dragging of a radiator against cobbles outside the flat like some kind of horror movie. David finds a rock and throws it up at the flat window breaking the window pane. They look outside to see David with the radiator chained to his arm screaming “traitor! whore!” at them from the street. They come outside and David tries his best (it’s pathetic) to throw the radiator at them but only ends up crushing himself. Jason comes out of the corner shop with a load of cans and asks why David’s handcuffed to a radiator. David, of course, tells Jason why. Jason can hardly believe it, and as Tina stammers that she tried to tell him, but Jason’s mad. Jason is hack-sawing David’s cuffs off, and David thinks that they’d been having their affair for a long time and in Jason’s bed. Jason wants to beat the crap out of Graeme but David’s got a better idea.
Trouble in paradise for Graeme and Tina as Jason accuses her of making a fool of him then says that it’s time he looked out for number one. They get to the flat and realize that Jason changed the locks on it. She freaks out that Jason can’t just evict her. Erm, he couldn’t if you were a tenant paying RENT, which you aren’t. Try squatter’s rights instead, honey. Graeme doubts that “radiator boy” will welcome him back with open arms either. What will this new, newly homeless couple do now?
John tells Fiz not to be so worried after seeing the look on her face in the morning. When HASN’T she had that worried face on every since she met this idiot? Fiz isn’t happy with either of the men in her life at the moment. She’s still not positive about Chesney quitting school in favour or working at the market. Rightfully so, heaven forbid his life turn out as disastrous as her is at this very moment. Chesney tries to tell Fiz about the good parts of his job, but can feel that she thinks he’s throwing his life away. Fiz figures that if Chesney’s making more money than her, it’s only fair that he start paying rent. Oh, the old rent threat, that got me out of the house at 18! Chesney agrees to pay the bills, but he thinks that Fiz is only doing it to get back at him. Fiz says she wants a hundred quid a week and Chesney thinks that’s a lot. Fiz also tells Chesney that he can do all his own shopping, ironing and cleaning. Welcome to the real world. It sucks, don’t it?
Looks like Speed Dating Night really paid off for the Rovers bottom-line, as Liz wants Ciaran to organize some more theme nights to bring in the same kind of business. Ciaran tells this to Michelle who couldn’t give two, since she’s mad at him for kissing some woman at the event night. She calls his events tacky and that all they consist of is him, slappers and booze to which he says “bring it on!” Ciaran can’t let Michelle’s moody little attitude towards him alone, so he tells her he was only trying to inject a little fun into things. Michelle doesn’t know the meaning of fun, someone should have sent him the memo. Michelle confronts him about having his tongue down some lass’s throat and he finally figures she’s jealous. Ciaran says he’d change his shameful ways in a second if she’d go on a date with him (no, he wouldn’t), but she won’t. Wow, doesn’t his charm work wonders? Wouldn’t have worked on me. Maybe.
Lewis stops by the bookies, saying he’s not usually a betting man (b*tch, please) and that he’d be lured in. Deirdre asks after Audrey and Lewis notes the hostility in her voice. Deirdre points out the fact that Audrey isn’t too happy with the Barlows after what Tracy did. Oh, Lewis something tells me Lewis isn’t a man who takes sides. Deirdre pours her heart out to Lewis about Tracy, similar to how Audrey did about Gail early in their “relationship.” Lewis tells Deirdre that he’s an exceptionally good listener. Sheesh, no wonder Lewis gets paid for this, who would want to listen to Deirdre (or even Audrey for that matter) just witter on about their same old problems? Isn’t this what girlfriends are for? Or, empty bottles?
Speaking of empty bottles, Deirdre bumps into Lewis in the Rovers later as they’re both waiting for their significant others to show up. Deirdre offers to buy Lewis a drink after drowning him in her life story earlier that day. Deirdre is still curious as to what Lewis’s last job was that required him to be a good listener. Ken shows up after he left the library because a compulsive cougher stopped him from concentrating. Yeah, that compulsive cougher? That was me, I just wanted your chair. Audrey shows up with her stiff upper lip in tow, and Lewis tries to play peacemaker. Ken offers to invite Audrey and Lewis around for dinner to clear the air. Is he hoping that Deirdre’s cheese straws will do the trick? I dunno, he better get Eddie to bake a cake instead. Audrey and Ken both leave the Rovers, as they have more interesting things to do, and Lewis and Deirdre stay behind: how convenient. Deirdre grills Lewis for what he used to do for a living. He tells her he was a male escort, and that’s how he and Audrey met. Deirdre can hardly believe it, but then remembers the little show they had put on in the Rovers a while back. Deirdre says it’s a pity that he threw in the towel, since it’s her birthday soon and she could have booked him. Audrey wants to know all about his male escorting career.
- Chesney telling John, “You’re Fired!” a la Donald Trump when he tries to support Ches’ market selling. If only it were that easy.
- Ciaran to Michelle: “Liz wants me to come up with some more ideas for theme nights.” Michelle: “’Cept they’ll all be based around the same theme of you, slappers and booze.” Ciaran: “Bring it on!” Haha. What’s Michelle so angry about, she’ll fit right in on those theme nights!
- Graeme picking Norris up in a bear hug in joy after he leaves Tina’s.
- Ashley’s maniacal laugh when Graeme tells him who he spent the night with. Ha-ha…ha-ha…hahahahaha.
- Graeme’s school-girl scream after he tells David that he’s been with Tina and David goes crazy!
- David for telling it like it is about Tina: “She destroyed us, like she destroys everything she comes into contact with.” It almost does seem like she’s only trying to make David mad sometimes. Look who she chooses: Jason (his ex-brother-in-law), Nick (his brother), and now Graeme (his best friend). Are she and Gail going to enter into a lesbian relationship next?
- I laughed so hard at how David couldn’t lift the radiator and almost crushed himself with it. Haha.
- Tina not really caring about Graeme’s concerns for his personal safety once David and Jason get wind of it. Remember this, Graeme. She probably hogs the blanket too.
- I know that Graeme never gets girls and all, but he really shouldn’t have gone after his best friend’s ex-girl. Isn’t that in a guy-code somewhere? I know it’s girl-code. If Graeme’d only left the night before as a “one off” everyone would have been the better for it. I don’t feel SORRY for David, in any way, but still, Graeme should have stayed away from it.
- Tina freaking out that Jason can’t just evict her. Erm, he couldn’t if you were a tenant paying RENT, which you aren’t. Try squatter’s rights instead, honey.
- That caddish, caddish Lewis! I really hope Audrey isn’t falling for his charm anymore!
Coronation Street Quest - Friday Quiz - June 25
Coronation Street Quest is a new board game coming out soon. Find out more about it here.
1. How did Jerry Booth cause a stir at Dennis and Jenny Tanner’s wedding reception?
a. He spilt a drink over the bride b. He gave a stern speech c. He made a drunken pass at Lucille Hewitt
2. Who won a date with Mike Baldwin in a charity raffle in 1980?
a. Hilda Ogden b. Renee Roberts c. Annie Walker
3. In 2000, who was used by factory machinist Gwen Loveday to pay off her huge debts?
a. Jim McDonald b. Les Battersby c. Gary Mallett
4. What was placed in the gap created by the collapse of one of the Street’s houses in 1965?
a. A skip b. A statue c. A bench
To find out more about the Coronation Street Quest board game, have a look here.
Spot the Corrie Prop - June 25, 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Pics: Roy and Hayley's wedding scoop!
Becky is Hayley's bridesmaid and she's covered in oil! The Daily Mail is pointing the finger at Mad Mary Taylor, Hayley's self-appointed wedding planner. We saw the start of this last week when Mary lent Hayley her wedding scrapbook. We will, in coming weeks, see Mary latch on to Hayley to live her dreams through our heroine. Julie Hesmondhalgh herself has hinted that Mary is about to become obsessed with Hayley's wedding.
Have a look at the photos. I really like Hayley's wedding dress! It's really lovely! Her first wedding dress in 1999 was nice too, but this is more sophisticated and suited to her as she has evolved over the past 11 years. Two thumbs up from this Coronation Street blogger and I am really looking forward to this storyline!
There's loads more wedding pictures here, a good slide show here and more pictures here.
Michelle Keegan and Craig Gazey glam up for charity night
Corrie characters gone AWOL
The first is Gail's dad, Ted Page. We know the actor has been doing this so he's been unavailable for filming in Corrie, but still, what with the court case and Gail in jail, you'd've thought he would at least have been mentioned. Does NuNick even know he's got a grandad?
And where's Aunty Pam with her knock-off ham?
Any more characters that you're missing?
Coronation Street schedule changes for week of June 28
Maggie Jones leaves more than £1m in her will
Anne Kirkbride collapses on the cobbles
The Mirror says that Anne, who was 56 this week, had a pillow placed under her head as staff dabbed water over her face to bring her round. A Street spokeswoman said her problems were caused by heat.
Sophie and Sian's folks try to split them up
And the paper says it's Kevin Webster who's the most unhappy about his daughter's new relationship. I wonder how Sally will take it?
We know that Rosie finds out soon too.
Sneak Preview of next week's Corrie, June 28 - July 2
Week of Monday 28 June to Friday 2 July
Jason throws Tina’s clothes on the cobbles, Graeme takes Tina for a rickshaw ride, Mary offers Hayley her wedding dress, ‘Fairest Weatherfield barmaid’ competition begins, Lloyd looks after Cheryl when he finds her black and blue and Nick pulls off the pants order.
The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures, is right here on
Missed last week's Corrie?
Catch up with the Coronation Street weekly updates.
Steve McDonald gurn of the week, June 24 2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Corrie ladies to star in BBC comedy
Charlotte, the Madness Continues
She's man-mad (or at least, mad for Stape), she's totally off the wall, she's dressed like she walked through a market stall explosion and I have a very odd feeling about her....something related to the upcoming storyline to do with the return of Colin Fishwick.
Read all about it over here.
Michelle in the factory?
One in particular caught my eye..."We'll be putting Kym Ryder in the factory, running it with Carla." Wha??? I'm sorry, but Michelle running the factory with Carla? What will Michelle's role be? Charm the buyers into contracts? Model the lingerie? (size XL-DD on top!) Carla had better be careful, I think Michelle is better at pulling...pints, than running a business. Does that sound bitchy? I apologise. But it seems a bit ludicrous.
I can't wait to hear Rosie Webster's withering opinion about it! ;)
Vera Duckworth's ghost to haunt Coronation Street
Vera, will apparantly reappear before Jack finally leaves the cobbles. The paper says that Corrie are developing a story that sees Vera's spirit come back to Weatherfield to chat to Jack before he leaves in December.
Corrie's 50th will be: "Corrie like you've never seen it before."
Interestingly he says that for Coronation Street's 50th anniversay, there's going to be a huge storyline that'll "be Corrie like you've never seen it before."
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Ken Barlow's secrets set to be exposed
Well, Digital Spy now have a video of William Roache where he reavels that either Linus or James (or both?) will be playing Ken's long-lost son - with a grandson - turning up on the Street.
Ooh, I wonder which of Ken's trillion girlfriends the long-lost son's mother will be?
Watch William Roache on video on Digital Spy.
My Fantasy Corrie Cast
Not the ones who appeared when they were still unknowns, like Joanna Lumley - I mean well-established faces, such as Sir Ian McKellen, Andrew Sachs, Nigel Havers, Anthony Valentine, and so forth. And I was also thinking about those who have expressed a wish to appear, such as Julie Walters and Joanna Lumley.
How do the producers decide who will "blend in", as a character rather than a famous face, and who will not? It must be pretty difficult with the bigger stars. Ian McKellen was great - he really did seem to be "Mel Hutchwright". I didn't really find myself thinking "Oh, there's Ian McKellen." Now there's quality.
Why have I used this picture? well, Frances de la Tour and Richard Griffiths are two actors I'd love to see in Corrie - and they are so good, I'm certain they'd "fit in" in the Rovers. Other members of my "fantasy cast" would be Leonard Rossiter and Christopher Cazenove. Okay, both have sadly left us now, but hey. I think Richard E. Grant could be good, and also, Kate O'Mara, Kylie Minogue and Pamela Anderson - though how you'd get Kylie and Pammie to "blend in" is beyond me.
Ken Shamed
Kylie joins Corrie
A show source revealed: "Despite only sharing their mother's blood, Kylie's every bit as full-on as Becky ever knew how to be. Kylie has all the characteristics of the Becky we've seen glimpses of over the years - it's like holding up an age-defying mirror. It doesn't take her long to set her sights on Irish barman Ciaran, either. She's a little firecracker, definitely one to watch!"
Paula began filming as Kylie at Corrie last week and she'll make her screen debut in August. But who will play her son (and Becky's nephew)?
Tread Carefully: Thu Jun 17 & Sun Jun 20, 2010 Corrie Episode Review
Apologies for the combined reviews, but it’s holiday season on the weekends now that summer’s here!
Written by Jonathan Harvey (Thu) and Joe Turner (Sun), directed by Duncan Foster
Fiz tries to meet with John to discuss Chesney and his marketplace antics, but John has bigger fish to fry, er, Fishwick. That fish, Charlotte, arrives on Coronation Street, somewhat overly dressed, looking for him. Charlotte has a nasty run-in with Rosie Webster and names such as “weirdo,” and “Dozy Plebster.” Rosie sees that Charlotte is on the street to meet John and figures the two of them were made for each other. Charlotte tells John that she’s got news for him, and that they should discuss it in the Rovers. Charlotte says they need to discuss their mutual friend, and John actually asks “which one?” Why Ned, down at the bus station, that’s who! Idiot. Charlotte tells John that Colin Fishwick is coming home from sunny Canada. Meanwhile, Fiz is waiting for John in the cafe to discuss Chesney’s errant behaviour. She’s not at a loss, for Roy has lent her The Peloponnesian War to read – much to her delight - while she’s waiting for John as he’s held up at “work.” I believe that somehow John has found him in Lewis’s line of work, and not by choice. While Fiz is pretending to be interested in Ancient Greece, John is pretending to be interested in Ancient Grease in the Rovers, and neither of them are doing too well!
At the Rovers, John demands to know what Colin has told her. Turns out he hasn’t told her anything, and she’s only just gone and stalked Colin’s Facebook page and seen that his status was “missing his friends and finding Canada quite austere.” Now that sounds more like the Canada I know and love. Course she’s told him this AFTER she’s downed a couple of glasses of red. It’s clear that Charlotte’s taking advantage of her situation. Back at the cafe, Fiz tells Roy about her problems with Chesney. The Rosie “Diva’ Webster comes in and asks for a black coffee – since she’s not doing dairy today. Rosie tells Fiz all about John and Charlotte “Church” (since she gets busy on a Sunday) going into the Rovers earlier. Fiz confronts John and Charlotte in the Rovers and Charlotte tells her that it was so good to see “Johnny Boy” the other day so she thought she’d get her claws into him again. Fiz clearly isn’t happy seeing “odd” Charlotte with her Johnny Boy. She gets even more upset when she finds that Charlotte knows all about her husband’s “alter-ego.” Fiz is right mad and yells at Charlotte Church to keep quiet and yells at John for being so stupid. Fiz leaves the pub and leaves Juan right where Charlotte wants him – all to herself.
Jason’s back to being his usual unexciting self, and Tina’s looking like she’s sliding back into her old life. Tina seems a lot more interested in Graeme than she does with Jason, and why are we not surprised? I’d personally take a Graeme over a Jason any day! Tina goes over to the butchers to flirt with talk about girly films with Graeme. Later, Rita wants to know what’s wrong with Tina, since she’s clearly upset about something. Rita figures that this kind of upset has something to do with a relationship issue. Not problem, issue. Tina sobs in Rita’s arms telling her that she’s not sure if she loves Jason. Especially since Jason reminds her of so much to do with her Dad. I don’t see it. Tina goes home and does what anyone would do in her situation – sit in the dark with a look on her face until Jason comes home. When he arrives home, she dumps him – yet again. Awe, poor Jason, he’s really been having bad luck lately.
Looks like Nick’s little under-operation is going well now that he’s got the premises. It looks like he isn’t going to be a boss like Carla, since he seems quite appreciative and even accommodating (Julie’s headphones), much to everyone’s (especially Hayley’s) surprise. Let’s see how long this lasts.
Peter tries his best to apologize to Leanne for the way he’s been acting, and his best isn’t good enough. At least not yet. Peter tells his dad about how he wants to shut down Nick’s little operation in Turner’s Joinery and Ken tells him to tread carefully. Ken also warns Peter not to mess things up with Leanne.
Lloyd’s been avoiding Cheryl, that’s CHeryl, not Sh-eryl, as she pointed out to Steve who could give a monkey’s. Cheryl looks for Lloyd in the Rovers but only gets hit on by Ciaran, then leaves. What could she want from Lloyd now? Later, Cheryl has drinks with Leanne at the bookie flat and Leanne suspects that Cheryl has a thing for our Lloyd. The girls move onto the Rovers, where Peter apologizes to Leanne again only this time she accepts.
At the Rovers, Ciaran’s still chatting up Mammy Connor on the phone, much to Michelle’s annoyance. Ciaran says that Mammy’s got a sexy voice, and Michelle says he repulses her and they both walk away with a smirk.
At home, on Sunday, Fiz tells John that he needs to quit his job now so that she never has to hear the works “Colin” and “Fishwick” again! Me and all! Charlotte comes to see Fiz at her house. Charlotte tells Fiz that if John needs help with his secret identity, she can help. I bet Fiz doesn’t hear that every day. Charlotte leaves when John arrives telling Fiz not to be so worried since everything’ll be fine. Fiz is just shaking her head and I’m hoping she’s thinking “why did I marry this idiot?” But she’s probably not. Fiz tells John that Charlotte is totally insane and their lives are in the hands of a lunatic. Fiz begs John yet again to go back to being John Stape, but we all know that John does whatever John does. He uses the fact that Fiz’s job is on the line as leverage to continue his lunacy. John figures that Charlotte will just get bored very quickly and just go away. Why doesn’t he introduce her to Lewis Archer?
On Sunday, Jason angrily packs his bags at the flat to move back in with mum. Tina wants to stay in the flat before they sell it – just for a bit before she finds herself another place. Jason isn’t up for talking to her and pushes her out of the way while he’s packing. Jason leaves the flat and spots Nick outside working on Turner’s and assumes that he’s been seeing Tina and accuses him of just that before grabbing him by the collar.
Elsewhere, Graeme’s got his ticket ready and is prepared to meet the woman of his dreams at Speed Dating night in the Rovers. Graeme practices his lady-talking skills on Ashley, and Ashley isn’t going home with him after. Tina comes by to have a proper chat with Graeme and tells him that she’s broken it off with Jason. She asks Graeme if he’s busy tonight and if he wants to come over to hers since she wants to use him as an emotional punching bag talk. She wants to meet at 7pm, which is right when Speed Dating starts, but Graeme cringes and agrees to meet her anyway. Tina’s expecting Graeme, but in walks Eileen who gives Tina a piece of her mind, defending her valiant son as usual. She tells Tina that she wants her to stay away from Jason after breaking his heart twice. Also, she’s to move out of the flat ASAP so that Jason can sell it.
Graeme is done up in his best dress for a night of amazement. I don’t know what Graeme was expecting when he got to Tina’s but he got same old sob-on-the- couch Tina, only this time with more cleavage. She whines on about what a horrible person she is, and Graeme tells her she isn’t. Tina feels bad, or thinks she should feel bad, about using Jason. She notices that Graeme looks nice, and he even brought soup. Tina witters on as Graeme continues to check his watch and she gets angry about it figuring that she bores him. He tells her how he was supposed to go to Speed Dating that evening. Tina figures that’s why he’s dressed up. Way to go, detective McIntyre. Of course, Tina gets even more mad than before at him. Tina actually accuses Graeme of being selfish and he puts her in her place – wherever that is. Tina grabs him and snogs him before he goes out the door in a very cheesy, awkward moment.
It’s finally Speed Dating night, what we’ve all been looking forward to. The Rovers is done up like Valentine’s Day in June! Ciaran asks Michelle if she’d be his partner that night for the Speed Dating event, but she gives him a firm and flirty “no.” Michelle accuses Ciaran of using the Speed Dating night to pull ladies for himself, but he says there’s only one lady he wants to go on a date with but she keeps turning him down. Is it Mammy Connor? Speed Dating has started and Michelle is in her tartiest outfit ever. Something I’m not even sure Rosie Webster would entertain, but never say never. Ciaran flirts it up with Michelle and Liz points this out to her. Liz says if Michelle doesn’t want Ciaran…but Michelle says she never said that! The ladies clink glasses to their romantic success potential for the night.
Shockingly enough, lots of lovely ladies did show up to Speed Dating night. Probably because Ciaran sold them all their tickets. These poor girls who have the pickings of Lloyd and Kirk. Me thinks that Michelle has a bit more of a thing for Ciaran than our boy thinks and goes out back to get him alone. Much to Michelle’s dismay she finds Ciaran snogging the face off of some Kylie-Minogue-look-a-like outside. Another one bites the dust, eh Michelle? Things aren’t going much better inside as Kirk is left speechless, then gets a slap by two different dates. Meanwhile, Janice and Julie are having their own fun at Speed Dating, but taking shots and making bets on the lovers shuffle. Cheryl shows up with Leanne and immediately spots Lloyd. Cheryl manages to sit across from Lloyd when the whistle is blown for them to shuffle to the next date. Cheryl apologizes to Lloyd for leading him on and asks him if he can still get those Oklahoma tickets. Lloyd’s certainly doing well for himself tonight!
- Charlotte to John: “You’re my main, John. My meat and two veg.”
- Is it just me, or would anyone else be really happy if Charlotte and John walked off into the sunset with each other? Preferably on a Sunday?
- Nick to his staff: “Good job, girls.” Izzy: “We’re not girls.” Janice: “I’m a laydeeee.”
- Graeme to Tina, “Yeah, I’ve got Athlete’s Foot. Which is weird, because I’m not an athlete.” and “Step inside my meaty boudoir!”
- Ken coming into the Kabin looking for magazines about serial killers for Deirdre, since it might remind her of Blanche. Love the continuity!
- Tina to Rita: “Well, go on then, you’re a woman of the world.” Rita: “Well, that’s one way of putting it!”
- Eileen singing Bohemian Rhapsody while hanging Jason’s pants out to dry.
- Graeme and Ashley mock “speed dating” in the butcher shop behind the counter.
- Graeme done up in his best putting on a Saturday Night Fever strut a la John Travolta, to “Stayin’ Alive” by the BeeGees!
- I didn’t think Charlotte’s outfit was so bad! Of course, this is fashion advice coming from Fiz and Rosie Webster. Heavens knows we’ve seen worse off the two of them.
- What’s with Charlotte harassing Rosie Webster, her ex-student? Isn’t there some kind of professional candour she’s supposed to uphold as a teacher? Playground stuff!
- Why does Leanne even keep wine at home, when Peter’s an alcoholic. A dry house would really help his cause. You can’t lose weight knowing that there’s licorice in the cupboard!
- Poor Jason, getting his heart broken – AGAIN. I worry about the next heart that Tina will break.
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